Mudrock's Massive Mommy Milkers - slumbrrr - 明日方舟 (2024)

“You want me to do WHAT?!”

“…enjoy all that my breasts have to offer, if you don’t mind.”

But therein lay the rub. Folinic absolutely minded, and she did not know where Mudrock got off making an egregious request like that. If she didn’t know any better, she would think the ashen-haired Sarkaz was just joking around.

Unfortunately, Folinic did know better, and she knew Mudrock would never “just joke around” with anything. The Sarkaz was an aloof sort, or at least she tended to be reserved and with no practical japery. She was not the type to speak without intention; Mudrock always spoke with a purpose, and she always meant every word that she said.

Which was why Folinic, of course, was so surprised here and now. She never once expected the Sarkaz to solicit her like this; to say something so brazen!

Indeed, she did not appear to be joking. Mudrock stared straight at Folinic with all the plainness that was typical of her disposition. She didn’t crack a smile, nor give Folinic any hint wheresoever that she didn’t mean what she said. If anything, she doubled down on her request.

“It’s for a prize,” Mudrock added, awkwardly wringing her hands together.

Folinic’s eye twitched in disbelief as she stared down at Mudrock’s protected chest. The indifferent Sarkaz tilted her head as she observed Folinic in kind, spotting the pinkish hue that came to the Feline’s cheeks, almost like she was embarrassed about all this. Imagine that!

“Are you interested?” Mudrock asked, taking a step back as Folinic flailed around with great frustration and embarrassment.

“J-Just give me a minute here!” Folinic asked. “Y-You need to start over, Mudrock! What in the world are you asking me to help you with?”

“It would be a significant benefit to me,” said Mudrock, “if you would unzip your pants and… enjoy my breasts. I believe it would be a significant benefit to you as well.”

“Why the hell are you asking me?!”

“The first-place winner of the contest may choose a prize,” said Mudrock. “And—?”

“N-No, I get that much,” said Folinic, sighing with exasperation. “I mean, why are you asking me and not someone else?”

“Oh.” Mudrock tapped a gloved finger against her own cheek, suddenly contemplative. “That is because I believe you may benefit from stress relief, and I am confident that my body may bring you such solace. Moreover,” said Mudrock, “you may consider this a gift from me to you, considering how much our rapport has grown…”

Folinic crossed her arms and sighed. She would be lying to herself if she said she never once considered reaching out to Mudrock to kindle something between them. Quite the time had passed since the Wolumonde incident, and she’d gotten to know Mudrock fairly well thus far. Now, suddenly, Mudrock is pulling a stunt like this? It boggled the mind!

She once again eyed Mudrock’s chest plate, subtly biting her lip as she tried to imagine what immensities lay in store for her. Presently, the Sarkaz had unzipped her suit just down to her neck, showing off her gorgeous, long, ashen locks and those stunning red hues of hers—curious hues that stared at Folinic like she was trying to glean the woman’s secrets.

Unbeknownst to her, Mudrock exuded an enchanting allure that was impossible to resist. The Doctor had informed her that others would be much more likely to speak with her if she removed her helmet at least, and that was why Mudrock had built up quite the reputation around Rhodes Island. The operators and staff were not just talking to a hulking, brutish monster hiding behind reinforced armor anymore—they were talking to Mudrock, the Sarkaz marvel; a stunning powerhouse. To most aboard the landship, she was as beautiful as she was powerful, and she was very powerful.

And now she was asking Folinic to f*ck her tit*.

Just what has this world come to?

“This is a lot to take in,” Folinic mumbled.

According to Mudrock, however, it really wasn’t. In fact, it was rather straightforward.

The Sarkaz spoke plainly about the terms and conditions. The challenge was for an app called TitTok, which Mudrock had installed on her phone only because of the aforementioned challenge. According to the rules, the first-place winner could choose from a handful of prizes at their discretion, and one of the prizes listed were two tickets to a “Rock & Stone Museum” in Columbia.

Folinic was aghast. “So you’re doing this… something so ridiculous… just because you want to visit a museum in Columbia?”

“Yes,” said Mudrock.

“You know we could just buy you a ticket, right?”


“But… you still want me… t-to…”

“To enjoy all that my chest has to offer,” Mudrock echoed. “Yes.”

