Urbana Citizen and Gazette from Urbana, Ohio (2024)

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Urbana Citizen and Gazettei

Urbana, Ohio

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3xzr znze the UJ At the lowest prices in the city go to GROCER NO 11 MONUMENT SQUARE URBANA OHIO ODDS AND ENDS at a A dvcrtisem*nis George New Grocery! EDGAR LEWIS mark downs i our ivwvv I dUlXv Samuel Room OR THE MONEY IVE noons SOUTH POST OICE South a i 11 St THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY GET ELSEWHERE ULL LINE of Twelve Dollars of CHICAGO LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY WEEKLY NEWS MOSES STADLER SON Oldest Clothing House MONUMENT SQUARE 30 31 SOMETHING ABOUT DRY GOODS PRICES UNPARALLELED! SAMPLE REE CHA RGE SYRUP BROMIDE CHLORAL RUSSELL BROS Upon the 13th day of March 1882 an order of will be asked for the sale cf sidu Offer Special Bargains Previous to Removal AT THE STATE CAPITAL Notice to Teachers CASH BUYERS many pluasing rei 'illeetions audakes some single niuht and cheapest Sold every The Democrats are having a terrible time with their prize the New York Legislature All efforts to come to an understanding have failed and the Assembly is still unorganized CO UJ Eight Dollars Ten Dollars debt bill has passed Tennessee Legislature MARK DOWNS BUY NOW 8150 162 75 81 50 One of the jurors in the Guiteau case lost $5000 on a business transaction because he was not allowed to communicate with his employes upon a matter with which he alone was informed the following premises situate in Champaign county Ohio and in the township oi Madriver and describ ed as follows: Commencing center of the pike at corner of land Columbus correspondents are beginning to wake up to the fact that investigations of some Mutual Insurance Companies that have begun to deal in graveyard insurance promise some lively reading Several have been named right out in meeting and as nothing booms so much as a boom it is very probable that developments will follow in rapid succession until the rottenness which has crept into the system and festered into actual crime in some instances shall have been laid bare giving an opportunity to leg islate the evils out of the system These companies should be required to publish their condition every year exhibiting the number of members in each class number of deaths in each class aggregate amount paid for deaths and the average on each Then we would hear less about the false and deceptivestatements of agents who continue nevertheless to hold their places in the com panics A number of bills are before the House among them to punish the drinker as well as the seller to close places where liquor whisky wine or beer is sold on Sunday anil three joint resolutions to amend the constitution None of them have so far been acted on though all of the bills have been placed in the hands of the Temperance Committee The delay has arisen from a desire of the chairman of the committee to get all the bills which may be presented so as to consider them together so far as they touch on the same points but mainly on ac count of the alfsence of two of the commit tee The bill passed the Senate and is now in the bands of the House for con sideration to bear mt ret an be secured by mortgage on the real estate st! The jury which investigated the Spuyten Duyvil disaster have returned a verdict holding the train hands the Super intendent and directors of the New York Cent'al Railroad responsible for theaccident and the awful loss of life And now will the matter rest there? NO 15 MONUMENT SQUARE URBANA OHIO April irst I will occupy the room now occupied by Bussell Bros No 25 North Main Street with a complete line of new Spring Goods and in order to reduce my stock preparatory to mov ing I will offer for the next SIXTY DAYS spe cial inducements in Dry Goods and at prices that will tell I have just opened a large line of Embroideries to which I invite special attention In Unequaled Variety Lateness of Style and Excellence of Workmanship at Closing Out Prices Is jour Great Opportunity to buy at an Advantage Our mark downs are in all cases Honest Bai gains tional crime in its extent and It is almost impossible to discover the crime or fix the person upon who the penalty should be visiter! Unlike other crimes the subject is the most anxious for its execu tion and all concerned willing for it to be done at first are bound by equal interest to the most profound secresy after the act The crime is debasing abhorent and is followed by an endless train of the most corrupting influences In the married the highest and best feelings are blunted and destroyed health undermined and the train laid for results steeped in crime and infamy In the unmarried the suggestion of the pos sibility of escaping the terrible punishment of an abandoned chastity ruins the soul a ruin none the less effectual because not known In every case clearly proved the author should be sought until found and punished with the severity the law allows The ax of the law should be laid at the root of every tree which has born such fruit regardless the name it lias had THE RAILROADS A number of bills are before both the Senate and House relating to railroads as to their responsibility for the indebtedness in curred by contractors and sub contractors interest in unused roadbed reduction of passenger rates to 2J cents per mile to re quire flagmen at street crossings to make plank fence instead of wire but the mammoth bill on railroads is that read in the Senate by Mr Brigham of ulton which is substantially a new deal The Railroad Committee of the Senate held a meeting on last Tuesday evening to consider its various sections but as it occupies some eighteen pages of 'printed matter they will hardly be able to make a report for eight or ten days The Committee will be more likely to report it back without special recommendation and place on the Committee of the Whole the determination of the question whether stringent and sweeping legislation is the proper thing to do Mr Brigham has been making the subject a study for years and will present an array of facts extortions and discriminations that will surprise those who have never given the subject any thought Many admit these ibut claim that Congress and not the State Legislature is the place to secure uniform and general leg We have a large and well selected stock of sea sonable goods at LOW PRICES consisting in part of the celebrated or Choice Teas ine Coffee Pure Sugar and Spices tern needed a ton'u and restorative medicine To do this work 1 1 ie Doctor prescriped avorite which sustained its ruputotion