The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

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The Bangor Daily Newsi

Bangor, Maine

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Nir i-OR NEWS WANT ADS DIAL 6441 THE BANGOR DAILY NEWS BANGOR MAINE MONDAY AUGUST 26 1940 19 Forrest Wardwell Belfast Garden Club Plans Its Member Visits and of the Hilton Past Noble Grands association Surviving beside her husband me two sons Einll of Solon and EmJ of Skowhrgan a daughter Mrs Eva-Tuscan of this town and a sister Mrs Eva Maxfleld of Yarmouth-Funeral services will be Tuesday afternoon pt 2 at the Solon Congregational church the Rev Dalton Morse officiating in-terment in the Solon village Hermon-IIampden Schools to Open 1 Tuesday Sept 3 Few Changes in Staff of Public Schools for Coming Year OBITUARIES MRS MARGARET HOLYOKE TYLER Word was received In Bangor Saturday of the death of Mrs Margaret Holyoke Tyler of Los Angeles Cal formerly of Brewer Funeral services will be held this morning at Forest Lawn Chapel In Los Angeles Mrs Tyler is survived by two daughters Mrs Marjorie Holyoke Dale and Mrs Madeline Holyoke Hanson both of Los Angeles Cal Comer Harriet Goodspeed Cold-brook Leathers Webber Laverna Patten The new teacher Irene Tuttie from Bridgewater Teachers college and Barbara Hood from Salem Teachers college hold 8 degrees In education Levant Village Ethelyn Phllbrica and Melba Baltzer West Levant Mildred Crocker and Velma Carter South Levant Katherine Freeman and Virginia Eldred The new teachers are Miss Baltzer who holds a degree in' education from Salem Teachers college and Miss Freeman a graduate of Castlne Normal school There will be an important meeting SepW 2 at 8 at the high school building In Hermon McNeil and a granddaughter Caroline Frances McNeil both of Bangor a niece Mrs Lrnore Hll-lon Waterville and a nephew Kenneth Gross Oieja Calif Funeral services will be from the White and Hayes funeral parlors Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock D3T CELIA RITCHIE The death of Celia Ritchie 76 occurred Saturday morning at the home of her son Martin Ritchie following an Illness of several months She was born In Winterport and for the past 22 years had lived In Bangor where she had a wide circle of friends Surviving are two sons Martin and Horace both of Bangor two daughter? Mrs Inez Phillips of Amherst and Miss Madge Ritchie of Bangor a sister Mrs Lottfe Kane of Bangor two brothers Ross Colson of Blue Hill and Ernest Colson of Winterport six grandchildren two great-grandchildren' and several nieces and nephews Funeral services will be from the home of her son Martin Ritchie 126 Stillwater avenue Monday afternoon at lo 'clock eluded 30 people from the Methodist church In Vassalboro Ralph Lecnard Cooper of this city has Issued Invitation to the marriage of his second daughter Miss Charlotte Cooper to Robinson Richards North of Coral Gables Fla at 4 Saturday Sept 7 at the Ccoper house 15 High street Harold Kelley Belfast band director directed the Rockland band at Union Fair this past week Mr Kelley has been closely associated with the Rockland band for several yejjrs some of their programs having been consolidated in both concert and radio work Mrs Roger Haddock was a recent luncheon hostess at her home on Miller street Her guests were Miss Katherine Frost Miss Myra Ferguson Mrs Ralph Thompson Mrs Ralph Sayward and Mrs Wilke The Ladies' Aid of the Searsmont Community church will serve a public supper at the Masonic hall in that town at 6:30 Tuesday Waldo county men and women are cordially Invited to attend the sessions of the Maine state Republican Women's clubs si the two-day conference to be held at Bass Camps Wilton August 27 and 28 All should register as soon as possible if planning to remain over night at the camp Address Bass Camps Wlltrn CAPT SIMON H-WALL Aug Captain Simon Wall 78 retired died at I his home on Pascal avenue today He was a native of Tenants Har bor son of Abraham and Susan Cook Wall and had lived in Rock-port 70 years Until retirement 22 years ago he was master of coastwise vessels assuming his first command when 19 years of age His last vessel was the four-masted schooner Annie He was a member ot Mount Battle lodge I OOF Camden and the Methodist church in Rockport Survivors are his wife CASTINE Aug Funeral vices lev Fcrreft Hutchins Ward-Belle well son of Jir and Mrs Gtrune Amcsbury Wall two daughters Miss! Wardwell ot Castlne were at Mabel Wall of Rockport a the Federated church here Thurs-ehusetts school 'teacher knd Miss'dav afternoon at 2 ociock the Rv BELFAST Aug The summer pilgrimage of the Belfast Oarden Club for