“Y-You’re shockingly lax about all this…”

Mudrock smiled softly. A hairline grin.

“You are the most… stressed person I know,” she worded carefully. “So… I believe you will enjoy this very much. I suppose I am also curious about it.”

“So it’s a date,” Folinic mumbled, her face burning red.

“You may visit me in my dorm room tonight?” Mudrock offered.

“I, erm… I wasn’t planning on…”

But Folinic killed the sentence before it finished leaving her lips. She shook her head sternly, brunette locks cascading gently against her reddened, blushing cheeks.

When was the last time she even had a date? She couldn’t even remember!

Despite the explicit purpose of tonight’s visit, she couldn’t help but agree with the ashen Sarkaz, whose tiny smile mirrored her own. With stress weighing heavily on her shoulders, she yearned for a way to unwind and find solace.

And maybe, just maybe, that way was hidden beneath Mudrock’s breastplate.

“I’ll be there,” Folinic whispered, wringing her own hands together. “Just… keep this between us, okay?”

Mudrock’s gentle and knowing countenance was adorned with a perpetual smile.

“I am eagerly anticipating our meeting,” she said.

Then she turned and left, leaving Folinic a blushing, steaming mess behind her.

* * *

As darkness fell beyond the steel walls of the Rhodes Island landship, Folinic cautiously knocked three times on Mudrock’s door, the sound echoing far too loudly through the quiet night. It was like the door was tattling on her, letting the surrounding staffers know Folinic was here on what might as well have been a booty call.

Fortunately, Folinic didn’t have to wait long before Mudrock let her inside, and the Sarkaz locked the door behind her.

Stepping into Mudrock’s dorm room for the first time, Folinic wasn’t surprised to find the space impeccably organized, just as she wasn’t surprised to see that Mudrock had an entire room dedicated to her rock collection. The shelves were adorned with a curated collection of stones and intricate, multifaceted gems, giving a glimpse into the dedication of a thoughtful collector.

Then Folinic turned from the rock collection to look back at Mudrock… who was blushing.

Now that was a surprising sight.

“Do you like them?” she asked. “The stones.”

Folinic smiled softly, her eyes crinkling with warmth. “I do. It’s… nice. I don’t collect anything myself. Maybe I should?”

“Maybe you should,” Mudrock said simply. Then, as if to move on from the topic, she waved Folinic off toward the Sarkaz’s well-kept bed. “You may undress… and sit.”

“Getting right to it, are we?”


“No small talk?”

“Small talk?” Mudrock frowned in perplexity.

Folinic sighed and waved it off. Perhaps the sooner they got this over with, the sooner the stress relief would come. Folinic couldn’t deny she was itching for it now, and it was especially obvious when the Feline began stripping out of her work uniform, laying everything on the bed behind her until she stood in just her undergarments; her bra and boxers, the latter article struggling to contain her twitching erection.

If Mudrock had any thoughts about Folinic’s genitals, she neither mentioned it nor let it show on her face. Without further ado, Mudrock removed her gloves before unzipping the rest of her own uniform—the bulky, protective suit she wore all the time when crossing Rhodes Island.

And then it hit Folinic all at once.

Her eyes went, and her nostrils flared.

As soon as Mudrock unzipped her suit, her massive tit* practically exploded out of it—completely unclothed. She wasn’t even wearing a bra underneath that?!

What’s more, Folinic was hit with a particular stench she hadn’t been expecting. The smell of sweat and something else. A perfume? A body wash? Whatever it was, it served to create a heady mixture that dizzied her in only the best ways, and Folinic found herself staring at Mudrock’s giant breasts. They were even larger than she imagined!

“Phew…!” Mudrock sighed aloud, and she closed her eyes as a serene smile crossed her face. “I’ve been keeping these tucked in all day… I’ve worked up quite a sweat, Folinic. I hope you do not mind… but I suspected that you earnestly wouldn’t.”

Then she opened her red eyes to see that Folinic was staring very disrespectfully. Honestly, it made her giggle.

Folinic’s lip quivered. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Mudrock’s immense ballistics, nor could she stop admiring how sweaty and stinky they were. In the room’s lighting, they were practically glistening from how damp they were; streaks of perspiration running in rivulets down the Sarkaz woman’s wondrously creamy globes.