and laid a sure foundation of health Dr re moves ah impurities from the blood regn lates the Liver and Kidm vs Cures Will consult their interests by looking through our stock before purchasing STOP We make a specialty of WINDOW GLASS and have a full stock At the inquest upon the Spuyten Duyvil accident evidence was given by the conductor which points to a gang of drunken roystering members of the Legisla ture as the principals in the horrible affair ull of liquor and the Devil they are charg ed with having tampered with the air brake cord which brought the train to a stop Whether they did thus meddle with the cord is not fully made clear but no one denies that the crowd was very drunk and might have done such a thing Of such material can the Legislature of the great State of New York boast 1 bridal tour but stayed at home business at once No ex reg ets from absentees no an of presents in the newspapers forefathers enjoyed life Kingscreek Down in the corner of the garden is a little lobsof the other eye Total blindness tn a women having the care of a household is an irretrievable calamity In this strait Mrs applied to the well known and i 1 1 fit I Surgeon Dr David of Rondout who removed the injured eye by a very success ful operation ttine aside all danger of fur JOSEPH CH AM BERLIN eriff of countv Ohio pf2IOO 5w ow is the time to purchase no such an oppor tunity imty o1fcr again Only a few weeks until we move into new quarters THE NATIONAL CRIME If any yearly experience of the average physician were published for the inspection of the world society would stand aghast and shocked at th 3 number of eases in which the instincts of maternity are ignored and the physicians kalf implored in robbing an unborn life of its existence Not only do sinning women who have loved more un selfishly than chastely thus seek to hide their shame but others whose relations are such as to make child birth more holy and honorable than a queenly throne cowardly and cravenly shrink from the grandest of missions In spite of the law on our books which fixes an imprisonment of seven years or less THE CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS 13 everywhere recognized as a paper unsur passed in all the requirements of American Journalism It stands conspicuous among the metropolitan journals of the country as a complete Its Telegraphic Service comprises all the dispatches of the WesternAssociated Press and the National Associated Press besides a very extensive service of Special Telegrams from all im portant points As a IVrirspaper it has no superior It is INDEPENDENT in Politics presenting all Political News free from par tisan bias or coloring and absolutely with out fear or favor as to parties It is in the fullest sense a AMILY PAPER Each issue contains Several COMPLETED STORIES A SERIAL STORY of absorbing interest and a rich variety of condensed notes on ashions Art Industries Literature Science etc etc Its Market Quotations are complete and to be relied upon It is unsurpassed as an Enterprising Pure and Trustworthy GENERAL AM ILY NEWSPAPER Our special Clubbing terms" bring it within the reach of all Specimen copies may be seen at this office subscriptions to this office Silver Steel Cross Cut Saws LIGHTNING HAY KNIVES Sausage Sluffers and Grinders Lard Presses Knives and Steels Sleigh Bells Skates Table and Pocket Cutlery Aniunition Wagons Sleds Ac Neeessitatiny a Suryical Operation Loviny Mother Attempts to Take Pair of Shears from Iler Child Parents be Careful liny Country Produce for cash or trade at Highest Market Price armers citizens and public generally are invited to call Urbana Ohio Levi Snuttin administrator of the estate of Amos Snuflin dec first and final account Rebecca Mitchell guardian of Jas Me Mitchell third and final account and third account as guar dian of Cassius MC Mitchell Chas Mitchell and Li Grant Mitchell II Cory guardian of Cory first account Said accounts win come on for hearing on Mon day the 27th day of ebruary A 1882 and be continued from day to day until disposed of TODD Probate Judge Urbana eb 2 1882 Id CU 100 to west line of cuon thence on section hue north 4 vast 51 10u rods to ott Kites line: thviice south 57 10' cast 23 rods io beginning con taining 3 7 10 acres Also the fullowing tract of land situated in Con cord township Champaign county Ohio cominenu ing at southwest corner cf northeast quarter of sec tion 25 in township 4 range 12 running thence north 50 poles thvuce east 32 poles thence liar to emales Ir is for stile by all onrlruxKist at One Dollar a bottle jl2rnl Theatrical managers not to a foundry to cast a play We have not yet heard of a ease of colds coughs throa or chest complaint hat has not yielded to Cough jl2ml Domestic accidents are common to women and some of them of them are very serious Mrs Warner of South Rondout Ulster Co Some weeks ago attempted to take from her child a pair of shears with which it was playing A slight struggle ensued in which the point of the shear rs entered Mrs left eye entirely destoying the sight Her family physician did what he could but intensely painful inflammation AND THS Urbana Citizen and Gazette OR $200 A YEAR Sole Agents for Champaign County OR THE Our legal system is in a manner vindi cated Ydder informs our State road assistant that he has one of the finest boys that ever came to Salem Owing to the sudden changes of weather and the protracted meeting Uncle Dick forgot to get off the train when it stop ped for him at Kingston last Thursday He got a good view of the country as he walked home from Kennard in the rain Brother Keyster was very much frightened a few evenings since when he discovered that he had arrived at home and left his family in the church Owing to the goodness of the sexton they were not turned out in the cold until Mr reclaimed them Archie Goods Delivered ree in the City Jan 12 1882 3m McLajp Editor and Proprietor URBANA OHIO: covfHURSDAY MORNING EB 2 1882 Groceries Provisions Canned Goods Tobacco and Ciyars Mechanicsburg Miss Celia Culbertson is one among thenumber whose vaccination became a serious matter Addison White the colored man known as is quite siek with but little hopes of his re covery During the war he took refuge here and was secreted by some of the citizens Since then he has always said the town owned him Charles Newman has been engaged to travel for a firm in Columbus fie leaves here this week Davis has rented the where he in tends removing his barber shop He also proposes to repair and put in order the house for the public again? The bar room of the Darby House is being remodeled Miss Mary Ralston the