members only will be held Thursday afternoon August 29 Several gardens In town will be visited among them being those of Miss Florence Marshall Mrs Arthur Ritchie Mrs Frank Wilson and Mrs Clifford Pattee's ending at Mrs DeWitt Brewster's where tea will be served The pilgrimage Is under the supervision of the president Mrs James Mortimer and the program chairman Mrs Edson Fletcher of Searsport Mr and Mrs Arthur Gibbons of Orlando Fla have been guests of Mr and Mrs Maurice Tibbetts the latter being his sister They are touring the State of Maine and have been In Brooks Banger and Old Towm He had not teen here for eight years Commander Donald MacMillan noted Arctic explorer who spoke In Belfast under the auspice of the Rotary rlub for the benefit of It charity fund also spoke at" the noon meeting of the Club cn the history of Greenland Twenty seven were present the visiting llo-tarlans being Rice of Washington Arthur Jackson of EverPtt Mas Herbert Blodgett of Rockland Guests were John Dodge of Belfast Dr Jcseph Day Jr of Belmont Mas and Prof Robert Steward of Lana ing Mich The August outing of the Belfast Business ana Professional Women's club was held Friday evening at the cottage of the first vice-president Mrs Thcrese Southard on PcnJ with 15 in attendance Mrs Southard was assisted In entertain ing by Mr Lynwood Gesner and Miss Beatrice Gray Mrs Woodward cf Syracuse Is the guest of her sister Mrs James Mortimer and Mr Mortl mer at Mortimer Manor on the South Shore They are also entertaining Mr and Mrs Frank Hughes of Chicago 111 who arrived Friday for a stay Mrs Frank A Tirrell Jr of Rockland entertained at luncheon at her cottage on Lake Megunti-cook Thursday in compliment to Mrs Woodward and Mrs Anna flemsen entertained at tea Saturday Mr Crowell of New York summering on the South shore entertained at luncheon at Syrlnga Hedge Tea House In Bel fast complimenting Mrs Woodward and Mrs Hughes Mrs Stephen Shute return pd Friday from Boston where she has been on a short business trip A dancing party for the benefit of the Northport Golf Club will be held at the Club House Monday evening A similar dance was held several week ago and was so much fun that It was decided to have another Mrs Henry Smith will furnish the music Mrs Smith Is to play In Islesboro on Thursday evening of this week at a benefit daree In Community Hall Saturday night she will play at the Islesboro Ini at Dark Harbor for the last of the Inn dances for the summer The first meeting of the fall for the Auxiliary of the Randall-Col-Uns Post No 3108 will be railed Wednesday Aug 28 at 7:30 o'clock when plans will be made for picnic at Hattie home In Montville September 15 The Auxiliary held a fancy work and food sale Saturdayln the empty store Locke's Jewelry store The sale was conducted bv Mrs Jessie DeWitt and by Past President Martha Gower Walter Dunbar Jr has returned to his home cn Searsport Avpnue after a trip to Massachusetts where he attended a DeMolay meeting In Boston Maurice Lufkin has been discharged from the Paine hospital in Bangor and at his home on Searsport avenue Mr and Mrs George Sllpp of St Cloud Fla entertained recently at the cottage of Walter Whitehead on Quantabacook Lake Present were Mr and Mr Clinton Goodhue or Waterville Mr and Mrs Roberts of Brooks Mr and Mrs Sanderson and daughter Esther of Belfast Roy Sanderson who has been visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Sanderson returned Saturday to Washington after spending two weeks here This was his first trip home In 10 years Mrs William Starr who has been visiting relatives at her old home on prince Edward Island for the past three months is returning this week to visit her daughter Mrs Henry Smith and family North port avenue Mr and Mf Austin Fernald and Mr and Mrs George Hart saw a cub bear in the vicinity of Santorn Pend when they were motoring bv there recently This is on the Brlfast-Waterville highway and in a section of Waldo County where deep woods extend over a large area and bears have frequently been seen in that vicinity as well as other animals such as moose deer and wildcats In the parties at City park this past week one greup included 50 people from the Hampden Methodist church school They were ac companled by their pastor Rev McMahon Another party in in Nelson Canfield offiria'j-g Mr Wardwell was ar old ard was one of the most outstanding young persons rf the rommun-ty The large assembly at tne er-si and the proto ion of flowers ptfrstert hi popularity He was a joung man who had many friend in his home town and made a great many more wherever he went to teach The members of Hanco*ck Udze No 4 and A he wa a member