Her mind was boggled in an altogether brand new manner; she’d never experienced such a feeling before, and her co*ck practically doubled in size from how aroused she was all of a sudden.

Weak in the knees, she felt like her legs were made of pure gelatin. Mudrock had to come up and help her sit down. The Sarkaz put her hands on Folinic’s shoulders and eased her onto the bed, and Folinic gulped when she remembered just how down bad she was for other girls.

“You’re… very impressive,” Folinic mumbled shyly. “Very impressive.”

Mudrock cast her red gaze down to Folinic’s erection, reaching down to squeeze her co*ck gently. “So are you,” Mudrock complimented. “Allow me the courtesy of relieving your stress.”

“Okay,” Folinic squeaked, nearly creaming her boxers right then and there.

“Oh, and that reminds me… hold this?”

She gave Folinic her cellphone, where the TitTok app was already open and recording a video—to be saved and edited later.

“Oh my God,” mumbled Folinic. “I don’t know about this…”

But all it took to change her tune was for Mudrock to dig her thumbs under the elastic band of her boxers, and she pulled the article down with a single flourish to reveal her smooth, thick co*ck. Mudrock took hold of Folinic’s co*ck immediately, and Folinic sucked in air through her teeth because this was already pleasurable for her. She was a sensitive woman, and she couldn’t remember the last time someone else had touched her penis like this.

“It’s beautiful,” Mudrock told her earnestly, dipping down to plant a soft kiss against the tip of Folinic’s foreskin-covered shaft. “It makes me happy to know… I’ve got you this excited.”

“I’m pent up,” Folinic whispered, frowning as the words left her lips. She might have felt pathetic about it, but Mudrock was about to make her feel like a champion.

“I’ll take care of it,” the Sarkaz promised. “Just you wait…”

Thus, without wasting another second, Mudrock sandwiched Folinic’s thick, throbbing co*ck between her massive mammaries, utterly dwarfing the medic’s penis in the valley of her smooth, round breasts.

“Make sure it’s all recording,” Mudrock reminded.

“Y-Yes!” Folinic groaned, holding the cellphone up with two hands to get Mudrock’s face and breasts in the shot. Thenceforth, she felt helpless and high as Mudrock bounced her enormous boobs up and down over her co*ck, and she bit her lip to stifle the pathetic-sounding moans and whimpers that threatened to spill out of her mouth.

Not five seconds into their fun and games, and Folinic already knew she’d be back for more—Mudrock willing. This felt so much better than playing with herself after work, underneath her covers and alone in her bed. She needed this.

Mudrock stuck her tongue out in concentration, staring up at Folinic’s face while she gave the hard-working medic a titjob, letting the flustered Feline experience true bliss beneath those hefty, sweaty sweater puppies of hers. Then, breaking eye contact for just a moment, she allowed saliva to trickle over her tongue and out of her mouth, and she started drooling right over the tip of Folinic’s dick, further wetting and lubricating the medic’s shaft while she squeezed her breasts together, sandwiching Folinic’s co*ck as she pumped her boobs up and down, back and forth, over and over again.

Folinic was reduced to a moaning, shuddering mess. She’d never felt something as pleasurable as this, and she felt utterly enamored with the way that Mudrock moved her breasts over her co*ck repeatedly. She couldn’t take her eyes off the Sarkaz woman, staring at Mudrock’s expression of concentration when she wasn’t ogling the way her enormous breasts practically hid her co*ck from view—but for the reddened mushroom that poked out from between the valley of her globes.

“Ngh… M-Mudrock… it f-feels so good,” Folinic whined. “Your breasts… they feel amazing!”

“Thank you,” Mudrock said simply, giving Folinic a gentle smile as she finished drooling onto the woman’s co*ck head. The lubrication was ample enough to quicken her strokes, but between Mudrock’s saliva and her hefty, sweaty tit*, it was practically effortless for Folinic to pump her hips up and down between the Sarkaz’s soft, warm, creamy mounds. “Don’t forget to record me,” she reminded gently.

“Y-Yeah… that’s right,” said Folinic, holding the Sarkaz’s cellphone in both hands to ensure she got the subject in frame; a subject so perfect and so arousing that she felt lucky to be here. Earlier, she had asked Mudrock why she’d chosen her instead of someone else to help her. Now, Folinic was glad it was her that was here instead of the Doctor or someone else. So very glad.