Illinois teacher who has been visiting the has returned to her home Dr Payne De a ware visited the High School 'rf this place on riday afternoon and rendered some practical and encouraging remarks Both the and MP hu relies are holding protracted meetings Col indley spoke in the Town HhII Weliiouliiv evening Some party broke a window sash and glass at the school house and entered the room of Miss A nine Mart in one night last week and stole a emaUy Bchool clock valued at about 50 centsLMrs? Jennie Callender of Springfield was'visiting her mother and I sister Mrs and Annie Baldwin of this I place onjrhursday and riday of last week (Jan uth) Edward Minturn heads the list and is yet living in the eastern part of the county Samuel Wilson was the father of our humorous friend Capt Miles Wilson of Urbana and lived many years near Spring bills His widow still survives Sylvanos Smith whose name appears so often as act ing justice was the father of Smith the surveyor and engineer Joseph Long fellow was a former citizen of Concord as well as a son of the senior Joseph Longfel low juice lived on the Hough farm but after went to Logan county just north of Springhills His first wife was a daughter of Parker Sullivan an early pioneer of this county He had a large fam ily some of them occupying very high places in society Jesse Phillips and wife are too well known to need any comment They are enjoying the comforts of home beyond the Ludlow among the Monocdon Hills Mr was once a resident of our township where his widowed mother married Philip Kenton Mr Phillips represented the county in the State Legislature in 1837 and He was then an old time Whig and is now among the few of the old Whig party who have cast their lot with and are willing to close up latest hours in the embrace of the Democratic party Call as I have done and you will find their home surrounded with all that makes life pleasant Andrew' McBeth was the father of Commissioner McBeth and James Mc Beth who now occupies the homestead in Salem township John Rock was our brother in law and removed to Iowa in 1844 and died a few years following He leaves one child Mrs John Gibbs of Shelby coun ty Thomas Beechem who married them was the regular pastor and a man of pecu liar temperament He died a few years ago at Xenia Ohio The name of Phineas Hunt appears among the early settlers of Salem township and this may be his second mar riage Major Hanco*ck was a prominent citizen of Harrison township though not known personally to me Thaddeus Bachusis up to the standard in quantity at least Timothy Terrel lived for many years near Salem church Harrison town ship and Isaiah uson who married Mr and wife was the father of our friend Win uson of Cable John and Thomas Hitt were citizens of Urbana Judging from the well known character of tlie men they appear to have Hitt the right name A Colwell was the father of II Colwell of Urbana and was a very prominent man of his day Joseph Woods was the father of Thos Woods chief clerk in the Re office and filled the office of justice of the peace for a long time Tims Reed and wife were ciizensof Johnson township and were married by Joseph Kizer father of Daniel and Philip Kizer of this township When Reed went after Mr Kizer to marry him he had gone to mill on horse back and barefooted but Reed followed him to mill and took him home with him bare footed as he was and thus the bride and groom came before him and were married How is this in contrast with a late mar riage at the church in Urbana where our friend Russell gave the bride away? Had the Doctor from Middletown came on the rostrum barefooted and every day clothes on (the Doctor has none of that kind) we think the degree of style would have diminished No ushers those days every one ushered himself or staved out No giving away of the bride by the father teygave themselves away and sometimes pretty badly too they always came together not separated as now no brocade en but in good linsey woolsey homespun and were usually mar ried iu the evening after supper went to not on a and began pressions of nouncement and yet our forefathers enjoyed What changes in almost every sphere of life This concludes the comment of the marriage record of 1827 by Specs Jr A PATRIARCH Writes: a firm steady hand (not a trembling one) though my age is nearly suffered tortures indescriable through dys pepsia indigestion and constipation I tried hundreds of remedies but all was money thrown away until I tried your bitters I give Burdock Blood Bitters the credit for making me strong an 1 Price $100 trial size 10 cents Sold by Anderson Go Brains cannot be measured be the siza of tne Head nor eloquence by the extent the mouth KIDNEY COMPLAINT CURED Turner Rochester writes nave been for over a year subject to serious disorder of the kidneys aud often unable to attend to business I procured your Bur dock Blood Bitters and was relieved before half a bottle was used I intend to continue as I feel confident that they will entirely cure Price $100 trial size 10 cents Sold by Anderson Co The mainspring of a actions is hid den from view as is the mainspring of a watch Use your own trains rather than those of others I Skin Diseases Cured By Dr Magic Ointment Cures as if by magic Pimples Black Heads of Grubs Blotches aid Eruptions on the face leaving the skin cear healthy and beautiful Also cures Itch Itch Salt Rheum Tetter Ringwcrrn Scald Head Chapped Hands Sore Nipples Sore Lips old obsti nate Ulcers aud sires SHN DISEASE Drake Esq of Cleveland suffered beyond all deseption from a skin disease which appeared his hands head and face and nearly destuyed his eyes The most careful doctorint failed to help him and after all had (died he used Dr Magic Ointmentand was cured bv a few ap plications first and only positive cure for skin diseases evr discovered Sent by mail in receipt of price 50 cents Heiry it Co Sole Cleveland or Blind Heeding Itching or Ulcerat ed Piles Dr Indian Pile Ointment is a sure cure Price $100 by mail or sale by mderson Co and McLain Co i ly patriotisn dying asks the Chi cago Inter Ocein sir not much it In places whtre there are no saloons it is sold in the dng stores true frienn A friend iq need is a friend indeed This none can den especially when assistance is rendered whin one is sorely alllitted with disease more particularly those complaints and weaknesies so common to our female population Svery woman should know that Electric Bitters are true friend and vill positively restore her to health even hen all other remedies fail A single trial ilways proves our assertion They are plessant to the taste and only cost fifty cents