Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (2024)


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Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (1)


Women > Hoodies & Sweatshirts







Average Size








Closure type

Pull on




Hoodie Neck

Round Neck

Shawl collar



Turtle neck

High Neck





Pattern / Print

Solid / Plain

Letters & Alphabets

Random Print





Multi Colors

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12.00 AED - 26.00 AED

27.00 AED - 41.00 AED

42.00 AED - 42.00 AED






60% off or more

45% off or more

30% off or more

15% off or more

Customer Rating

5 & up

4 & up

3 & up

2 & up

1 & up

`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); } let existingObjectIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj[parentPath+'-'+parentKey]); let existingUrlIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj[parentPath]); if (existingObjectIndex !== -1) { global_filter_selections[existingObjectIndex][parentPath+'-'+parentKey] = selectedValues; } else if(existingUrlIndex !== -1){ global_filter_selections[existingUrlIndex][parentPath] = selectedValues; } else { global_filter_selections.push({ [parentPath+'-'+parentKey]: selectedValues }); } let nonEmptyFilterValues = global_filter_selections.filter(obj => Object.values(obj).flat().length > 0); let mergedObject = {}; for (let obj of nonEmptyFilterValues) { let [key] = Object.keys(obj); let [name, value] = key.split('-'); if (mergedObject[name]) { mergedObject[name].push(...obj[key]); } else { mergedObject[name] = [...obj[key]]; } } let result = Object.entries(mergedObject) .map(([key, values]) => `${key}[${values.join(',')}]`) .join(','); global_filters = result; filterProducts(global_filters, '421_399' ,FIRST_PAGE); if (Object.keys(global_all_filters).length === 0) { $('.all-filters').addClass('d-none'); } } function getSingleOption(radio){ let radio_id =; let rating = ''; $('input[name="' + + '"]:not(:checked)').each(function () { if (! { $(this).siblings('label').removeClass('selected'); } }); $('#'+radio_id).siblings('label').toggleClass('selected'); if(!$(radio).siblings('label').hasClass('selected')){ $('#'+radio_id).prop('checked',false); } let selectedValues = $('input[name="''"]:checked').map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get(); let parentKey = $(radio).data('parent-key'); let parentPath = $(radio).data('parent-path'); let radio_name = $(radio).closest('.form-check').find('.filter-option-name').text(); // Retrieve the checkbox name if(parentKey === 'r' && parentPath === 'r'){ let rating_count = $(radio).val(); rating_count = parseInt(rating_count.charAt(0)); rating = ` ` } if(global_all_filters[parentKey]){ if (global_all_filters[parentKey].id === radio_id) { delete global_all_filters[parentKey]; $('#child-' + parentKey).parent().remove(); } else { var previousRadioId = global_all_filters[parentKey].id; delete global_all_filters[parentKey]; $('#child-' + previousRadioId).parent().remove(); global_all_filters[parentKey] = { 'name': radio_name, 'type': 'radio', 'id': radio_id, 'parentKey': parentKey, 'parentPath': parentPath, }; // Update the "all filters" section $('.all-filters-body').find(`[data-parent-key="${parentKey}"]`).parent().remove(); let badge = `

${ rating ? rating : ''} ${radio_name}

`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); } }else{ global_all_filters[parentKey] = { 'name' : radio_name, 'type' : 'radio', 'id' : radio_id, 'parentKey' : parentKey, 'parentPath' : parentPath, } $('.all-filters-body').find(`[data-parent-key="${parentKey}"]`).parent().remove(); let badge = `