attendee tn a body and conducted the committal rervlces at the giave The bearers were SupU of Schools Kenmt Nickerson and Town Manager Howard Chailcs cf Oakland Norman Walker of Sknwhegan Harry corner of Niagara Fail Predeii-k Wardwell and Orville Vrrgue acting for his on Arnold Veague cl Castlne Among those ettendirg the Gees from out of town wer Mr ard Mr? Charle- Walker Mia Lois Walker of fekewhegan Elroy La-' Casse- and Raymond LaCasve of Fry'curg Mr" and Mrs 'Bridges Ralph Hutchins and daughter Elizabeth and Mrv Geneva Page of Burk'port Mr and Mrs Frark Leach Mrs Mabel Gray and ton Philip Mr and Mr John Ora 5 Ralph Gro-s Mr Robert Babton Mrs Ellen Ward-well of Ptnobrcot Mr -Wardwell leave be' ides hs wife Mrs Muriel Walker Wardwell his parents Mr and Mrs Guttire Wsrdwell on brother Hrraee Wardwell of Castlne and his grandmother Mr An me Hutchins cf Penobecot Oeorge Reed and Arno Farringten Burial was in Riverside cemetery Bucksport GREENVILLE Aug Funeral services for Sheldon Davis 81 lifelong resident of Greenville' Jurc- tion who died Friday were held this afternoon at his home West street I VANCEBORO Aug Funeral services for Warren Russell Sr were conducted by the Rev John Scott of Danforth at the Methodist church Saturday afternoon arid were largely attended Sixe-n member of Vanreryre -lodge No 78 Knights of Pythias of which he wa a member for 2 yeats attended in a body and conducted committal mvice at the gjavc Flower were in prolusion BeMrles lit wife and children Mr Ruvell Is survived by two sifter Mrs Ida Linton of Muuown and Mr Elizabeth Sprague oGJer- iev City 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren Those attending from out of town included' Mr and Mrs Elisha Keen Milltown Mr Ida Linton Milltown Me Charles Mcnu*tt Biockton Mrs Caroline Dweilev Robbinston Mrs Edna i McKav Calais Mr and Mrs Hunter Williams Me Adam Donald Williams Brownvliie Junction Mrs Coleman Hicks Hartford Conn Aubrey Rowell and son St Stephen Mr and Mrs Fred Russell Mr end Mi Gastor Rideout and son Mrs Mabel Cavanaugh and son Mrs Guy Russell Mrs Mary Russell Stanley Russell Mrs Lena McMurran Mrs NCttie Armstrong Oak HH1 and three representatives of tha Eastern Pulpwood Co Calais SMYRNA MILLS Aug Funeral services for Parker Smith were held Thursday afternoon from the Methodist church the Rev Herman A Grant of Dover-Foxcroft efficiating The services were largely attended by friends and reiativr Many beautiful floral offerings were sent The bearers were four neighbors Walter Kites Heibert Roarh Fiite Soule and Clyde Brown Burial was in Smyrna Mills cemetery witn committal services by the Rev A Grant and the Odd Fellow held their service at the grave Attending from out of town were his three nieces: Mrs Dorothy Johns: Miss Annie Carlton Mrs Molly Nickerson all Of Bangor Mrs Louis Flynn Lawrence Mass Mr and Mrs Clair Anderson Essex Mass William Anderson Lakewood! Albert Brown Eangor Mr and Mrs Bert Freeman South-Omrg- -MACHIAS Aug Funeral services for Boyd Richardson who died Friday in Machias from lnjune resulting from accidentai shooting while hunting Aug 21 win be new at 230 Monday in the churen at Holmes' The 'Rev Jojm Hawkins pastor of the East Machias Baptist church will officiate QUALITY imV'fRS Are Always Appreciated Bangor Nursery Flower Shop Outer state fet Tel 6114 FUNERAL DIRECTORS FINNEGAN FUNERAL lit Ftrfc SI BROTHERS iKUMt DIRECTORS DUI Supt' Grant haa announced that the fall term in the Hampden Hermon and Levant scnool union will open Sept 3 with the following teachers East Hampden Lura Holt Dorothy McCrae and Grace White Upper Comer Arrene Nickerson Abbie Sherman and 8abra Kimball Highlands Marion Couillard and Vera Patterson Center Alice Carter and Viola Elllngwood West Hampden Marion Goodell and lone Hammond: Coldbrook Frederick Day Hardy Hill Vera Emerson Penobscot Louan Perry Areya Comer Ruby Cole Holmes Fannie Marat on Wing Bernice Downes music Marion Whitmore There are two new teachers Ar-Tne Nickerson a graduate of Caste ine Normal school and Frederick Day mho holds a 8 degree education from Bridgewater Teach era college Both have had previous experience Hermon High echool Prin Law rence Dyer will teach English and history Raymond Willett mathematics and science Bertha Myers commercial subjects Wendell Smith agriculture grades 7 and 8 Irene Tuttle and Barbara Hood Pond Louida Miller North Hermon Lvnne Elllngwood Comer Tena Felker Junction Edna Lasse 11 Leathers Corner Elizabeth Snow Burnett Alice Ooodell Snow 63 Resort Property for SU COTTAOE FOR SALE AT COLD Stream Pond Suitable to live in year round Good fishing on this lake and others nearby Good hunting Oravel