a hottie Sold by Ander son Co ly No2 Snodgrass jeartng a man boast that he and Daniel Webster once stopped over night at the same louse remarked ment for man A VTXED CLERGYMAN Een the patience of Job would become jexhausted were he st preacher and endeav oring to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant cough ng making it inpossible for him to be heard Yet how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr New Discovery for Consiiintion Coughs and Colds Trial Bottles givetaway at Anderson drugstore ly No2 The Galdestou News defines the difference between a watch and a pistol by saying that one is for lie and other for eternity No fear of bail smells vermin killer in the world where Strive to impress on children that the only disgrace attaching to honest work is the dis grace of doing it badly TERRIBLE ACCIDENT! A Suburban residence within a mile from Monu ment Square on which there is a fine brick build ing of ten rooms tine front yard well shaded and 15 acres of ground which there is an abundance of fruit of all kinds Also stable corn crib tine chicken house Ac This property is finely located and well worth the attention of any one seeking a good and pleasant home on favorable terms or terms Ac apply to SAXTON Agent Among the latest exchanges of real estate was the farm of Jonathan Yoder bought by Byler who will take possession April 1st Geo Sidders purchased the house and lot formerly owned by Dr Pratt also the Dod son property adjoiningjthe former lot on the north Chas Morgan left for Cincin nati last week to attend commercial college Miss Callie Blacky after a long illness and much suffering from consumption was called away from her many relatives and friends on last riday to enjoy that life where suffering and sorrow are unknown Her remains were followed to their last rest ing place at West Liberty last SabbathIt becomes our painful duty to record the death of one of our old and high Jy respected citizens Rev Gebinan who after about three months illness from kidney dis ease was called from our midst on fan 29 unerai sermon was preached by Rev A Deuel and his remains interred on Tuesday at Qak Pale Cemetery Urbana Ezra Westville MissOlley Varner of New Carlisle Ohio was visiting the Misses Modesit last Sab bath A discussion takes place between Rev Carlton a Universalist and Rev Pence of Topeka Kansas an Baptist at the Universalist Church commencing the 22d day of May What) the subject is we did not learn Harvey Kenton is still on the sick list James Nighswanger of Da kota Territory is visiting his relations in this vicl*ty after an absence of 24 years Samuel Kenton of Chrisman III was visiting his brother Harvey last week Jack Comfort a young man who was living with Harvey Kenton died last week after a few days sickness He leaves a wife and child Protracted meeting will commence in a few weeks at the Church Rev Stiner will assist the Rev McHugh Rev Barker formerly pastor of Nettle Creek Church at his home Pleasantville January 18th of Typhoid fever Adam Pence is convalescing Tor It was a good jury Not a Judas not a crank not a lunatic was on that jury but it was indeed composed of men and sciNTiifl 5 Ju Concord ollowing the publications of tlie riage Record" we shall from time to time auument for the gratification of lationof a local nature would be dispensed I general reader as well as the friends of with There Is a common feeling against it those whom we shall speak of for with man' of itiuit will be the last time their names will ever appear in print But for this Recur many wio once weie iu active in society'as we the greater DOINGS The National Board of Health has declard small pox to be epidemic in the United States The end of the Kentucky fiends is drawing near Ellis persists in the story of horrors he first told Neal has been found guilty and Craft will be in a day 'or two It was an unpardonable act and justice outside of a Lynch court was never in this country administered so speedily The highest floods known in many vears have occurred in our Western rivers the last A young man of Georgia nemed Bob Smith riding along a highway on Broad River saw several colored children playing in front of a house He pulled out his pisiol and fired in their midst the bullet striking one of the little ones in the' head killing it The Ohio State Temperance Convention last week adopted a resolution asking that an amendment to the Constitution be sub mitted to a yote of the people prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcohol for drinking purposes also protesting against tax license or any restriction or regulation whatever At a Detroit public performance while the crowd was cheering the result of the Guiteau trial a man in the gallery who persisted in hissing was pitched upon and roughly hand led badly cut and bruised Moses Black one of the oldest dry goods merchants of Mansfield has failed The failure is attributed in part to the withdrawal of patronage from the house because of the supposed infection of the stock with the small pox two of the clerks having been afflicted with the disease with in the past two months legislation are being removed as there are a number of private axes to grind JOE MOSES Several questions have been sprung in the House mainly resolutions bearing upon some question of public concern or of legis lative procedure which have called out con siderable debate The most so perhaps was the bill to do away with an 'office of special sheriff in the criminal court of Cincinnati an office created by the Legisla ture especially for a politician who was and wanted to be The office is a sinecure with a salary of twelve hundred a year The Hamilton delegation is divided on the question and it was consequently a family quarrel The blows that were struck were heavy and many and it was apparent that the office would be abolished but be fore a vote was had an opponent of the bill had it referred to himself for amndment When it shall come up again the chances largely are that the office will be abolished SCHOOL BOOKS Every year the monopoly in school books makes a good hobby for buncombe At present the Democratic member from Mer cer is giviuu it his especial attention first iu the shape of an investigation of alleged wrong doings of publishers and more re cently in a bill to give the State printer and other State employes the job The cost of school books is a common complaint but it is doubtful whether the price per page of other books of the same paper and work is any less And while it might be expedient to enquire who had been bought with a spelling book and primer however high the