${ rating ? rating : ''} ${radio_name}

`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); } if(parentKey === 'p'){ if(!$(radio).siblings('label').hasClass('selected')){ $('#min-price').val(''); $('#max-price').val(''); } let selectedPrice = $('input[name="' + + '"]:checked').val(); if(selectedPrice){ let values = selectedPrice.split(','); $('#min-price').val(values[0]); $('#max-price').val(values[1]); } } let existingObjectIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj[parentPath+'-'+parentKey]); let existingUrlIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj[parentPath]); if (existingObjectIndex !== -1) { global_filter_selections[existingObjectIndex][parentPath+'-'+parentKey] = selectedValues; } else if(existingUrlIndex !== -1){ global_filter_selections[existingUrlIndex][parentPath] = selectedValues; } else { global_filter_selections.push({ [parentPath+'-'+parentKey]: selectedValues }); } let nonEmptyFilterValues = global_filter_selections.filter(obj => Object.values(obj).flat().length > 0); let mergedObject = {}; for (let obj of nonEmptyFilterValues) { let [key] = Object.keys(obj); let [name, value] = key.split('-'); if (mergedObject[name]) { mergedObject[name].push(...obj[key]); } else { mergedObject[name] = [...obj[key]]; } } let result = Object.entries(mergedObject) .map(([key, values]) => `${key}[${values.join(',')}]`) .join(','); global_filters = result; filterProducts(global_filters, '421_399' ,FIRST_PAGE); if (Object.keys(global_all_filters).length === 0) { $('.all-filters').addClass('d-none'); } } function getPrice(min,max,id,key,path){ let parentKey = key; let parentPath = path; let minPrice; let maxPrice; minPrice = $('#min-price').val(); maxPrice = $('#max-price').val(); $('input[data-parent-key="p"]').each(function () { $(this).prop('checked', false); $(this).siblings('label').removeClass('selected'); }); if(minPrice === '' && maxPrice !== ''){ minPrice = min; }else if(maxPrice === '' && minPrice !== ''){ maxPrice = max; } let selectedValues = (minPrice !== '' || maxPrice !== '') ? [minPrice + ',' + maxPrice] : []; let radio_name = `${minPrice} AED - ${maxPrice} AED`; if(global_all_filters[parentKey]){ var previousRadioId = global_all_filters[parentKey].id; delete global_all_filters[parentKey]; $('#child-' + previousRadioId).parent().remove(); global_all_filters[parentKey] = { 'type': 'radio', 'id': 'custom-price', 'parentKey': parentKey, 'parentPath': parentPath, }; // Update the "all filters" section $('.all-filters-body').find(`[data-parent-key="${parentKey}"]`).parent().remove(); let badge = `


`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); }else{ global_all_filters[parentKey] = { 'type' : 'radio', 'id' : 'custom-price', 'parentKey' : parentKey, 'parentPath' : parentPath, } $('.all-filters-body').find(`[data-parent-key="${parentKey}"]`).parent().remove(); let badge = `


