Dorothy Parker - poems - - - Thousands of poems and - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Classic Poetry Series

Dorothy Parker- poems -

Publication Date: 2012 - The World's Poetry Archive

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Dorothy Parker(22 August 1893 - 7 June 1967) Dorothy Parker was an American poet, short story writer, critic and satirist, bestknown for her wit, wisecracks, and eye for 20th century urban foibles. From a conflicted and unhappy childhood, Parker rose to acclaim, both for herliterary output in such venues as The New Yorker and as a founding member ofthe Algonquin Round Table. Following the breakup of the circle, Parker traveledto Hollywood to pursue screenwriting. Her successes there, including twoAcademy Award nominations, were curtailed as her involvement in left-wingpolitics led to a place on the Hollywood blacklist. Parker went through three marriages (two to the same man) and survivedseveral suicide attempts. Dismissive of her own talents, she deplored herreputation as a "wisecracker." Nevertheless, her literary output and reputationfor her sharp wit have endured <b> Early Life</b> Parker was born in West End, New Jersey, as the fourth and last child of Jacob(Henry) Rothschild, a garment manufacturer, and Annie Eliza (Marston)Rothschild, the daughter of a machinist at Phoenix Armour. Parker's mother diedin 1898. Jacob married in 1900 Eleanor Frances Lewis, a Roman Catholic; Parkernever liked her stepmother. Eleanor Frances died three years after the wedding.Parker's father died when she was twenty. Parker was educated at a Catholic school. "But as for helping me in the outsideworld, the convent taught me only that if you spit on a pencil eraser it will erasein," Parker said later in an interview. She moved to New York City, whe shewrote during the day and earned money at night playing the piano in a dancingschool. <b>Career</b> In 1916 Parker sold some of her poetry to the editor of Vogue, and was given aneditorial position on the magazine. In 1917 she married Edwin Pond Parker II, astockbroker, whom she later divorced. Edwin was wounded in World War I, hewas an alcoholic, and during the war he became addicted to morphine. From 1917 to 1920 Parker worked for Vanity Fair. Frank Crowinshield, themanaging editor of the magazine, later recalled that she had "the quickest - The World's Poetry Archive

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tongue imaginable, and I need not to say the keenest sense of mockery." Withtwo other writers Robert Benchley and Robert Sherwood, Parker formed thenucleus of the Algonquin Round Table, an informal luncheon club held at NewYork City's Algonquin Hotel on Forty-Fourth Street. Other members included RingLardner and James Thurber. Parker was usually the only woman in the group.Alan Rudolph's film Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994), starring JenniferJason Leigh, Campbell Scott, Matthew Broderick, depicted the life of the authorand her friends around the famous Algonquin Round Table. Between the years 1927 and 1933 Parker wrote book reviews for The NewYorker. Her texts continued appear in the magazine at irregular intervals until1955. Parker's first collection of poems, Enough Rope, was published in 1926. Itcontained the often-quoted 'Résumé' on suicide, and 'News Item'. Résumé Razors pain you;Rivers are damp;Acids stain you;And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful;Nooses give;Gas smell awful;You might as well live. Enough Rope became a bestseller and was followed by Sunset Guns (1928) andDeath and Taxes (1931), which were collected in Collected Poems: Not So DeepAs a Well (1936). Her poems were sardonic, usually dry, elegant commentarieson departing or departed love, or shallowness of modern life: "Why is it no onesent me yet / One perfect limousine, do you suppose? / Ah no, it's always justmy luck to get / One perfect rose." (1926) Parker's short story collections, AfterSuch Pleasures (1932) and Here Lies (1939), proved sharp understanding ofhuman nature. Among her best-known pieces are 'A Big Blonde', which won herO. Henry Prize, and the soliloquies 'A Telephone Call' and 'The Waltz'. During the 1920s Parker had extra-marital affairs, she drank heavily andattempted suicide three times, but maintained the highs quality of her texts. Inthe 1930s Parker moved with her second husband, Alan Campbell, to Hollywood.She worked there as a screenwriter, including on the film A Star Is Born (1937),directed by William Wellman and starring Janet Gaynor, Fredric March, andAdolphe Menjou. The film received an Oscar for Best Original Story. In Alfred - The World's Poetry Archive

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Hitchco*ck's film Saboteur (1940) Parker collaborated with Peter Vierter and JoanHarrison. Her contribution is mainly visible in some of the bizarre details of thecircus the hero (Robert Cummings) takes refuge in, with its squabbling Siamesetwins, its bearded lady in curlers and a malevolent dwarf who acts and dresses abit like Hitler. With Lillian Hellman and Dashiell Hammett, Parker helped found the ScreenWriters' Guild. She also reported on the Spanish Civil War, and collaborated onseveral plays. Temptations of Hollywood did not make Parker any softer, which anumber of film stars had to face. When Joan Crawford was married to FranchotTone, she became obsessed with self-improvement. Parker said: "You can take awhor* to culture, but you can't make her think." Parker had taken an early standagainst Fascism and Nazism and she declared herself a Communist, for which shewas blacklisted during the McCarthy era. Her last major film project was The Fan(1949), directed by Otto Preminger. It was based on Oscar Wilde's play LadyWindermere's Fan, but Wilde's witty comments on society and Parker's updatingdid not amuse the audience. Later Preminger admitted that "it was one of thefew pictures I disliked while I was working on it." Parker died alone on June 7, 1967 in the New York hotel that had become herfinal home. She left her estate to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. <b>Posthumous Honors</b> In 1988, the NAACP claimed Parker's remains and designed a memorial gardenfor them outside their Baltimore headquarters. The plaque reads, Here lie the ashes of Dorothy Parker (1893–1967) humorist, writer, critic.Defender of human and civil rights. For her epitaph she suggested, 'Excuse mydust'. This memorial garden is dedicated to her noble spirit which celebrated theoneness of humankind and to the bonds of everlasting friendship between blackand Jewish people. Dedicated by the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People. October 28, 1988. On August 22, 1992, the 99th anniversary of Parker's birth, the United StatesPostal Service issued a 29¢ U.S. commemorative postage stamp in the LiteraryArts series. The Algonquin Round Table, as well as the number of other literaryand theatrical greats who lodged there, helped earn the Algonquin Hotel itsstatus as a New York City Historic Landmark. The hotel was so designated in1987. In 1996 the hotel was designated a National Literary Landmark by theFriends of Libraries USA based on the contributions of Parker and other membersof the Round Table. The organization's bronze plaque is attached to the front of - The World's Poetry Archive