price may be economy dictates that the State should have nothing to do with the job The bill had but few supporters and was defeated by a large vote and rumor says Mr Miller has others bearing on the same sukgect which he intends to bring be fore the House DEA EMPLOYMENT In response to a resolution of inquiry as to what employment of the inmates of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum would be best suited to them and their future support the superintendent replied bookbinding shoe making carpentry with cabinet making and almost any employment which for its suc cess on the eyes) and for the females and the infirm wood carving At this time the binding of all the State pub lications is done at the bindery shops of the deaf and dumb An entertainment was given at the Asylum of the deaf mutes one evening of last week and was an occasion of much pleasure both to the inmates and in vited guests A fine collation was spread and the evening was made one of social en joyment Part of the programme was by the pupils The Spangled was rendered The was all Greek to the crowd but the pantomime was intellible and com plete i The crying baby at a public meeting is like a good suggestion it ought to be carried out Linscott Niles Ohio had scrofula for thirty years and Blood Search cure I him it wonderful And all who lead sedentary lives should use Dr Headache and Dyspepsia Pills Price 25 cents or sale at all drug stores j26ml A woman whose name is Crank filed lor a divorce in Chicago She objects to being a crank HEADACHE Dyspepsia Billiousness and Constipation cured at once by Dr Headache and Dyspepsia Pills Price 25 cents This is true of all our Clothing We bring to your attention now merely a few remarkable CONGRESSIONAL Jan Senate Bill reported To en force the treaty re'ative to Chinese Bill introduced: To provides reserve fund for note resumption The discussion on the Shermau unding bill took up considerable time House Bills reported: To suspend Chi nese immigration appropriating $10000(1 for Davis Island dam appropriating $1000 000 to reclaim marshes at 'Washington to pension Mrs Lincoln Resolutions adopted: Calling for the correspondence with Russia relative to the expulsion of the Jews from that Empire calling for information ks to the sum required to pay pensions for the next twenty five years Jan 27 Senate Bills introduced or distributing vaccine virus against counter feiting the notes etc of foreign nations granting pensions to soldiers confined in rebel prisons House Resolution offered: Calling for information as to Mormon instigation of In dian outbreaks The apportionment bill was made the special order for Tuesday GENERAL ASSEMBLY Jan Senate Passed: House bill making appropriations for deficiencies Bill introduced: Providing for the condemns tion of unfinished railroad beds House Bill passed Prohibiting clerks from practicing before said mayors Bills introduced (living mayors the same criminal jurisdiction as justices of the peace 27 House Bills introduced thorizing a $390000 water works loan for Columbus making railway pasienger faro not' more 'than two and one half cents per mile granting a portion of the Miami canal to the Cincinnati belt railroad providing for guardians of idiots etc and for their chil dren giving $50 per year salary and ex penses to members of the State Board of Examiners Petition received or a State Board of Health roaches and ants Barnes granaries and households cleared in a Best Great griefs are the medicines of our legser sorrows PILES! PILES! PILES! A SURE CUKE OUND AT LAST I NO ONE NEED Our sale of CANNED GOODS have been immense but we still have the largest stock in the city which we are retailing at wholesale prices WILLIAM BUDGE Grocer No 11 Monument Square An Excellent Good Looking and Long Lasting Beaver Overcoat Six Dollars Our Celebrated Teamster Overcoat the very thing for out door work our Dollars Double Breasted Chinchilla Overcoat Seven Dollars Our Splendid Dark Gray Plaid Back Ulster A Tip tt Beaver Overcoat for A Very Stylish Dark or Light AH wool Ulsterefte Scientific advanceim nt it has been re marked has been slower and less noticeable in the caretif the sick and the treatment of disease thn in any other department of human knowledge The life death of a patient is too frequently a mere matter of accident or chance Some great discoveries however have been made and certain rem edies are known and used with almost in fallible curative results Such a remedy is Taraxine where a deranged liver is involved or where diseases of the Bowels Kidneys or Spleen prevail or sale by Anderson A Co Ask forTaraxtine Memorandom Books free j26ml An unlucky person remarked on being asded what h4 declared on a certain syecula tion but 015 Call at Drug Store and get a sample bottle of Expectorant free of charge It cures Coughs Hoarsen ss Whooping Cough and Consumption in its early stages It is a scientific preparation admirably adapted for the cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases It is pleasant to take and entirely harmless Try it It costs you nothing Regular size bottles 50 cents and $100 or sale by Anderson Co Ask for Taraxcice Memorandum Book ree To acquire a few tongues is the task of a few years but to be eloquent in one is the hardest work of a life time ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box or sale by Anderson Co ly A moment is but a brief and fleeting pas sage yet how often are vast interests secured or lost in that circle of time SUERINGS Drake Esq Detroit Mich suffered beyond all description from a sk disease which appeared on his hands head and face and nearly destoved his eyes The most careful doctoring failed to help him apd after all had failed he used the Cuticura Re solvent (blood purifier) internally Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures) external? and was cured and has remain ed perfectly well to this day jl2ml A sure cure for Blind Bleeding Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr Williams (an Indian remedy) called i Dr Indian Ointment A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 2 5 or 30 years standing No one med suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine Lotions instruments and eleeturies do more barm than good Ointment absorbs the tumors allays the intense itchi (particularly at night after getting warm in bad) acts as a poultice gives instant and pailess relief and is prepared only for Piles itching of tlie pri vate parts and for nothing else Read what the lion Cuffibcrry of Cleveland says about Dr Indian Pile Ooitment I have used scores of le Cures and it affords me pleasure