“I’m r-recording everything,” Folinic assured, watching with surprise as she realized just how beautiful Mudrock looked on camera. The upcoming audience would be treated with a tantalizing sight: the gorgeous Sarkaz giving Folinic the honor of f*cking her breasts, and the view was breathtaking enough to inspire more entrants and perverts.

She was content to lie back and keep the camera rolling while she was pushed closer and closer to her climax. Folinic was a pent-up woman, and Mudrock could tell after just a few looks. She knew she wouldn’t last much longer, and if her pleasured grunts and moans were any sign, her org*sm was just a few breaths away.




Mudrock continued to bounce her enormous breasts on Folinic’s lap, slamming her sweaty tit* over the Feline’s co*ck and balls. Mudrock chuckled softly and suddenly, looking up at Folinic while she moved her breasts inward and outward, squishing and squashing Folinic’s thick shaft.

“I can feel you pulsing,” she said, licking her lips and relishing Folinic’s embarrassed blushing. “Are you close, Folinic? Hmm. I expected you to last a little longer than that, but it’s okay. Please, make a mess all over my breasts. I think the audience would like to see you burst a mess all over my boobs. Let me coax it all out, and—!”

“C-CUMMING!” Folinic warned, gasping. “I’m CUMMING!”

That was all the warning that Folinic could give before she practically exploded between Mudrock’s hot, heavy, and humongous breasts. Mudrock gasped as she felt Folinic’s co*ck twitch before bursting like a geyser, shooting rope after long, thick rope of sem*n from “underground,” the viscous spurts coming back down and splattering wetly and stickily onto Mudrock’s giant, gleaming globes.

Folinic shuddered with intense pleasure as the cellphone shook in her hands. Hell, she nearly went cross-eyed from the overpowering ecstasy that coursed through her veins as she released all over Mudrock’s mammaries to paint them stark white in her sticky seed. Eventually, her body stopped seizing just as it stopped pushing all that cum out of those hefty balls of hers, and the blushing Feline slumped back with deep pants to catch her breath, dizzy from her climax and fondly regrading Mudrock’s magic breasts.

“Well done,” Mudrock said simply, massaging her breasts together to better hear the quiet, wet squishes and erotic sloshing in her rack. “Round one is complete.”

Folinic let out a dreamy sigh. “That was incredible,” she said, smiling warmly at Mudrock. “I really needed that kind of release, so thank you for—!”

And then she paused. It was like she was really listening to Mudrock this time. Really listening.

Folinic’s eyes were focusing and widening as she stared at Mudrock’s cum-stained breasts and her own sticky, messy penis. The entire display reminded Folinic of an ice cream sundae somehow—complete with plentiful splashes of creamy vanilla and a thick banana to go with it.

“…Wait,” said Folinic. “Did you say… r-round one?”

And just like that…




The breast f*cking started all over again! Mudrock hardly gave Folinic a chance to recuperate from her previous org*sm before she started pumping her breasts up and down again, slamming her messy, hefty, sweaty, stinking tit* up and down, back and forth, over and over again over Folinic’s stained, still-hard co*ck.

The result? Folinic was making all manner of noises she’d never heard come out of her mouth before, on account of her sensitivity to the treatment at hand. Her eyes went wide, and she sucked in air through her teeth, and she fidgeted while clutching Mudrock’s cellphone so tightly in her hands she thought she might break it. Even her hips and thighs trembled as Mudrock resumed her “assault,” humming with concentration as she hammered her hefty breasts up and down the length of Folinic’s twitching dick, further massaging that meaty shaft of hers.

“I think,” Mudrock said, taking a breath, “that you’re doing so well, Folinic. Mm, just like that, now… keep going, keep going. I want to see more from you, and I won’t stop until I’ve drained you of every. last. drop.”

Folinic’s breath hitched at Mudrock’s sudden change of tone. Where in the world did she learn to speak like that? It was clear from her anxious expression that she wasn’t sure if she was doing it right—but Folinic’s dick pulsed and threatened to burst again, even just from the sound of Mudrock’s soothing voice saying such things.