road to cottage FRED PREBLE Enfield' Maine 64 Farm and Land for Sale EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES to purchase good farm in Central Maine 26-ere farm on state road electricity telephone chooL bus $800 00-acre potato farm fair building excellent Ullage $1200 100-acre general farm good buiid-lrgs nwiy painted near canneries ino cords pulp: $1500 136-acre dairy farm good buildings electricity telephone achool bus $1600 Write or call for description on these and other farm values Terms arranged with respoasible parties FEDERAL LAND BANK OF PRI NO FI ELD 31 Central Street Bangor Maine Tel 7528 $1700 BUYS 96-ACRE FARM IN Carmel Pleasant high land loca non Productive crop and stock farm Attractive Cape Cod type house room good cellar water electric lights Shed two car ga rage barn 36x40 feet Good or chard Inspect thi and other well located paying farm with LOUIS KIRSTEIN At BOV Real Estate At Insurance Service TOR SALE: 83'-ACRE FARM 18 miles from Bangor on atate hiRh way 9-room house barn electric lights wood for home use MRS ANNIE RUSH East Corinth Maine GREENBUSH ROUTE 2 25 MIN ute from Old Town Hutchinson farm of 60 acres A comfortable medium sired farm for only $975 Consult GOLDSMITH AGENCY Ororso 66 Lota and Suburban for Sale LARGE BUILDING LOT for sale on the comer of Highland Avenue and Highland Street Also comer of Jacason Street and High land Avenue The size of the lot is 270 feet on Highland Me 150 feet on' Highland Street and 150 feet on Jackson Street Beautiful location One of the highest in Bangor Surrounded by fine neighborhood Suitable for building -a ver? attractive home Will be sold at reasonable price Tel 9706 for further information or call at 51 Highland street 69 Automobiles for Sale 1940 FORD DELUXE SEDAN 85 Must sell before Labor Day Guaranteed good as new Private owner Terms arranged if de sired May' be seen at Yacht Club Call Sullivan 79-22 or write MR ASHER SORRENTO Me 1932 CHEVROLET RUMBLE 8 EAT coupe for sale New rubber very clean Cash or term $8500 In quire A Vearie Tel 2-2638 FOR SALE: TRAILER BUILT ON Ford V-8 Chassis Priced low lor quick sale Phone 5932 10 De-Rush Court South Brewer 70 Trucks for Sal FOR ONE 1937 CHEVRO-tet Pick-up truck ton Call BLAIR Milford Maine 70a Trucks Wanted FOR HALF TON PAN-el Chevrolet truck ton OMC truck Long wheel base van body Good condition-Tel 2-0200 71 Acceatories Tire Tubes mu USED PARIS FOR ALL OAKS ana an any yea Get our puces' Writ us or can ROLNICK At SONd Brewer CATHERINE VINCENT Mrs Catherine Vincent 77 a lifelong resident of Bangor died Sunday at her home 16 Sidney street She is survived by one sister Mrs James A O'Neil of Portland a son John Moran of Banger and a granddaughter Alice Moran of Bangor The funeral will be Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at St Catholic church i MISS EDNA ADAMS Edna Adams 22 died Sunday at her home 412 South Main street Brewer after a long illness She was a member of the Class of 1940 University of Maine and was prominent In many college activities She was a member of the Sigma Nu Sigma and Phi Mu sororities She was a member ol the Maine Masque Mr and Mrs Archie Adams her parents survive as docs a grandmother Mrs Fred Boober and two brothers Ernest and David Adams and several aunts and uncles She attended the Methodist church Funeral services will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the late residence FRANK PUIIA The death of Frank Pulia occurred Saturday at his home 12 French street after a long Illness He would have been 57 years cld Nov A native of Polls Italy he was the proprietor of the New Waverly hotel He was a devoted memter of St John's Catholic church Surviving are his wife Mabel Puiia two children Anthony and Mrs Santina Kelley both of Banger and two grandchildren Rosalie and Santina Kelley Funeral services will be gt St church Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock with burial In the family lot at Mt Pleasant cemetery HATTIE GROSS SMITH Mrs Hattie Gross Smith 77 died at the home of her daughter Mrs Ella McNeil Saturday evening after a long Illness 8he had been a resident of Ban gor 45 years and for 36 years had lived on lower Main treet She wa widely known and had many friends In this city Besides her daughter she is sur vfved by one grandson Warren A TIIOMASTON THOMASTON Aug Jolly Toller 4-H club presented a fine program of Finnish music and dances at the York Pomona and York county farm buieau field day recently held at Cornish John and Jame Dana accompanied the danrera on their accordions Mlu Arlene Nelson leader of the club wa announcer' A special meeting of the Congregational church will