to say that Legal Notice BERNARD DOWNEY whose place of residence is unknown will take notice that Margaret A Downey his wife of Champaign comity Ohio did on the 31st day of January A I) 1x82 rile her peti tion in the Court of Common Pleas of Champaign county Ohio aaainst tlie said Bernard Downey de fendant setting forth that on or about the 1st day of November the said Bernard Downey wilfully faithful honest and affectionate a creature as is often found among the poor dumb brutes In his short life be has saved us hundreds of miles of walking in going to and from the fields after other animals and made many a disagreeable task easier and dangerous ones safe A constant companion on the farm an ever ready and willing ser vant obedient and happiest when serving most he earned in his life time at East a decent burial if not this little tribute to his memory from his master is no more Should the winter continue alterat ing between freezing and thawing without more snow the crop of clover for the coming season will be a short one Much of it is being already The wheat has suffered little if any as yet The Pre siding Elder of the district preached at the church last Sunday Attendance not very large Among the visitors I noticed my old schoolmate Billy uson of Cable and also Hiram McClelland and wife of same place After preaching the Ordinance of the Supper was parta ken of by quite a large number One acces sion to the church Three deaths were re ported within the circuit during the past quarter 1 failed to get the entire number of additions Bro Kennedy will continue the meetings for an indefinite time As yet the prospects of a revival are not promising but the Brother is an earnest worker and not easily discouraged 1 No not to be cajoled flattered or scared iuto keeping still any longer as to some of the good things on Abe Weidman I did keep mum about the bottles iu the oats bin (Oil of Beauty bottle I suppose) about the umbrella and a host of others but when a man of bis age and experience trades for a horse and drives him three or four miles home with buggy top carefully folded down and other pre cautions for fear of his scaring at it and warning Sam tc be careful and then on tak ing him to the stable discover for the first time that the brute was stone blind too much to ask one to be still about it And then too to excuse himself on the ground that the horse had glass eyes! Judd Tritt is a believer in the irresistible impulse theory and illustrates it by a bit of his own experience While hunting out'in Paulding lately he took a position on a log to rest and watch for game In a little whiles fine large buck came out some forty yards dis tant stopped looked about and began threshing the brush with its bead and horns It came over him like a flash that it was a wounded buck and was making ready for a dash at him And then the came to shoot but to slide off that log and run He has no record of the time it took to make the two miles into camp He never saw that deer again will now do the business while lie remains with us If I find time from other work I may do a little paragraphing on matters of local and general interest for the Citizen I know will be welcome to all Uala We cannot too soon convince ourselves how easily we may be dispensed with in the world A BA1WIST EXPERIENCE I am a Baptist Minister anil before I even thought of being a clergoruan I graduated in medicine but left a lucrative practice for my present profession 40 years ago 1 was for many years a sufferer from quinsy Eclectric Oil cured I was also troubled with hoarseness and Enlectric Oil Ma jtife Eclectric Oil cuied and if taken in time it will cure seven time of out of ten I am confident it is a cure for the most obsti nate cold or cough and if any one will take a small teaspoonful and half fill it with the Oil and then place the end ol the spoon in one nostril and draw the Oil out of the spoon into the head by sniffing as hard as they can until the Oil falls over into the throat and practice that twice a week I care how offensive their head may be it will clean it out and cure their catarrh or deafness and earache it has done wonders to my certain knowledge It is the only med icine dubbed medicine that I have ever felt like recommending and I am very anxious to see it in every place for I tell you that I would not be without it in mv house for any consideration I am now suffering with a pain like rheumatism in mv right limb and nothing reieves me like Eelectric Oil Dr Crane Corry Pa Sold by Anderson Co In the grandeur of the universe we see the majesty of the Creator and the littleness of man range eleven (11) being premises conveyed by Adam Neer to Geo Kite vol 57 page 574 Record of Deeds ol Ghiimjniigii eounly Ohio A Iso the following described tract: Beginning at a stake that is pi itely north of a stake on the south line I se lieu 3t tow 4 range 1 1 the latter stake being 38 rods eat tne south west orner of the southeast quarter said seciinn thom north 4 15' east 130 rods to a stake the end ot a hedge thence with feaid hedge south cast 96 4U 1UU rods to a stake east ol road and in a Branch thence south 57 IU' east '26 32 1W rods cast line of said section 36: thence with said section line line south 45' west 51 oo lOU rods to line: thence south 34 50' west 23 100 rods to a slake: thence south 70 25' west 120 rods to beginning eontaiHiDg 77 63 100 acres 5b 96 100 acres being west tif pike and 67 100 acres Wanted To Buy SMALL property or vacant lot north of Soioto street and within four squares of Court Houe tV MCCRACKEN AN ORDINANCE lo establish a grade on College wav from High street to the entrance of the grounds of Urbana University Sec 1 lie it ordained by the Council of the city of Urbana Ohio That the grade of College way from High street to the entrance of Urbana University be and the same is hereby estab fished as follows yis Beginning at tlie west side of High street thence at an ascent of 5 10 inch 50 feet for a distance of 325 feet thence on an ascent of 4 10 inches 125 feet for a distance of 125 feet: then at a descent of 8 10 inches 100 feet for a distance of 100 feet thence on a level for 50 feet thence on a descent of feet in 250 feet for 250 feet thence at a descent of 2 and 3 10 feet in 250 feet for a distance of 250 feet thence at a descent of 34 feet in 150 feet for 'a dis tance of 1 50 feet thence at a descentof 10 feet in 2 50 feet for a distance of 250 feet thence on a descent of I feetfor a distance of 100 feet thence at a descent of foot for a distance of 50 feet Passed January 30 1882 Published ebruary 2 1882 IVm Boyd President of Council