Folinic felt a shiver run down her spine at the prospect of making Mudrock speak some more of that sweet filth. It was just the thing she needed to really get off…

“Um,” said the uncertain Sarkaz, “am I doing it right, Folinic? Or would you rather I stay quiet?”

“N-NO!” Folinic jerked forward, and she wrapped a hand around one of Mudrock’s upright horns. “P-Please keep talking! Say more things like that, please! It’s driving me crazy!”

“Ah—!” Mudrock gasped in astonishment as Folinic suddenly grabbed her horn. No one had ever done such a thing before, yet the act was intimate enough that Mudrock immediately blushed and kept her fat tit* squeezed together while Folinic f*cked her mounds in earnest, pumping her hips upward again and again, her hefty balls slapping against the bottom of the Sarkaz’s rack.

“More, please…!” Folinic grunted as she kept a firm hold on Mudrock’s horn, spearing Mudrock’s tit* and clenching her teeth to withstand the pleasure. “Mudrock… hah… I’m… going to lose my mind…!”

Mudrock’s cellphone, which was still recording the action, was clenched in Folinic’s other hand. Still, the footage was getting shaky now—jittering along with the rest of her.

Mudrock immediately understood the assignment. If that “special talk” would push the pent-up Feline over the edge, then Mudrock would surely do it. For the footage.

For tickets to the rock museum, damn it.

Thus, smiling seductively, Mudrock hummed as she prepared a little speech for the woman presently f*cking her tit*. “Um… th-that’s it. Keep going, Folinic. Um… keep mating with my breasts, just like that… you’re very, um… filthy! Very depraved, aren’t you? Do you enjoy using my body for your own pleasure like this? Do you enjoy coating my body in your thick and gooey essence? Treating me like a canvas? I want to feel more of your hot stuff all over me… really let me have it! The more you give me, the happier we’ll be… um… and then I can go to the museum. Yes.”

“G-Gonna cum again!” Folinic whimpered. “Mudrock! CUMMING!”

“Come for me,” Mudrock begged, squeezing her wet and messy breasts again and relishing the wet slaps of skin on skin pounding. “Come as much as you want…!”

Folinic did exactly that, and she releasing another pathetic whimper as she came all over Mudrock’s massive milkers for the second time that night. The eruption was even more plentiful than the last one; Folinic blasted thick, milky white ropes all over the Sarkaz’s tit*, cum splattering not only on Mudrock’s boobs, but her face as well. Some of the mess splashed against Mudrock’s nose, cheeks, and chin if it hadn’t drenched her neck and coated her chest in marshmallow white sem*n, and by this point in the festivities, Mudrock’s burgeoning breasts were dripping hot, sticky, musky cum. The edge of the bed—and Folinic’s own thighs—were stained white, and the fluid oozed onto the bedsheets, ruining Mudrock’s pristine bedding.

“f*ck!” Folinic cursed and groaned as she let herself go, her hot co*ck pulsing and releasing more spunk by the burst all over the Sarkaz’s sinfully delicious sacks.

“I c-can’t stop! Ngh! My b-body, it’s…!”

“Wringing itself dry?” Mudrock hummed appreciatively at the mess that was made all over her, looking down at her own massive breasts—caked in cum though they were. Mudrock even licked some of the mess from her lips and chin, smirking at the taste.

“Oh… it’s delicious?” She sounded surprised by the fact. “You taste remarkable, Folinic. I wish I had sampled some of this beforehand. Its thickness means… mm… perhaps on some pancakes?”

But poor Folinic could not respond, because she’d slumped backwards onto the bed, looking dazed and confused. Worse still was the fact she was no longer recording Mudrock.

“Folinic? Ah, you must continue to record me. I must be in frame at all times.”

When Folinic didn’t budge from her spot, Mudrock elected to slam her tit* down one more time, causing a jolt of pleasure to spur the Feline back into a sitting position.

“S-Sensitive!” she cried. “My… my…”

“Your penis?” Mudrock smiled again. Now, each time she moved her breasts in little circles over Folinic’s cum-covered co*ck, it was a definite sloshing they could hear.





Noises abound, and each one made Folinic shudder with the realization of what they’d just done. The pleasure was so paramount that she almost started crying, unable to break free of the spell that Mudrock had placed on her. A spell of lust and ardor; of all sweet things, and a sensation of sensitivity that left her spine tingling and her toes curling for more.