be held Tues day evening at 7:30 at the Methodist vestry The Friendly club will picnic at the home of Miss Anna Dillingham Wednesday Each member 1 asked to bring her own picnic lunch and cofTee will be provided by the hostess Miss Olive Rogers of Chicago ir vfldtlng hrr mother Mrs Herbert Vhecler Dr Douglas Walker of New Haven hospital arrived Saturday for a week' visit with his parents Mr and Mrs Lee Walker Oeorge Cross w'ho has been undergoing treatment at Togus hospital returned Friday Mr Lewis A Hanley who ha? been visiting her mother Mrs Flora Ames at Vinalhaven returned home Sunday after two visit The circle of the Baptist church w'ill hold a sale and supper in the vestry Aug 28 at 2 There wull be ar baby show under the supervision of Mrs Martin Webber The fancy and aprons will be in charge of Mrs Minnte Wilson Mrs Lucy Sdlery and Mrs Gertrude Hahn candy Mrs Hattie Creighton and Mrs prace Andrews cooked food Mrs Letitla Starrett At 5 there will be a business meeting A supper will be served at 6 o'clock Mrs Susie' New-bert heading the committee In the evening Supt 8 Morse will be the speaker The variety sale sponsored bv the Thomaston Garden club will be held Thursday at the Levenselar house Cooked food cut flowers plants and vases will be on sale Tea will be served Mr and Mrs Benjamin Smalley and son Benjamin Jr with Mr and Mrs Lewis Smalley and two children of Augusta passed Sunday at Old Orchard Mrs Nellie Orff returned Friday from the grange conference at Burlington Vt Dr Stewart Stevenson of New Haven Conn was the week-end guest of Dr Douglas Walker af the home of his parents Mr and Mr Leo Walker A chicken pie supper is being served Tuesday at 6 by th circle of the Federated rhureh -3u HORSE SENSE ANSWERS 1 Blu 2 13 3 Coal 6 The rows 4 Green 5 Ooose livers kernels are even numbered on corn Roasting qnrs may have 4 8 10 12-or occasionally more rows Field corn usually has the larger numbers as 14 16 etc In this problem the sweet corn is (b while td) is field corn CASTINE CASTINE Aug Miss Grace Wltham of Bangor called on Charles Wood Wednesday-Frederick Chauncey and Duncan Chauncey were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Reuben Devereux Sunday Mr- and Mrs Beverley Duer are on a week's cruise among the Island in their yacht Mr and Mra Paul Croxford of North Penobscot were guests of her parent Mr and Mrs Reuben Devereux last week They were accompanied home by Mrs Croxford' grandmother' Mrs Mark Devereux who will spend a few day with them Mrs Nellie Sawyer Winsor and two children Edward and Marjorie of Norwich Conn Mrs Marston Nathalie and Milton Winsor and Jackie Butler of Plain field Ccnn are at the home ot Charles Sawyer Mr and Mrs William Parker of Brewer Mrs Henry Stalker and daughter Miss Luculle Emery of Providence I were guests of Mr and Mrs Walter Mayo Wednesday Mra Olive Folger of Indiana Pa 1 spending a week with her daughter Mra John Gardner Jr Prln and Ir Hall accom panled by Mrs Ermo Scott and daughter Bonnie met Mrs Eana Harquall in Belfast and spent Wednesday with Miss Mary Bills In Hope Mrs Stephen Clould has returned to her home In Bucksport alter spending a week wdth her grand mother Mrs Everett Leach Ermo Scott arrived from Castle toh Vt Friday to spend a week In hi home here before leaving for Vermont for the school year Mr and Mrs Jasper Crouse of the Normal school faculty will live In the Ermo Seott house on Water street Mrs Harry Brigham who has been the guest of her son Rev John Brigham for the past week returned to her home in Concoro Mas Friday Rev Kenneth Walker and Rev John Brigham spent Friday In Calais and Eastport visiting Quoddy Dam Mr and Mrs Carleton Robbins will live In the Philbrook house on Main atreet during the school year Mrs John Brigham 1 expecting her parents Mr and Mrs Herman Dege of Quinccy IJ1 whom ahe has not seen since she ha lived here to visit her next week There were 16 present at the Golf club house for the weekly Thursday night supper After sup per the young people held a dance Mrs How Volkmann wa chape rone Raymond Bowden who has been in a Salem hospital for the past lew week Is at his home on Water street Mrs Phyllis Farley Miss Frances Patterson and Mrs Marie Iteach spent Wednesday at Swans lake with Miss Elsie Hurd Mrs Caroline York Is general chairman of the chicken supper given by the Castlne grange and 4-H club at the grange hall Wednes day night from 6 to 7 o'clock The proceeds will be divided equally between these two organizations Tickets may be secured from Mrs York or Mrs Colby Gray and In Coombs Hardware store on Main street Mrs Hayes of Wellesley Hills and Mr Austin Riley and two children of Penn