`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); } let existingObjectIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj[parentPath+'-'+parentKey]); let existingUrlIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj[parentPath]); if (existingObjectIndex !== -1) { global_filter_selections[existingObjectIndex][parentPath+'-'+parentKey] = selectedValues; } else if(existingUrlIndex !== -1){ global_filter_selections[existingUrlIndex][parentPath] = selectedValues; } else { global_filter_selections.push({ [parentPath+'-'+parentKey]: selectedValues }); } let nonEmptyFilterValues = global_filter_selections.filter(obj => Object.values(obj).flat().length > 0); let mergedObject = {}; for (let obj of nonEmptyFilterValues) { let [key] = Object.keys(obj); let [name, value] = key.split('-'); if (mergedObject[name]) { mergedObject[name].push(...obj[key]); } else { mergedObject[name] = [...obj[key]]; } } let result = Object.entries(mergedObject) .map(([key, values]) => `${key}[${values.join(',')}]`) .join(','); global_filters = result; filterProducts(global_filters, '421_399' ,FIRST_PAGE); } function replaceUrlParam(key, value) { let currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href); if(value !== '' && value !== null && value !== undefined && value != 'null') { currentUrl.searchParams.set(key,value); }else { if(currentUrl.searchParams.has(key)){ currentUrl.searchParams.delete(key); } } if (global_sort) { currentUrl.searchParams.set('sort', global_sort); } else { currentUrl.searchParams.delete('sort'); } if (global_order) { currentUrl.searchParams.set('order', global_order); } else { currentUrl.searchParams.delete('order'); } window.history.replaceState({ path: currentUrl.href }, '', decodeURIComponent(currentUrl.href)); } function getUrlParameter(name) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; return urlParams.get(name); } function parseFilterParameter(filterParam) { const keyValuePairs = filterParam.match(/(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]/g) || []; return => { const [key, values] = pair.split('['); const parsedValues = values.substring(0, values.length - 1).split(','); return {[key]: parsedValues }; }); } const filterParam = getUrlParameter('_filter'); if ('_filter')) { global_filters = filterParam; } if ('sort')) { global_sort = getUrlParameter('sort'); } if ('order')) { global_order = getUrlParameter('order'); } const filterKeyValuePairs = filterParam ? parseFilterParameter(filterParam) : []; function update_global_filter_selections(key, values) { let existingObjectIndex = global_filter_selections.findIndex(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty(key)); if (existingObjectIndex !== -1) { global_filter_selections[existingObjectIndex][key] = values; } else { global_filter_selections.push({ [key]: values }); } } for (let pair of filterKeyValuePairs) { const [key, values] = Object.entries(pair)[0]; update_global_filter_selections(key, values); } function markMatchedLabels(filterArray) { const forColors = 'focus-ring-dark'; const forCheckboxes = 'selected'; $('input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]').each(function() { const id = $(this).attr('id'); const parentKey = $(this).data('parent-key'); const parentPath = $(this).data('parent-path'); const checkboxValue = $(this).val().split(','); let radio = $(this).is(':radio'); const isMatch = filterArray.some(filterObj => { return filterObj.hasOwnProperty(parentPath) && filterObj[parentPath].some(filterValue => { const filterStringValue = filterValue.toString(); if(filterObj[parentPath][1]){ // to match both values for min,max in query params for ranges return radio ? (checkboxValue[0].toString() === filterStringValue && checkboxValue[1].toString() === filterObj[parentPath][1]) : checkboxValue.includes(filterStringValue); } return radio ? checkboxValue[0].toString() === filterStringValue : checkboxValue.includes(filterStringValue); }); }); if (isMatch) { if($(this).is(':radio') && !$(this).prop('checked')){ let name = $(this).closest('.form-check').find('.filter-option-name').text(); let rating = ''; $(this).siblings('label').addClass(forCheckboxes); $(this).prop('checked', true); global_all_filters[parentKey] = { 'name' : name, 'type' : 'radio', 'id' : id, 'parentKey' : parentKey, 'parentPath' : parentPath, } if(parentKey === 'r' && parentPath === 'r'){ let rating_count = $(this).val(); rating_count = parseInt(rating_count.charAt(0)); rating = ` ` } let badge = `

${ rating ? rating : ''} ${name}

`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); }else if($(this).is(':checkbox') && !$(this).prop('checked')){ let name = $(this).closest('.form-check').find('.filter-option-name').text(); let img = ''; if(parentPath === 'c'){ name = $(this).attr('data-color-name'); img = $(this).attr('data-img-src'); } $(this).siblings('img').addClass(forColors); $(this).siblings('label').addClass(forCheckboxes); $(this).prop('checked', true); global_all_filters[id] = { 'name' : name, 'type' : 'checkbox', 'id' : id, 'parentKey' : parentKey, 'parentPath' : parentPath, } let badge = `

${ img ? `Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (13)` : ''} ${name}

`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); } } }); const prices = filterArray.find(filter => { let parentKey = 'p'; let parentPath = 'p'; if ('p' in filter) { $('#min-price').val(filter['p'][0]); $('#max-price').val(filter['p'][1]); // ------------- for price badge in all filters on refresh let radio_name = `${filter['p'][0]} AED - ${filter['p'][1]} AED`; if(!global_all_filters[parentKey]){ global_all_filters[parentKey] = { 'type' : 'radio', 'id' : 'custom-price', 'parentKey' : parentKey, 'parentPath' : parentPath, } $('.all-filters-body').find(`[data-parent-key="${parentKey}"]`).parent().remove(); let badge = `