Attest Obed Horr City Clerk would hava Iriends must show himself peward their names would sink into oulivion but this record revives not only not open to that objection Temperance people often say that most of tlie popular medicines they see advertised are nine tenths rum That is true of many but not of Dr David The Dr agrees with his temper ance friends that it is better to die of disease than of drink cures K'dney Troubles Liver Complaints Consti pation of the Bowels as nothing else does or ever did It drives away sickness It cools the blood It costs only a Dollar to try it Ask your Druggist or send to the Doctor at Rondout f2w2 Keep ahead rather than behind the times Always avoid hard purgative pills They first make you sick and then leave you con stipated Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well Dose one Pi" (2w2 stop to tell stories in business hours Mrs Lydia Pinkham 233 Western Av enue Lynn Mass is rapidly acquiring an enviable reputation for the surprising cures nnicn uauy result irom tne use ol tier Veg etable compound in all female diseases Send to her for pamphlets f2w2 Wit is sometimes like a sword keen and cruel sometimes like a sunbeam bright and geneal Proof Everywhere If any invalid or sick person has the least doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop Bitters to cure them they can find cases exactly like their own in their own neighborhood with proof pos itive that they can be easily and permanent ly cured at a trifling cost or ask your drug gist or physician Greenwich eb 11 1880 Hop Bitters Co Sirs I was given up by the doctors to die of scrofula consumption iwu unities ui your miters cured me f2w2 Lbroy Brewer It always seems to me a sort of clever stu pidity only to have one sort of almost like a carrier pigeon If you have a cold or cough of any kind buy a bottle of Peerless Cough Sprup use it all and if not satisfied return the empty bottle and I will refund your money I also sell the Peerless Worm Specific on the same no cure no pay Ander son Co f2ml think the turkey has the advantage of said the lady to the inexpert boarder who was carving it has mum in Dr Root Bitters Root Bitters are not a dram shop whisky beverage but are strictly medicinal in every sense They act strongly upon the liver and kidneys keep the bowels open and regular make the weak strong heal the lungs build up the nerves and cleanse the blood and system ol every impurity or Dizziness Rush of Blood to the Head tending to Apoplexy Dyspepsia ever and Ague Dropsy Pimples and Blotches Scrof ulous Humors and Sores Tetter Ring Worms llitt) Qnrn nrrz4 for young men suffering from Weakness or Debility caused from imprudence and to females in delicate health Root Bitters are especially recommended Dr razier: I have used two bottles of your Root Bitters for Dyspepsia Dizziness Weakness and Kidney Disease and they did me more good than the doctors and all the rnedicine I ever used rom the first dose I took I began to mend and I am now in perfect health and feel as well as I ever did I Consider vnnr mtdinina if Iha nonf est of blessings on Martin Cleveland bold by vV Anderson A Co and Mc Lain Co ly PRICE Ik remedy iu painful inflammatory aflec or thr exceasivHy paiutul as by quieting the nerves it pro duces immediate relief It relieves Palpitation of the Heart Shortuen of Breath and llynteria not like most remedies requiring sev eral hours to experience their beneficial eflocts Mure rare for DRVNKENNm' fttroy the Appetite for MTKONM IRIWK Cures DELIRIUM TRE9IK3M It is 1 1 comm end bv the best physicians all over ha county Price 50 eentn hottie Prepared by II A llllhlt IxK apothecary COB bAUNDKHS AKD LocUST STHKETK (4 NJJ A 0 Ask your Druggist for it or send for Circular Women barbers should have pretty mugs deaf as a post Mrs Lang Bethany Ont states that for fifteen months she was troubled with a disease ii the ear causing entire deaf ness In ten minutes after using Eclectric Oil she found relief and in a short time she was entirely cured and her hear ing restored Sold by Anderson Co Affection like the iron smith shapes as it smites A pure wholesome distillation of witch hazel American pine Canada fir marigold clover blossoms etc fragrant with the heal ing essences of balsam and of pine Such is Radical Cure for Catarrh Com plete treatment for $1 jl2ml How to mark table Upset the gravy AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY Has been make whereby a successful vegeta ble combination has been introduced which acts upon the bowels the liver and the kid neys ami at the same time imparts strength and vitality to the entire system Burdock Blood Bitters constitute the important dis covery Price $100 trial size 10 cents Sold by Anderson Co A jewel is a jewel still though lying in the dust A RIEND IN NEED Time over and again Eclectric Oil has proved a salutary friend to the dis tressed As a reliable curitive for croup in children sore throat and bronchial affec tions and as a positive external remedy for pain it is a never failing antidote Sold by Anderson Co lowers are the silent messengers of beau ty TERMS: One year fin advance) tn County do do outside of County 8x months in County outside of County Three months AN ORDINANCE To accept College Wat as laid out by the Street Committee Sec 1 He it oi duined by the council of the city of Urban i Ohio Tliat lhe street of Col lege Way co ii ing at a stone in llie cen ter of College Way in the west of High street then north west 313 feet to a stone in the east litre of Russell street then soutii west 75j! et to a stone th south 2941 fet to a stone then south west 73 feet to a stone then north wes 2374 feet to a stone then on a curve every 25 feet tlie distaiee of 12 5 feet such immediate and permanent relief as Dr Indiana Ointment Sold by Anderson tv Co and McLain Co ly Conscience either approves or reproves ach intelligent act Death to rats mice Exterminator MIND AND BODY Port Byron eb 1 1881 II IL Warner Co Sirs or years I suffered unspeakably from kidney and blad der diseases The doctors could do me no good Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure not only removed all bodily pain but ban ished the agonies of mind also Reuben Hadden Nothing overcomes passion more than si lence you a cough it with Dr Cough Syrup hard to' fool castor oil that is it is hard to take it in fascinating women To become the fortunate possessor of a clear and spotless complexion fairer than a dream ladies should use that beauti fying marvel Oil of Beauty Many are astonished at the popular low price for which this delightful preparation is offered Why? Because many of the