Yan were guest of Mrs Reginald Boroto this week Miss Frances Boroto returned to Boston after spending the week end at her home here Charlotte Elkins of Bangor has been engaged as music supervisor of Jslesboro schools Miss Jeannette Morgrage of Bangor spent Thursday with Mis Jeanne Day George Till of Marblehead Mass ha spent the past week at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Fowiie Mrs Call Dunbar and daughter Frances are In New York with Carl Dunbar for a few weeks Miss Jeanne Day returned to her home this week from a two weeks stay at Hill Top camp at East Or land Mr and Mrs Kenneth Boobcr and daughter Betty accompanied her and spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Gerald Day Mr and Mra Donald Freeman and Aons Donald and Jefferson of Old Greenwich Conn and Mr and Mrs Frank Blalsdell of Bangor were guest of Mrs Ermo Seott thi week: William' Steven ha returned to the hospital for treatment Mra Fred Howland of West Medford Mass 1 staying at tne home of Mr Emma Connor and 1 visiting her son Fred Howland who 1 employed in the home of Dr and Mr Frederick Pierre Mr Emma Connor Mr Fred Howland and her son Fred Howland spent Sunday on Mt Desert Island Donald Sawyer of Bernard I a guet of Mr and Mr Wilbur Ora way Mra Ernest Webster and Mr Chester Apt were Belfast visitor! Tuesday Russell Apt Maurice Apt of Elis worth and James Grindle of Town Hill were guests of Mr and Mr Chester Apt Monday Mr and Mr Fred Bond of New ton Center Mass are guest of her sifter ML May Shepherd Victor DuPlisM has rrturrtPd tp Eangor after the season' Employ WILLIAM STEVENS CASTINE Aug William Steven 8ft died here Saturday He was born In Winter Harbor son of the late Curtis and Mary Stevens He wa In the grocery business here several years and was widely known by the traveling public having been employed as a clerk In several Maine hotels He was unmarried Mr Stevens was a member of the local Odd Fellows Idoge and of the Knights oT Pythias In Ellsworth Funeral services will be Monday afternoon at 2 at the Unitarian church the Rev John Brigham officiating GEORGE WHITMORE SOUTHWEST HARBOR Aug 25 Whitmore a lifelong resident here died suddenly at his home Thursday noon whilq sitting In his chair He was the youngest son of the late Isaac and Rachel Robinson Whitmcre and was born about seventy-five years ago He follow ed the sea in his young days and was later employed for many years the Stanley fish wharf at Man set He retired a few years ago be-rfpre of falling health- Always gehial he had many friends He leaves one daughter Mrs Wilder Dolllver of McKinley and two sons Raymond and Jay Whit more of Scuthwest Harbor several grandchildren and three great grandchildren He a bo leaves one sister Mrs Lucy Whitmore Stanley of Manset who ha lived with him in his home since the death of his wife a few years ago Funeral services wrie held at the home Sun day afternoon Burial was at Mount Height ELIZABETH FRENCH THOMASTON Aug Mys Elizabeth French who had been a patient at the Knox hospital several weeks died there Friday morning She was boin Oct 22 1879 In Chl-engo 111 daughter of John and Margaret Whalen She had been a irM dent cl this town for the past five years The remain were sent In Chicago Saturday morning services were held Burial will be In Caj-arv cemetery She Is survived by a brother Pat rick Whalen a grandson Wilson Preston of Burlington Vt a niece Mr Elvira Lynn of Lynn Mass and a nephew Alfred Ireland ol Bangor EDWARD McCABE CAMDEN Aug 25-Edward McCabe 78 died here this morning He had teen In falling health for two years He Is survived by two daughters Mrs Hazel Linnell of Auburn and Mrs Myrtle Hudson of Patten Also surviving are two brothers Robert McCabe of Bargor and George Me Cabe of Hermon Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10:30 from the Goode funeral home here -SOLEY BENTQtN LORD LINCOLN Aug 25 8oley Benton Lord 60 died Saturday at the hospital Bangor He was born in Mt Chase and had lived In Lincoln Center 26 years He was an employe of the Eastern corporation for 25 years Mr Lord was a member of Horeb Lodge and A and of Lincoln chapter He is survived by his wife Cora Pcavey Lord two daughters Charlotte and Donna of Lincoln Center four brothers Elmer and Lionel of patten William of lloulton and Emanuel of New Hampshire three Meteis Mrs Stella Rigby and Mia Edna Cole of Patten and Mrs Evelyn Clark of Smyrna Mills Funeral service will be at the Barton funeral home Monday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock the Rev Victor Musk officiating Burial will be In the Lincoln cemetery EMMA WELCH SPRINGER HARTLANEAug Mrs Emma Welch Springer 66 died