`; $('.all-filters-body').append(badge); $('.all-filters').removeClass('d-none'); } return true; } }); } markMatchedLabels(filterKeyValuePairs); function filterProducts(global_filters, current_path = '' ,FIRST_PAGE){ global_page = 1; let url = ''; let data = ''; if(is_promotion_page == 1 || is_deals_page == 1){ window.scrollTo(0, 480); }else if(is_seller_page == 1) { window.scrollTo(0, 300); }else{ window.scrollTo(0, 0); } if(is_all_products == 1){ replaceUrlParam('_filter', global_filters); url = document.URL; data = { '_filter': global_filters, 'page': FIRST_PAGE, 'limit': PER_PAGE }; if (global_sort !== '') { data.sort = global_sort; } if (global_order !== '') { data.order = global_order; } } else if(is_search_page == 1){ replaceUrlParam('_filter', global_filters); url = document.URL; data = { '_filter': global_filters, 'page': FIRST_PAGE, 'limit': PER_PAGE, 'path' : current_path, 'search': global_search }; if (global_sort !== '') { data.sort = global_sort; } if (global_order !== '') { data.order = global_order; } } else if(is_promotion_page == 1 || is_deals_page == 1){ replaceUrlParam('_filter', global_filters); url = document.URL; data = { '_filter': global_filters, 'page': FIRST_PAGE, 'limit': PER_PAGE, 'path' : (is_promotion_page == 1) ? 'promotion' : 'deals' , }; if (global_sort !== '') { data.sort = global_sort; } if (global_order !== '') { data.order = global_order; } } else if(is_seller_page == 1){ replaceUrlParam('_filter', global_filters); url = document.URL; data = { '_filter': global_filters, 'page': FIRST_PAGE, 'limit': PER_PAGE, 'seller_id' : seller_id ? seller_id : '' }; if (global_sort !== '') { data.sort = global_sort; } if (global_order !== '') { data.order = global_order; } } else { replaceUrlParam('_filter', global_filters); url = document.URL; data = { '_filter': global_filters, 'page': FIRST_PAGE, 'limit': PER_PAGE, 'path' : current_path, }; if (global_sort !== '') { data.sort = global_sort; } if (global_order !== '') { data.order = global_order; } } $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: data, dataType:'json', beforeSend: function(){ $('#products .products-block').html(cards_placeholder_collection); }, complete: function(){ }, success: function(response) { if(response.products.length){ replaceProducts(response); }else{ let html = `

Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (14)

We couldn't find any results for "Hoodies & Sweatshirts",
please try to remove some filters on the left

` $('#products .products-block').html(html); } if(response.filters){ let updatedFilters = updateWithNewFilters(response.filters); $('.all-filters-body').html(''); $('.all-filters').nextAll('div.sub-filter').remove(); $('.all-filters').after(updatedFilters); const newFilterParam = getUrlParameter('_filter'); const newFilterKeyValuePairs = newFilterParam ? parseFilterParameter(newFilterParam) : []; markMatchedLabels(newFilterKeyValuePairs); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } function replaceProducts(response){ let html = ''; $.each(response.products, function(index,product){ html += '

'; // COL START html += '

'; // PRODUCT-BLOCK START if(product?.thumb){ if(product?.label){ html += ''+product?.label+''; } if(product?.quantity <= 0){ html += '


'; } html += '

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'; // P1-END } html += '

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'; } else { html += '

'; } if(product?.ee_products){ html += ' '; } else { html += ''; } html += product?.name; html += ''; html += '

'; if(product?.rating > 0 && product?.reviews_total_count){ html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '

'; } html += '

'; if(product?.rating && product?.rating > 0 ){ html += '