injurious yes poisonous liquid powders (whitewashes) and other trashy cosmetics cost as much and often times more Nearly all contain lead (flakewhite) bismuth yet they are uu blusingly advertised as to the and to Ladies avoid them for they eventually make the skin coarse rough sallow and unsightly Du Oil of Beauty for the complexion un like powders paints is applied at night when retiring and after bathing the face and hands in water It wins the admira tion of the fair sex creating fascinating beauty by making the skin permanently clear and surpassingly lovely Price one dollar Solil by Anderson Co Ur bana 113tf We appreciate no pleasure unless we are occasionally deprived of them Restraint is the golden rule of enjoyment The Best Cough Medicine in the World Special £orrejpuiideiice uf the CTtzeu and Gazette SPECIAL LEGISLATION The first few days of the present General Assembly created the impresaioti that busi 'Hess would be restricted to questions of pressing Importance and that for once legis I give some or TEN DOLLARS Cash we will insert a six line advertisem*nt one week in a list ot 253 weekly newspapers or live lines in a dii ferent list of 350 papers: or six lines two weeks in a choice of either of six separate and distinct lists con taining from 75 to 150 pavers each Catalogues sent Jrre Address geo ROWELL a CO 10 Spruce St New York 87 l7 A YEAR and expenses to agents I i 4 Outtit fre Address Viekerv Augusta Me Jan 1 ini 1 lb feet then south west 50 feet to a stone I hence south 31 west 247 feet to a stone then south west 56 feet to a stone thence a 50z curve every 25 feet dis tance 150 feet cjurse from beginning to end south west 1 16 fe to a stone 184 feet north of a large black oak this day subit ted by Armstrong Boyd and McLain Street Committee and Taylor City Engineer be and the same is hereby accepted Passed January 30 1882 Published ebruary 2 1882 Wm Boyd Attest: Obed City' Clerk'' poeod bill petitions to that effect will lie almost 'realize that they are agiin livingpresented The first impressions as to local over their past lives In the last published James Kiie Champaign Com Pleas vs Order of Sale on Thos I Kite and others tion 5o 6524 BY virtue of the aboe stated writ from said court to me directed I shall oiler at public Sale at the door of the Court House in the city of Urbana Ohio on Satuulav ebruary 25 1SS2 but two obstacles interpose One is that the member opposed to the practice either I wa i bill of local character which he aud his see it a 1 leni nr ai kMit fhef 1 11OU desire IU UVWlUaa Iu i nc £1 caici such a contingency may arise and he who part of whom Lave passed to their future would navuAiiuuuB mr friendl vT If be would successfully ea ry through his own bill TbeiOther is that if a the mimes of many loved ones but calls up locality does not desire the passage UI Pru' or fi is lamiiy duriny his said absence Plaintiff asks in her said petition that the Court will eirter a judg ment vesting her with the rights privileges and lia bilities of a femme as io acquiring poxsesing and disposing oj property real and personal making contracts and being liable thereon that (he said defendant may be excluded from any actual or con tingent interest in or control of her real or personal property and for such lurther relief as the Court may see lit to grant The said Bernard Downey is notified that he is re quited to appear and answer said patition on or be fore the 3d Saturday after the 9th day of March next MARGARET DOWNEY ebruary 2 1x82 Gw Legal Notice Wm Boydadmr with the annexed of Angeline Artis dec Plaintiff Champaign Probate Court vs Carrie Belle Ashworth et al Defendants The defendants Carrie Belle Ashworth Jennie Ashworth Ethel Mary Ashworth who are minor children of Elizabeth Ashworth dee and Andrew Ashworth who reside in the city of Logansport state of Ind will take notice that on the 3lst day of January 1882 the plaintiff above named tiled I tiiion in said court asking for an order to sell the fol Inwinffnremiscs situate in the eitv of TTrhnnM nuntv of Champaign State of Ohio lot No 66 and the half of lot No 65 of an addition to said city made by Joseph Brand and John Young as assignees of Thomas Gwynne as desiguate upon the re corded plat of said addition which said estate tie longs to the estate of sail Angeline Artis in to pay debts of and the cost of administrating said es 1 late Upon the 13th day of March 1882 an order of said court will be asked for the sale cf sidu premises and the defendants are required bv law answer nr demur to said petition on or before the date last named WM BOYD Administrator of Angeline Artis Geo Eichelberger Urbana eb 2 1882 w6 Probate Notice pHE following administrators executors and guar 1 dians have filed in the Probate Court of Cham paign county Ohio their several accounts for set tlement as follows to wit: Jttcob Yoder guardian of Elizabeth A Yoder fourth and final account Jacob Yoder guardian of Solomon King fourth and final account Jacob Yoder guardian of Christian King Jacob King Jeremiah I) King and anny King fourth account Mary Davis guardian of Sherman Poling first and final account I Thomas guardian of Telford Pitts second and final account 1 John II James trustee of 'Chas Harden sec ond account Geo Eichelberger administrator of the estate i of Wm Hudson dec firstand final account I Allen Huffman guardian of Jacob Huffman and Mary Huffman second and final account rpHE Champaign County Board of School Exam in Del McReynolds administrator of the estate of I ers will hold examinations on the last Saturday oi Win Huston dec first account 'each month and every Saturday in March and Sen Stoue guardian of Jennie May Miller first tember at the Central Ward School Building on East account Court Street Urbana Examinations commence prunipuy ai a i unu no aupiiuaiii wm be exam ined who is not present at that hour Applicants not personally known to the Bnard must produce certificates of good moral character No certificates renewed without examination Applicants must deposit the necessary postage stamp or its equivalent lu money with the exami ners to prepay postage on their returns otherwise no returns will be made By order of the Hoard A DEUEL Secretary March 11878 rtf Right Speedy Corn Sheller it ID TJ Gr o' i c5 r5 48 11 rn 6 I A 1 3 I OS 'J I vl I kJ A 1 1 l't described tract 23 arits appraised at 5 11G per acre 2d dcsfTibud truct 77 63 JoO acres appraised at 5 per aere I described tract 7 10 acres appraised at $55 per I acre VLUfiM 4th described tract lo acres appraised al $19 per acre ydfl ADACHEWwBVOlJSIm.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.