at her home here Saturday after a short Illness i She was a native of Canaan the daughter of Charles and Mary Welch Surviving are three children Mrs Alice Brawn Charles and Henry Springer of Hartland two grandchildren andore brother Willis Welrh of St Alban Funeral service will Monday afternoon at -2 o'clock MARY ANDREW3 SOLON Aug Mary Esther Andrews 72 wife of Melvin Andrews died here Saturday evening after a long illness She was a native of New Poit-land the daughter of Alexandet and Nancy Lovejoy Gould and lived In North Anson for a time as a young girl She was married to Melvin Andrews Oct 25 1890 and they have made their home in Solon nearly half a century Mrs Andrews was always active in community affairs She wan a past regent of the local A a pat noble grand of Northern Light Rbrkah lodge a past lecturer of North Somerset grange and a member of the Congregational church Hazel Wall of Belfast and a sister Mrs Annie Trim of Roekport Services will be at the residence Wednesday at 2 by the Rev I Holt Interment wiYl be in Amrsbury cemetery JOSEPHINE ANN FENNO MAC1IIAS Aug Josephine Ann Fenno four-year-old daughter cf Mr and Mrs Oeorge Fenno ot Machias died late Thursday night her death following a short Illness Besides the parents thiee Msteia and two brothers survive Louise Barbara Eunice Ralph and George Fenno Funrial services were conducted at the family residence on Elliot street this afternoon by the Rev William Riddlough Burial was in the Court street jeemetery MRS ROBERT FAULKNER MARS HILL Aug Mrs Robert Faulkner 32 died here Saturday night She was a native of Blaine Surviving besides her husband are her mother Mrs Lovena Hotham of Blaine two brothers Unward and Harry Hotham of Mars Hill one sister Mrs Doris Brewer of Blaine Funeral services will be Tuesday afternocn at 2 o'clock at the Hotham residence RAYMOND BEAULIEU VAN BUREN Raymond Beaulieu 89 well known resident of St David died at the home of his son Simeon Beaulieu Thursday He had been engag'd in farming most of his life and was the son of Nazalre Beaulieu He is survived by two sons Simeon of St Davis and Raymond Jr of Togus four daughters Mrs Come Beaulieu fa*gnes) of St Da- vld Mrs Paul Lizotte (Julie) Mrs Wilfred Dayson (Alice) and Mrs Vilas Slrois (Helene) all of Augusta A high mass requiem waa sung by the Rev Alexandre DouccUln St David church Saturday morn- Ing at 9 and Interment was In the church cemetery JOSEPH WALLACE PORTLAND Me Aug 23-tAP) Joseph Wallace 59 the state sea and shore fisheries commission' first warden and recently ft regional supervisor died of heart disease while on patrol off Portland harbor today Ills son Elmore Wallace ac companying the veteran state officer brought his father's boat to port Wallace 35 years a warden had charge of the coast from Kit-tcry to Boothbay Harbor and also waa a deputy warde of the federal biological survey Commissioner Arthur Green- leaf said Wallace born at Long Island in Casco Bay was of the finest wardens the ever FUNERAL SERVICES Funeral services for Georg? A Sprague were held Sunday afternoon from the late residence 250 French street with Rev Raymond Hartt pastor of the- First Methodist church officiating There was a large attendance and many flowers Bearers were Dr Howes Charles Taylor A Martin Arthur Black Harcld Worthen and Frank Friend Burial was in Mount Hope cemetery with committal rervices by Penobscot-Oriental lodge I of which he was a member Those attending the services from out of town included: Mr and Mrs Taylor and Harold Taylor Blddeford Mr Mary Worthen Cortnna the Rev and Mra George Currier Campton Mrs Ora MacLeod Auburn Mr and Mrs Ralph Hodge North Dxmont Mr and Mrs Edwin Maddocks Houlton Dr Howe Enfield Mr and Mrs Roy Shute Mr and Mrs Charles Shute Charleston Mr and Mrs Arthur Famham Orland Mr and Mrs Ernest Russcll Pe-nobscot Mrs Wayne Ball Soutn Portland Harold Russell Cincinnati Ohio and Mr and Mrs Win-throp Duty Holden Funeral services for Ethel Nickerson wife of Arthur Nickerson were held at the home 67 Parkview avenue at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon the Rev Frederick Meek officiating There was a very large attendance at the service and floral irlbute were so numerous that three automobile were neceasary to rarrv them to the place of burial in Mt Hope cemetery Bearers were Raymond-Adams Richard Pendleton Joalah Steward and Jame Wallace Funeral services for Frederick were held Sunday afternoon at the Ciark-Mitchell funeral home Main street Bangor with Rev Charles Parkin pastor of Grace Methodist church officiating Mr Dow a prominent engineer was graduated from University of Maine 50 years ago There wa a large