'; for(let i=1; i<=5; i++){ if(product?.rating < i ){ html += ' '; }else{ html += ' '; } } if(product?.reviews_total_count){ html += ''; html += '('+ product?.reviews_total_count +')'; html += ''; } html += '

'; } html += '

'; if(product?.quantity > 0 && product?.quantity < 6){ html += 'Only '+product?.quantity+' Left'; } html += '

'; html += '

'; //price info start if (product?.price) { html += '

'; if (!product?.special) { html += ''; html += product?.price; html += ''; } else { html += ''; html += product?.special; html += ''; } if(product.highlight_image){ html += 'Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (16)'; } html += '

'; } html += '

'; html += ''; if (product?.special) { html += product?.price; } html += ''; html += ''; if (product?.quantity && product?.discount) { html += product?.discount; html += 'OFF'; } html += ''; html += '

'; html += '

'; //price info ends if(is_promotion_page == 1 || is_deals_page == 1){ let soldPercentage = 0; if(product?.sold_percentage <= 99){ soldPercentage = product?.sold_percentage; }else{ soldPercentage = 99; } if(product?.quantity <= 0){ soldPercentage = 100; } html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '

' html += '

'; html += ''+soldPercentage+'% Sold' html += '

' } if(product?.product_messages.length == 1){ html += '

'; if(product?.product_messages[0].icon){ html += 'Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (17)'; } if(product?.product_messages[0].text){ html += ''; html += product?.product_messages[0].text; html += ''; } html += '

'; }else{ html += '

'; html += '

'; if(product?.product_messages){ product?.product_messages.forEach(function(message){ html += '

'; if(message.icon){ html += 'Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (18) '; } if(message.text){ html += ''+message.text+''; } html += '

'; }) html += '

'; html += 'Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (19)'; html += ''; html += product?.product_messages[0].text; html += ''; html += '

'; } html += '

'; html += '

'; } if(product?.description){ html += '


'; } html += '

'; // P-2 ENDS html += '

'; // PRODUCT-BLOCK ENDS html += '

'; // COL ENDS }) $('#products .products-block').html(html); } const products_placeholder = `

`; let cards_placeholder_collection = Array.from({ length: 12 }, () => products_placeholder).join(''); function updateWithNewFilters(filters){ let html = ''; filters.forEach((filter) => { if (filter.path === 'c') { html += '

'; html += '

' + + '

'; html += '

'; filter.options.forEach(function(option) { html += '

'; if (option.image) { html += 'Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (20)'; } html += ''; html += '

'; html += ''; }); html += '

'; if (filter.options.length > 20) { html += '

View More

'; } html += '

'; } }); filters.forEach((filter) => { if (filter.type !== 'option' && filter.type !== 'price' && filter.type !== 'range' && filter.type !== 'rating') { html += '

'; html += '

' + + '

'; html += '

'; filter.options.forEach(function(option) { html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

' + + '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; }); html += '

'; if (filter.options.length > 7) { html += '

View More

'; } html += '

'; } else if (filter.type === 'price' || filter.type === 'range' || filter.type === 'rating') { html += '

'; html += '

' + + '

'; html += '

'; filter.options.forEach(function(option) { html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

' + + '

'; } else { html += '

' + + '

'; } html += ''; html += '

'; }); if (filter.type === 'price') { html += '

'; html += '

'; html += 'AED'; html += ''; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += 'to'; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += 'AED'; html += ''; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += 'Go'; html += '

'; html += '

'; } html += '

'; if (filter.options.length > 7) { html += '

View More

'; } html += '

'; } else if (filter.type === 'option' && filter.path !== 'c') { html += '

'; html += '

' + + '

'; html += '

'; filter.options.forEach(function(option) { html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

' + + '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; }); html += '

'; if (filter.options.length > 7) { html += '

View More

'; } html += '

'; } }); return html; }

Shop Online for Women's Hoodies at (2024)


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Article information

Author: Jonah Leffler

Last Updated:

Views: 5809

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.