“Keep recording me,” Mudrock told her, staring into Folinic’s eyes with her own crimson hues. “Keep recording me… until I’ve milked everything… out of that beautiful penis of yours.”

“B-Beautiful?” Another shudder, but for another reason. Folinic’s whimpers continued as…


Mudrock relentlessly…


Slammed her breasts down—again, and again, and again…


And still, Folinic’s co*ck was rock hard and ready for at least one more climax. One last lap around the ring of pleasure. Mudrock spat on the head of Folinic’s dick—as though it possibly needed any more lubrication—and she picked up the pace with her titf*cking. The rhythm was twice as fast, and Folinic yelped twice as loud when she learned just how serious Mudrock was about milking her dick dry. At this rate, she was going to have the poor medic shooting dust!

“More,” Mudrock cooed. “I’m obsessed now… I need to have more from you, Folinic. More, more, more… please? I want to win this contest badly, Folinic. So just spurt, spurt, spurt your hot stuff all over me until I’m dripping wet with it… and I’ll let you do this every night, I promise. Mm, under your desk at work, or in your bed when you wake up… plap, plap, plap~”

“f*ck—nngh! Oh, Mudrock! Please… I… I can’t cum anymore!” Folinic sniffled, teary-eyed, as she was made to produce more milk for the mad Mudrock. More, more, more!

“Yes, you can~ you can come again and again, Folinic, can’t you? Mm, just like that… I can feel you twitching in my gooey, messy breasts. You’re enjoying my body very much, I can tell…”

“Mudrock!” Folinic panted, feeling as though her heart was about to burst right through her chest at this rate. “My co*ck… f-feels so hot… and it’s tingling!”

“Go on,” said Mudrock. “You want to come, don’t you, Folinic? You want to let it all out a third time? Cover my body in your sticky white stuff? Do it, Folinic. Make us both happy!”


“Ten… nine… eight…”

“A c-countdown?!”

Mudrock jiggled her breasts this way and that, cherishing every loud, wet squelch.

“Seven… six… five…”

Then she squished her breasts downward to expose Folinic’s twitching, reddened co*ck head.

“Four… three… two…”

And to top it all off, she gave Folinic’s tip a charming little kiss.

“One! Come for me! Yes, yes! Give me everything you have!”


Folinic arched her back as she let out an absolute torrent of cum this time, blasting Mudrock square in the face as her entire body trembled, curled, and wrung out the rest of the cum she’d been building up. Her co*ck felt like it was burning as she let herself go; as she collapsed back onto the bed with her hips pounding and her dick pulsing warmly while she let it all out, shooting sticky ropes of sem*n all over Mudrock’s white, creamy globes, leaving no square inch of boob flesh uncovered. Mudrock’s massive mommy milkers were absolutely covered in the stuff, dripping onto the bed and the floor in front of her knees.

“Ah! Phew! Goodness me… well done!” Mudrock cheered, releasing her hold on her breasts as Folinic’s co*ck drooped, beaten to submission, resting on one of the Sarkaz’s now snow-white mounds. “Three times… you’ve truly outdone yourself, Folinic! Perhaps now I shall win!”

Folinic said nothing. She only cooed as she drifted into unconsciousness, passing out from the sheer ecstasy and euphoria that rocked her senses and had her seeing stars. Even while down for the count, her co*ck continued to spurt and leak cum onto her own thighs as well as Mudrock’s utterly coated thigh. Mudrock hadn’t known that she could affect someone else like this with only her breasts, but she’d learned it thenceforth, and she smiled and giggled as she pulled back just enough to show off her hefty, leaking tit*.

Grabbing the cellphone from Folinic’s limp hand and turning to face the “audience,” the typically straightforward Sarkaz had something special to say.

“Thank you very much for, um, watching my TitTok challenge video.” The fresh cum continued to drip from Mudrock’s massive mammaries. Drip, drip, drip. “According to the application, I am supposed to, um, encourage all of you to like, share, and subscribe for more. Um… yes. So, please, do all those things. I’d like to visit the rock museum now, please. Thank you. Good bye.”


Recording over.

Mudrock’s cellphone had run out of storage.

Mudrock's Massive Mommy Milkers - slumbrrr - 明日方舟 (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.