attendance and many flowers Bearers were Carlton and Keith Googin Eugene Dow Edgar Ctcighton Searsport Girl Will Teach in Belfast School SEARSPORT Aug Miss Hope Havener daughter cf Mr and Mrs Charles Havener a graduate of Searsport High school and the Posse School of Physical Education at Kendall Green Mass has accepted a position as Physcial director at Crosby high school Belfast starting her new duties at the opening of the fall term Wednesday September 4 -i Mr and Mrs Raymond Caipln of Everett Mass are house guests of Mrs Anna Lord at her residence in the East end Mr and Mrs Vlnal Cook have returned to Kendall Green Mas after spending two wNeks at tne Gilkey cottage Swan lake Mr and Mrs Charles Havener and Mr and Mrs Fred Parker who have been at the Gilkey cottage Swan lake have returned to their homes here Mrs Frank Gross of Portland was a recent guest of Mrs Harold Cook Mrs Oross with Miss Marion Lord of Portland were en route from Deer Isle to Camden where they plan to visit Mr and Mrs Charles Lord Mr and Mrs Edward Moulton of Roellndale Mass are guests ot Selectman and Mrs Charles Rogers Wednesday the Rogers and the Moultons with Mrs William Worcester attended Jhe Knox county fair at Union Thursday Mr and Mrs Moulton and Mrs Rogers were guests of Mrs Ursula Black and 1 hpr daughter Mrs 8 Stone in Sandv Point Mr and Mrs Andrew Allen of Orange who are summering at on Porgy Point are entertaining Mr Ben Phillips ot Philadelphia Miss Julia Carpenter Mrs George Wheatland and Mrs Charles Little of the McGllvery House were in Camden yesterday as guests of Mr and Mrs Oeoige Seay at "The Invitations have been Issued to Searsport friends to attend the wrddlng of Mis Alice Osborne Cur-wen daughter of Mr and Mrs George Curwen of Nova Villa Pa and New Harbor and Fdwnrd McKern of Brookline Mass which will take place on September 12 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon In Saint Andrew's church Newcastle Mrs Louise Schmidt and Mr John Andrews and son Dayton oi Danbury Conn are guests of Mrs Frederick Dalton at the Anchorage Pleasant Point Mis Judy Partridge of West Hartford Conn has been a house -guest of the Arthur Jacksons Pleasant Point Mr and Mrs Victor Serrt of Warren Ohio have arrived for a stay at the Elizabeth Paine cottage Swan lake En route they visited relatives in Hyde Park Vt Miss Alma Evenson of Philadelphia and Miss Janet Clark of Media Pa returned to their homes Sunday after spending some time at Swan lake as guests of Miss Elizabeth Paine Mr and Mrs Arnold Knox motored here from Portland and on their return were accompanied bv the latter's mother Mrs Blanche Clark who will remain for a visit Mrs Hattie Fhilena Clifford who observed her" 90th birthday Friday received many gifts cards etc rememberance of the day On Hiursday she was guest of honor from 3 to 5 at the home of her niece Mrs Sumner Small when neighbors and friends called to extend greetings Refreshments including a birthday cake were served The GOP town committee organization meeting called by State committee woman Mae Chapman ot Belfast' Thursday evening at the rooms in Belfast was ment at the Acadian hotel Mr and Mrs Herbet Small ot Springfield Mass guests on' Tuesday of Mr Small's brother Mace Eaton Mr and Mr Elmont Wardwen of Blue Hill were guests of his mother Mrs Rosie Wardwell Sunday They were accompanied back by Miss Mildred Wardwell who has employment in Blue Hill Mr and Mrs Colby Gray and daughter Barbara visited mother Mrs Valerius Gray a North Penobscot Sunday Eugene Ray and on Robert of New Orleans are visiting Mr Gray's parents Capt and Mr Rodney Ory Vincent LaFlammp has gone to Philadelphia The Brlnley Oolf Cup wa won this year by John Wheeler at the Castlne Golf club This ended the Golf club championship contest which hrs been played off during the There -re 12000 traffic signals in past two weeks Henry Young came New York city attended by the following Searsport people: Ida A Duncan Mr Clifton Foster Mrs Elizabeth Trunay Mr and Mrs Oeorge Flmen-drof and they were accompanied by Miss Ruth White of Bangor Mr and Mrs Summer Bewail of Bath were honor guests The Nlrhols yacht has been on a two-day rrutse down the bay Those on board were Robert Nichols Harold Marshall Andrew Allen Ben Phillips -ot Philadelphia and Jack Allen Among those who attended the theater at Lakewood thi week wcia Mrs Andrew Ross Allen Mr Andrew Allen MJss Katherine Hurlburt of Philadelphia Miss Kate Dow Mrs James Hill Mrs Frederick Black Miss Rebecca Rons Mrs Roger Du Bose of Roanoke Va Miss Jessie Hiekerson and Miss Mary Field of Belfast hi to mi iWi ii.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.