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the hotel. Her birthplace was also designated a National Literary Landmark byFriends of Libraries USA in 2005 and a bronze plaque marks the spot where thehome once stood. - The World's Poetry Archive

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"Star Light, Star Bright--" Star, that gives a gracious dole, What am I to choose?Oh, will it be a shriven soul, Or little buckled shoes? Shall I wish a wedding-ring, Bright and thin and round,Or plead you send me covering- A newly spaded mound? Gentle beam, shall I implore Gold, or sailing-ships,Or beg I hate forevermore A pair of lying lips? Swing you low or high away, Burn you hot or dim;My only wish I dare not say- Lest you should grant me him. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Certain Lady Oh, I can smile for you, and tilt my head,And drink your rushing words with eager lips,And paint my mouth for you a fragrant red,And trace your brows with tutored finger-tips.When you rehearse your list of loves to me,Oh, I can laugh and marvel, rapturous-eyed.And you laugh back, nor can you ever seeThe thousand little deaths my heart has died.And you believe, so well I know my part,That I am gay as morning, light as snow,And all the straining things within my heartYou'll never know. Oh, I can laugh and listen, when we meet,And you bring tales of fresh adventurings, --Of ladies delicately indiscreet,Of lingering hands, and gently whispered things.And you are pleased with me, and strive anewTo sing me sagas of your late delights.Thus do you want me -- marveling, gay, and true,Nor do you see my staring eyes of nights.And when, in search of novelty, you stray,Oh, I can kiss you blithely as you go ....And what goes on, my love, while you're away,You'll never know. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Dream Lies Dead A dream lies dead here. May you softly goBefore this place, and turn away your eyes,Nor seek to know the look of that which diesImportuning Life for life. Walk not in woe,But, for a little, let your step be slow.And, of your mercy, be not sweetly wiseWith words of hope and Spring and tenderer skies.A dream lies dead; and this all mourners know: Whenever one drifted petal leaves the tree-Though white of bloom as it had been beforeAnd proudly waitful of fecundity-One little loveliness can be no more;And so must Beauty bow her imperfect headBecause a dream has joined the wistful dead! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Fairly Sad Tale I think that I shall never knowWhy I am thus, and I am so.Around me, other girls inspireIn men the rush and roar of fire,The sweet transparency of glass,The tenderness of April grass,The durability of granite;But me- I don't know how to plan it.The lads I've met in Cupid's deadlockWere- shall we say?- born out of wedlock.They broke my heart, they stilled my song,And said they had to run along,Explaining, so to sop my tears,First came their parents or careers.But ever does experienceDeny me wisdom, calm, and sense!Though she's a fool who seeks to captureThe twenty-first fine, careless rapture,I must go on, till ends my rope,Who from my birth was cursed with hope.A heart in half is chaste, archaic;But mine resembles a mosaic-The thing's become ridiculous!Why am I so? Why am I thus? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Pig's-Eye View Of Literature The Lives and Times of John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, andGeorge Gordon Noel, Lord Byron Byron and Shelley and Keats Were a trio of Lyrical treats.The forehead of Shelley was cluttered with curls,And Keats never was a descendant of earls,And Byron walked out with a number of girls,But it didn't impair the poetical feats Of Byron and Shelley, Of Byron and Shelley,Of Byron and Shelley and Keats. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Portrait Because my love is quick to come and go-A little here, and then a little there-What use are any words of mine to swearMy heart is stubborn, and my spirit slowOf weathering the drip and drive of woe?What is my oath, when you have but to bareMy little, easy loves; and I can dareOnly to shrug, and answer, "They are so"? You do not know how heavy a heart it isThat hangs about my neck- a clumsy stoneCut with a birth, a death, a bridal-day.Each time I love, I find it still my own,Who take it, now to that lad, now to this,Seeking to give the wretched thing away. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Very Short Song Once, when I was young and true, Someone left me sad-Broke my brittle heart in two; And that is very bad. Love is for unlucky folk, Love is but a curse.Once there was a heart I broke; And that, I think, is worse. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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A Well-Worn Story In April, in April,My one love came along,And I ran the slope of my high hillTo follow a thread of song. His eyes were hard as porphyryWith looking on cruel lands;His voice went slipping over meLike terrible silver hands. Together we trod the secret laneAnd walked the muttering town.I wore my heart like a wet, red stainOn the breast of a velvet gown. In April, in April,My love went whistling by,And I stumbled here to my high hillAlong the way of a lie. Now what should I do in this placeBut sit and count the chimes,And splash cold water on my faceAnd spoil a page with rhymes? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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After Spanish Proverb Oh, mercifullest one of all, Oh, generous as dear,None lived so lowly, none so small, Thou couldst withhold thy tear: How swift, in pure compassion, How meek in charity,To offer friendship to the one Who begged but love of thee! Oh, gentle word, and sweetest said! Oh, tender hand, and firstTo hold the warm, delicious bread To lips burned black of thirst. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Afternoon When I am old, and comforted, And done with this desire,With Memory to share my bed And Peace to share my fire, I'll comb my hair in scalloped bands Beneath my laundered cap,And watch my cool and fragile hands Lie light upon my lap. And I will have a sprigged gown With lace to kiss my throat;I'll draw my curtain to the town, And hum a purring note. And I'll forget the way of tears, And rock, and stir my tea.But oh, I wish those blessed years Were further than they be! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Alexandre Dumas And His Son Although I work, and seldom cease,At Dumas pere and Dumas fils,Alas, I cannot make me careFor Dumas fils and Dumas pere. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Alfred, Lord Tennyson Should Heaven send me any son,I hope he's not like Tennyson.I'd rather have him play a fiddleThan rise and bow and speak an idyll. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Anecdote So silent I when Love was byHe yawned, and turned away;But Sorrow clings to my apron-strings,I have so much to say. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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August When my eyes are weeds,And my lips are petals, spinningDown the wind that has beginningWhere the crumpled beeches startIn a fringe of salty reeds;When my arms are elder-bushes,And the rangy lilac pushesUpward, upward through my heart; Summer, do your worst!Light your tinsel moon, and call onYour performing stars to fall onHeadlong through your paper sky;Nevermore shall I be cursedBy a flushed and amorous slattern,With her dusty laces' patternTrailing, as she straggles by. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Autobiography Oh, both my shoes are shiny new, And pristine is my hat;My dress is 1922.... My life is all like that. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Autumn Valentine In May my heart was breaking- Oh, wide the wound, and deep!And bitter it beat at waking, And sore it split in sleep. And when it came November, I sought my heart, and sighed,"Poor thing, do you remember?" "What heart was that?" it cried. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ballade At Thirty-Five This, no song of an ingénue,This, no ballad of innocence;This, the rhyme of a lady whoFollowed ever her natural bents.This, a solo of sapience,This, a chantey of sophistry,This, the sum of experiments, --I loved them until they loved me. Decked in garments of sable hue,Daubed with ashes of myriad Lents,Wearing shower bouquets of rue,Walk I ever in penitence.Oft I roam, as my heart repents,Through God's acre of memory,Marking stones, in my reverence,"I loved them until they loved me." Pictures pass me in long review,--Marching columns of dead events.I was tender, and, often, true;Ever a prey to coincidence.Always knew I the consequence;Always saw what the end would be.We're as Nature has made us -- henceI loved them until they loved me. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ballade Of A Great Weariness There's little to have but the things I had,There's little to bear but the things I bore.There's nothing to carry and naught to add,And glory to Heaven, I paid the score. There's little to do but I did before,There's little to learn but the things I know;And this is the sum of a lasting lore:Scratch a lover, and find a foe. And couldn't it be I was young and madIf ever my heart on my sleeve I wore?There's many to claw at a heart unclad,And little the wonder it ripped and tore.There's one that'll join in their push and roar,With stories to jabber, and stones to throw;He'll fetch you a lesson that costs you sore:Scratch a lover, and find a foe. So little I'll offer to you, my lad;It's little in loving I set my store.There's many a maid would be flushed and glad,And better you'll knock at a kindlier door.I'll dig at my lettuce, and sweep my floor,Forever, forever I'm done with woe.And happen I'll whistle about my chore,"Scratch a lover, and find a foe." L'ENVOI Oh, beggar or prince, no more, no more! Be off and away with your strut and show.The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core: Scratch a lover, and find a foe! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ballade Of A Talked-Off Ear Daily I listen to wonder and woe,Nightly I hearken to knave or to ace,Telling me stories of lava and snow,Delicate fables of ribbon and lace,Tales of the quarry, the kill, the chase,Longer than heaven and duller than hell-Never you blame me, who cry my case:"Poets alone should kiss and tell!" Dumbly I hear what I never should know,Gently I counsel of pride and of grace;Into minutiae gayly they go,Telling the name and the time and the place.Cede them your silence and grant them space-Who tenders an inch shall be raped of an ell!Sympathy's ever the boaster's brace;Poets alone should kiss and tell. Why am I tithed what I never did owe?Choked with vicarious saffron and mace?Weary my lids, and my fingers are slow-Gentlemen, damn you, you've halted my pace.Only the lads of the cursed race,Only the knights of the desolate spell,May point me the lines the blood-drops trace-Poets alone should kiss and tell. L'ENVOI Prince or commoner, tenor or bass,Painter or plumber or never-do-well,Do me a favor and shut your facePoets alone should kiss and tell. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ballade Of Unfortunate Mammals Love is sharper than stones or sticks;Lone as the sea, and deeper blue;Loud in the night as a clock that ticks;Longer-lived than the Wandering Jew.Show me a love was done and through,Tell me a kiss escaped its debt!Son, to your death you'll pay your due-Women and elephants never forget. Ever a man, alas, would mix,Ever a man, heigh-ho, must woo;So he's left in the world-old fix,Thus is furthered the sale of rue.Son, your chances are thin and few-Won't you ponder, before you're set?Shoot if you must, but hold in viewWomen and elephants never forget. Down from Caesar past Joynson-HicksEchoes the warning, ever new:Though they're trained to amusing tricks,Gentler, they, than the pigeon's coo,Careful, son, of the curs'ed two-Either one is a dangerous pet;Natural history proves it true-Women and elephants never forget. L'ENVOI Prince, a precept I'd leave for you,Coined in Eden, existing yet:Skirt the parlor, and shun the zoo-Women and elephants never forget. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Bohemia Authors and actors and artists and suchNever know nothing, and never know much.Sculptors and singers and those of their kidneyTell their affairs from Seattle to Sydney.Playwrights and poets and such horses' necksStart off from anywhere, end up at sex.Diarists, critics, and similar roeNever say nothing, and never say no.People Who Do Things exceed my endurance;God, for a man that solicits insurance! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Braggart The days will rally, wreathingTheir crazy tarantelle;And you must go on breathing,But I'll be safe in hell. Like January weather,The years will bite and smart,And pull your bones togetherTo wrap your chattering heart. The pretty stuff you're made ofWill crack and crease and dry.The thing you are afraid ofWill look from every eye. You will go faltering afterThe bright, imperious line,And split your throat on laughter,And burn your eyes with brine. You will be frail and mustyWith peering, furtive head,Whilst I am young and lustyAmong the roaring dead. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Bric-A-Brac Little things that no one needs --Little things to joke about --Little landscapes, done in beads.Little morals, woven out,Little wreaths of gilded grass,Little brigs of whittled oakBottled painfully in glass;These are made by lonely folk. Lonely folk have lines of daysLong and faltering and thin;Therefore -- little wax bouquets,Prayers cut upon a pin,Little maps of pinkish lands,Little charts of curly seas,Little plats of linen strands,Little verses, such as these. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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But Not Forgotten I think, no matter where you stray,That I shall go with you a way.Though you may wander sweeter lands,You will not soon forget my hands,Nor yet the way I held my head,Nor all the tremulous things I said.You still will see me, small and whiteAnd smiling, in the secret night,And feel my arms about you whenThe day comes fluttering back again.I think, no matter where you be,You'll hold me in your memoryAnd keep my image, there without me,By telling later loves about me. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Chant For Dark Hours Some men, some menCannot pass aBook shop.(Lady, make your mind up, and wait your life away.) Some men, some menCannot pass aCrap game.(He said he'd come at moonrise, and here's another day!) Some men, some menCannot pass aBar-room.(Wait about, and hang about, and that's the way it goes.) Some men, some menCannot pass aWoman.(Heaven never send me another one of those!) Some men, some menCannot pass aGolf course.(Read a book, and sew a seam, and slumber if you can.) Some men, some menCannot pass aHaberdasher's.(All your life you wait around for some damn man!) Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Charles Dickens Who call him spurious and shoddyShall do it o'er my lifeless body.I heartily invite such birdsTo come outside and say those words! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Cherry White I never see that prettiest thing-A cherry bough gone white with Spring-But what I think, "How gay 'twould beTo hang me from a flowering tree." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Coda There's little in taking or giving, There's little in water or wine;This living, this living, this living Was never a project of mine.Oh, hard is the struggle, and sparse is The gain of the one at the top,For art is a form of catharsis, And love is a permanent flop,And work is the province of cattle, And rest's for a clam in a shell,So I'm thinking of throwing the battle- Would you kindly direct me to hell? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Comment Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,A medley of extemporanea;And love is a thing that can never go wrong;And I am Marie of Roumania. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Condolence They hurried here, as soon as you had died,Their faces damp with haste and sympathy,And pressed my hand in theirs, and smoothed my knee,And clicked their tongues, and watched me, mournful-eyed.Gently they told me of that Other Side-How, even then, you waited there for me,And what ecstatic meeting ours would be.Moved by the lovely tale, they broke, and cried. And when I smiled, they told me I was brave,And they rejoiced that I was comforted,And left to tell of all the help they gave.But I had smiled to think how you, the dead,So curiously preoccupied and grave,Would laugh, could you have heard the things they said. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Convalescent How shall I wail, that wasn't meant for weeping?Love has run and left me, oh, what then?Dream, then, I must, who never can be sleeping;What if I should meet Love, once again? What if I met him, walking on the highway?Let him see how lightly I should care.He'd travel his way, I would follow my way;Hum a little song, and pass him there. What if at night, beneath a sky of ashes,He should seek my doorstep, pale with need?There could he lie, and dry would be my lashes;Let him stop his noise, and let me read. Oh, but I'm gay, that's better off without him;Would he'd come and see me, laughing here.Lord! Don't I know I'd have my arms about him,Crying to him, "Oh, come in, my dear!" Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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D.G. Rossetti Dante Gabriel RossettiBuried all of his libretti,Thought the matter over - thenWent and dug them up again. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Daylight Saving My answers are inadequateTo those demanding day and dateAnd ever set a tiny shockThrough strangers asking what's o'clock;Whose days are spent in whittling rhyme-What's time to her, or she to Time? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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De Profundis Oh, is it, then, UtopianTo hope that I may meet a manWho'll not relate, in accents suave,The tales of girls he used to have? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Dilemma If I were mild, and I were sweet,And laid my heart before your feet,And took my dearest thoughts to you,And hailed your easy lies as true;Were I to murmur "Yes," and then"How true, my dear," and "Yes," again,And wear my eyes discreetly down,And tremble whitely at your frown,And keep my words unquestioningMy love, you'd run like anything! Should I be frail, and I be mad,And share my heart with every lad,But beat my head against the floorWhat times you wandered past my door;Were I to doubt, and I to sneer,And shriek "Farewell!" and still be here,And break your joy, and quench your trust-I should not see you for the dust! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Distance Were you to cross the world, my dear, To work or love or fight,I could be calm and wistful here, And close my eyes at night. It were a sweet and gallant pain To be a sea apart;But, oh, to have you down the lane Is bitter to my heart. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Epitaph The first time I died, I walked my ways;I followed the file of limping days. I held me tall, with my head flung up,But I dared not look on the new moon's cup. I dared not look on the sweet young rain,And between my ribs was a gleaming pain. The next time I died, they laid me deep.They spoke worn words to hallow my sleep. They tossed me petals, they wreathed me fern,They weighted me down with a marble urn. And I lie here warm, and I lie here dry,And watch the worms slip by, slip by. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Epitaph For A Darling Lady All her hours were yellow sands,Blown in foolish whorls and tassels;Slipping warmly through her hands;Patted into little castles. Shiny day on shiny dayTumble in a rainbow clutter,As she flipped them all away,Sent them spinning down the gutter. Leave for her a red young rose,Go your way, and save your pity;She is happy, for she knowsThat her dust is very pretty. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Experience Some men break your heart in two, Some men fawn and flatter,Some men never look at you; And that cleans up the matter. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Fable Oh, there once was a lady, and so I've been told,Whose lover grew weary, whose lover grew cold."My child," he remarked, "though our episode ends,In the manner of men, I suggest we be friends."And the truest of friends ever after they were-Oh, they lied in their teeth when they told me of her! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Fair Weather This level reach of blue is not my sea;Here are sweet waters, pretty in the sun,Whose quiet ripples meet obedientlyA marked and measured line, one after one.This is no sea of mine. that humbly lavesUntroubled sands, spread glittering and warm.I have a need of wilder, crueler waves;They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm. So let a love beat over me again,Loosing its million desperate breakers wide;Sudden and terrible to rise and wane;Roaring the heavens apart; a reckless tideThat casts upon the heart, as it recedes,Splinters and spars and dripping, salty weeds. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Faute De Mieux Travel, trouble, music, art, A kiss, a frock, a rhyme-I never said they feed my heart, But still they pass my time. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Fighting Words Say my love is easy had, Say I'm bitten raw with pride,Say I am too often sad- Still behold me at your side. Say I'm neither brave nor young, Say I woo and coddle care,Say the devil touched my tongue- Still you have my heart to wear. But say my verses do not scan, And I get me another man! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Finis Now it's over, and now it's done;Why does everything look the same?Just as bright, the unheeding sun, --Can't it see that the parting came?People hurry and work and swear,Laugh and grumble and die and wed,Ponder what they will eat and wear, --Don't they know that our love is dead? Just as busy, the crowded street;Cars and wagons go rolling on,Children chuckle, and lovers meet, --Don't they know that our love is gone?No one pauses to pay a tear;None walks slow, for the love that's through, --I might mention, my recent dear,I've reverted to normal, too. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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For A Favorite Granddaughter Never love a simple lad, Guard against a wise,Shun a timid youth and sad, Hide from haunted eyes. Never hold your heart in pain For an evil-doer;Never flip it down the lane To a gifted wooer. Never love a loving son, Nor a sheep astray;Gather up your skirts and run From a tender way. Never give away a tear, Never toss a pine;Should you heed my words, my dear, You're no blood of mine! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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For A Lady Who Must Write Verse Unto seventy years and seven, Hide your double birthright well-You, that are the brat of Heaven And the pampered heir to Hell. Let your rhymes be tinsel treasures, Strung and seen and thrown aside.Drill your apt and docile measures Sternly as you drill your pride. Show your quick, alarming skill in Tidy mockeries of art;Never, never dip your quill in Ink that rushes from your heart. When your pain must come to paper, See it dust, before the day;Let your night-light curl and caper, Let it lick the words away. Never print, poor child, a lay on Love and tears and anguishing,Lest a cooled, benignant Phaon Murmur, "Silly little thing!" Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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For A Sad Lady And let her loves, when she is dead, Write this above her bones:"No more she lives to give us bread Who asked her only stones." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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For An Unknown Lady Lady, if you'd slumber sound,Keep your eyes upon the ground.If you'd toss and turn at night,Slip your glances left and right.Would the mornings find you gay,Never give your heart away.Would they find you pale and sad,Fling it to a whistling lad.Ah, but when his pleadings burn,Will you let my words return?Will you lock your pretty lips,And deny your finger-tips,Veil away your tender eyes,Just because some words were wise?If he whistles low and clearWhen the insistent moon is nearAnd the secret stars are known-Will your heart be still your ownJust because some words were true? ...Lady, I was told them, too! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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From A Letter From Lesbia ... So, praise the gods, Catullus is away! And let me tend you this advice, my dear:Take any lover that you will, or may, Except a poet. All of them are queer. It's just the same- a quarrel or a kiss Is but a tune to play upon his pipe.He's always hymning that or wailing this; Myself, I much prefer the business type. That thing he wrote, the time the sparrow died- (Oh, most unpleasant- gloomy, tedious words!)I called it sweet, and made believe I cried; The stupid fool! I've always hated birds.... Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Frustration If I had a shiny gun,I could have a world of funSpeeding bullets through the brainsOf the folk who give me pains; Or had I some poison gas,I could make the moments passBumping off a number ofPeople whom I do not love. But I have no lethal weapon-Thus does Fate our pleasure step on!So they still are quick and wellWho should be, by rights, in hell. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Fulfillment For this my mother wrapped me warm,And called me home against the storm,And coaxed my infant nights to quiet,And gave me roughage in my diet,And tucked me in my bed at eight,And clipped my hair, and marked my weight,And watched me as I sat and stood:That I might grow to womanhoodTo hear a whistle and drop my witsAnd break my heart to clattering bits. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Garden-Spot God's acre was her garden-spot, she said; She sat there often, of the Summer days,Little and slim and sweet, among the dead, Her hair a fable in the leveled rays. She turned the fading wreath, the rusted cross, And knelt to coax about the wiry stem.I see her gentle fingers on the moss Now it is anguish to remember them. And once I saw her weeping, when she rose And walked a way and turned to look around-The quick and envious tears of one that knows She shall not lie in consecrated ground. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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General Review Of The Sex Situation Woman wants monogamy;Man delights in novelty.Love is woman's moon and sun;Man has other forms of fun.Woman lives but in her lord;Count to ten, and man is bored.With this the gist and sum of it,What earthly good can come of it? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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George Gissing When I admit neglect of Gissing,They say I don't know what I'm missing.Until their arguments are subtler,I think I'll stick to Samuel Butler. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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George Sand What time the gifted lady tookAway from paper, pen, and book,She spent in amorous dalliance(They do those things so well in France). Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Godmother The day that I was christened- It's a hundred years, and more!-A hag came and listened At the white church door,A-hearing her that bore me And all my kith and kinConsiderately, for me, Renouncing sin.While some gave me corals, And some gave me gold,And porringers, with morals Agreeably scrolled,The hag stood, buckled In a dim gray cloak;Stood there and chuckled, Spat, and spoke:"There's few enough in life'll Be needing my help,But I've got a trifle For your fine young whelp.I give her sadness, And the gift of pain,The new-moon madness, And the love of rain."And little good to lave me In their holy silver bowlAfter what she gave me- Rest her soul! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Godspeed Oh, seek, my love, your newer way;I'll not be left in sorrow.So long as I have yesterday,Go take your damned tomorrow! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Guinevere At Her Fireside A nobler king had never breath-I say it now, and said it then.Who weds with such is wed till deathAnd wedded stays in Heaven. Amen. (And oh, the shirts of linen-lawn,And all the armor, tagged and tied,And church on Sundays, dusk and dawn.And bed a thing to kneel beside!) The bravest one stood tall aboveThe rest, and watched me as a light.I heard and heard them talk of love;I'd naught to do but think, at night. The bravest man has littlest brains;That chalky fool from AstolatWith all her dying and her pains!-Thank God, I helped him over that. I found him not unfair to see-I like a man with peppered hair!And thus it came about. Ah, me,Tristram was busied otherwhere.... A nobler king had never breath-I say it now, and said it then.Who weds with such is wed till deathAnd wedded stays in Heaven. Amen. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Harriet Beecher Stowe The pure and worthy Mrs. StoweIs one we all are proud to knowAs mother, wife, and authoress-Thank God, I am content with less! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Healed Oh, when I flung my heart away, The year was at its fall.I saw my dear, the other day, Beside a flowering wall;And this was all I had to say: "I thought that he was tall!" Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Hearthside Half across the world from meLie the lands I'll never see-I, whose longing lives and diesWhere a ship has sailed away;I, that never close my eyesBut to look upon Cathay. Things I may not know nor tellWait, where older waters swell;Ways that flowered at Sappho's tread,Winds that sighed in Homer's strings,Vibrant with the singing dead,Golden with the dust of wings. Under deeper skies than mine,Quiet valleys dip and shine.Where their tender grasses healAncient scars of trench and tombI shall never walk: nor kneelWhere the bones of poets bloom. If I seek a lovelier part,Where I travel goes my heart;Where I stray my thought must go;With me wanders my desire.Best to sit and watch the snow,Turn the lock, and poke the fire. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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I Know I Have Been Happiest I know I have been happiest at your side;But what is done, is done, and all's to be.And small the good, to linger dolefully-Gayly it lived, and gallantly it died.I will not make you songs of hearts denied,And you, being man, would have no tears of me,And should I offer you fidelity,You'd be, I think, a little terrified. Yet this the need of woman, this her curse:To range her little gifts, and give, and give,Because the throb of giving's sweet to bear.To you, who never begged me vows or verse,My gift shall be my absence, while I live;But after that, my dear, I cannot swear. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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I Shall Come Back I shall come back without fanfaronadeOf wailing wind and graveyard panoply;But, trembling, slip from cool Eternity-A mild and most bewildered little shade.I shall not make sepulchral midnight raid,But softly come where I had longed to beIn April twilight's unsung melody,And I, not you, shall be the one afraid. Strange, that from lovely dreamings of the deadI shall come back to you, who hurt me most.You may not feel my hand upon your head,I'll be so new and inexpert a ghost.Perhaps you will not know that I am near-And that will break my ghostly heart, my dear. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Incurable And if my heart be scarred and burned,The safer, I, for all I learned;The calmer, I, to see it trueThat ways of love are never new-The love that sets you daft and dazedIs every love that ever blazed;The happier, I, to fathom this:A kiss is every other kiss.The reckless vow, the lovely name,When Helen walked, were spoke the same;The weighted breast, the grinding woe,When Phaon fled, were ever so.Oh, it is sure as it is sadThat any lad is every lad,And what's a girl, to dare imploreHer dear be hers forevermore?Though he be tried and he be bold,And swearing death should he be cold,He'll run the path the others went....But you, my sweet, are different. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Indian Summer In youth, it was a way I had To do my best to please,And change, with every passing lad, To suit his theories. But now I know the things I know, And do the things I do;And if you do not like me so, To hell, my love, with you! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Inscription For The Ceiling Of A Bedroom Daily dawns another day;I must up, to make my way.Though I dress and drink and eat,Move my fingers and my feet,Learn a little, here and there,Weep and laugh and sweat and swear,Hear a song, or watch a stage,Leave some words upon a page,Claim a foe, or hail a friend-Bed awaits me at the end. Though I go in pride and strength,I'll come back to bed at length.Though I walk in blinded woe,Back to bed I'm bound to go.High my heart, or bowed my head,All my days but lead to bed.Up, and out, and on; and thenEver back to bed again,Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall-I'm a fool to rise at all! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Interior Her mind lives in a quiet room,A narrow room, and tall,With pretty lamps to quench the gloomAnd mottoes on the wall. There all the things are waxen neatAnd set in decorous lines;And there are posies, round and sweet,And little, straightened vines. Her mind lives tidily, apartFrom cold and noise and pain,And bolts the door against her heart,Out wailing in the rain. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Interview The ladies men admire, I've heard,Would shudder at a wicked word.Their candle gives a single light;They'd rather stay at home at night.They do not keep awake till three,Nor read erotic poetry.They never sanction the impure,Nor recognize an overture.They shrink from powders and from paints ...So far, I've had no complaints. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Inventory Four be the things I am wiser to know:Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe. Four be the things I’d been better without:Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt. Three be the things I shall never attain:Envy, content, and sufficient champagne. Three be the things I shall have till I die:Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Iseult Of Brittany So delicate my hands, and long, They might have been my pride.And there were those to make them song Who for their touch had died. Too frail to cup a heart within, Too soft to hold the free-How long these lovely hands have been A bitterness to me! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Landscape Now this must be the sweetest placeFrom here to heaven's end;The field is white and flowering lace,The birches leap and bend, The hills, beneath the roving sun,From green to purple pass,And little, trifling breezes runTheir fingers through the grass. So good it is, so gay it is,So calm it is, and pure.A one whose eyes may look on thisMust be the happier, sure. But me- I see it flat and grayAnd blurred with misery,Because a lad a mile awayHas little need of me. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Liebestod When I was bold, when I was bold- And that's a hundred years!-Oh, never I thought my breast could hold The terrible weight of tears. I said: "Now some be dolorous; I hear them wail and sigh,And if it be Love that play them thus, Then never a love will I." I said: "I see them rack and rue, I see them wring and ache,And little I'll crack my heart in two With little the heart can break." When I was gay, when I was gay- It's ninety years and nine!-Oh, never I thought that Death could lay His terrible hand in mine. I said: "He plies his trade among The musty and infirm;A body so hard and bright and young Could never be meat for worm." "I see him dull their eyes," I said, "And still their rattling breath.And how under God could I be dead That never was meant for Death?" But Love came by, to quench my sleep, And here's my sundered heart;And bitter's my woe, and black, and deep, And little I guessed a part. Yet this there is to cool my breast, And this to ease my spell;Now if I were Love's, like all the rest, Then can I be Death's, as well. - The World's Poetry Archive

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And he shall have me, sworn and bound, And I'll be done with Love.And better I'll be below the ground Than ever I'll be above. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Light Of Love Joy stayed with me a night --Young and free and fair --And in the morning lightHe left me there. Then Sorrow came to stay,And lay upon my breastHe walked with me in the day.And knew me best. I'll never be a bride,Nor yet celibate,So I'm living now with Pride --A cold bedmate. He must not hear nor see,Nor could he forgiveThat Sorrow still visits meEach day I live. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Lines On Reading Too Many Poets Roses, rooted warm in earth, Bud in rhyme, another age;Lilies know a ghostly birth Strewn along a patterned page;Golden lad and chimbley sweep Die; and so their song shall keep. Wind that in Arcadia starts In and out a couplet plays;And the drums of bitter hearts Beat the measure of a phrase.Sweets and woes but come to print Quae cum ita sint. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Little Words When you are gone, there is nor bloom nor leaf,Nor singing sea at night, nor silver birds;And I can only stare, and shape my griefIn little words. I cannot conjure loveliness, to drownThe bitter woe that racks my cords apart.The weary pen that sets my sorrow downFeeds at my heart. There is no mercy in the shifting year,No beauty wraps me tenderly about.I turn to little words- so you, my dear,Can spell them out. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Love Song My own dear love, he is strong and boldAnd he cares not what comes after.His words ring sweet as a chime of gold,And his eyes are lit with laughter.He is jubilant as a flag unfurled --Oh, a girl, she'd not forget him.My own dear love, he is all my world, --And I wish I'd never met him. My love, he's mad, and my love, he's fleet,And a wild young wood-thing bore him!The ways are fair to his roaming feet,And the skies are sunlit for him.As sharply sweet to my heart he seemsAs the fragrance of acacia.My own dear love, he is all my dreams, --And I wish he were in Asia. My love runs by like a day in June,And he makes no friends of sorrows.He'll tread his galloping rigadoonIn the pathway of the morrows.He'll live his days where the sunbeams start,Nor could storm or wind uproot him.My own dear love, he is all my heart, --And I wish somebody'd shoot him. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Lullaby Sleep, pretty lady, the night is enfolding you;Drift, and so lightly, on crystalline streams.Wrapped in its perfumes, the darkness is holding you;Starlight bespangles the way of your dreams.Chorus the nightingales, wistfully amorous;Blessedly quiet, the blare of the day.All the sweet hours may your visions be glamorous-Sleep, pretty lady, as long as you may. Sleep, pretty lady, the night shall be still for you;Silvered and silent, it watches you rest.Each little breeze, in its eagerness, will for youMurmur the melodies ancient and blest.So in the midnight does happiness capture us;Morning is dim with another day's tears.Give yourself sweetly to images rapturous-Sleep, pretty lady, a couple of years. Sleep, pretty lady, the world awaits day with you;Girlish and golden, the slender young moon.Grant the fond darkness its mystical way with you;Morning returns to us ever too soon.Roses unfold, in their loveliness, all for you;Blossom the lilies for hope of your glance.When you're awake, all the men go and fall for you-Sleep, pretty lady, and give me a chance. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Men They hail you as their morning starBecause you are the way you are.If you return the sentiment,They'll try to make you different;And once they have you, safe and sound,They want to change you all around.Your moods and ways they put a curse on;They'd make of you another person.They cannot let you go your gait;They influence and educate.They'd alter all that they admired.They make me sick, they make me tired. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Midnight The stars are soft as flowers, and as near;The hills are webs of shadow, slowly spun;No separate leaf or single blade is here-All blend to one. No moonbeam cuts the air; a sapphire lightRolls lazily. and slips again to rest.There is no edged thing in all this night,Save in my breast. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Mortal Enemy Let another cross his way- She's the one will do the weeping!Little need I fear he'll stray Since I have his heart in keeping- Let another hail him dear- Little chance that he'll forget me!Only need I curse and fear Her he loved before he met me. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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My Own Then let them point my every tear, And let them mock and moan;Another week, another year, And I'll be with my own Who slumber now by night and day In fields of level brown;Whose hearts within their breasts were clay Before they laid them down. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Neither Bloody Nor Bowed They say of me, and so they should,It's doubtful if I come to good.I see acquaintances and friendsAccumulating dividends,And making enviable namesIn science, art, and parlor games.But I, despite expert advice,Keep doing things I think are nice,And though to good I never come-Inseparable my nose and thumb! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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News Item Men seldom make passesAt girls who wear glasses. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ninon De Lenclos, On Her Last Birthday So let me have the rouge again, And comb my hair the curly way.The poor young men, the dear young men They'll all be here by noon today. And I shall wear the blue, I think- They beg to touch its rippled lace;Or do they love me best in pink, So sweetly flattering the face? And are you sure my eyes are bright, And is it true my cheek is clear?Young what's-his-name stayed half the night; He vows to cut his throat, poor dear! So bring my scarlet slippers, then, And fetch the powder-puff to me.The dear young men, the poor young men- They think I'm only seventy! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Nocturne Always I knew that it could not last (Gathering clouds, and the snowflakes flying),Now it is part of the golden past (Darkening skies, and the night-wind sighing);It is but cowardice to pretend. Cover with ashes our love's cold crater-Always I've known that it had to end Sooner or later. Always I knew it would come like this (Pattering rain, and the grasses springing),Sweeter to you is a new love's kiss (Flickering sunshine, and young birds singing).Gone are the raptures that once we knew, Now you are finding a new joy greater-Well, I'll be doing the same thing, too, Sooner or later. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Now At Liberty Little white love, your way you've taken;Now I am left alone, alone.Little white love, my heart's forsaken.(Whom shall I get by telephone?)Well do I know there's no returning;Once you go out, it's done, it's done.All of my days are gray with yearning.(Nevertheless, a girl needs fun.) Little white love, perplexed and weary,Sadly your banner fluttered down.Sullen the days, and dreary, dreary.(Which of the boys is still in town?)Radiant and sure, you came a-flying;Puzzled, you left on lagging feet.Slow in my breast, my heart is dying.(Nevertheless, a girl must eat.) Little white love, I hailed you gladly;Now I must wave you out of sight.Ah, but you used me badly, badly.(Who'd like to take me out tonight?)All of the blundering words I've spoken,Little white love, forgive, forgive.Once you went out, my heart fell, broken.(Nevertheless, a girl must live.) Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Observation If I don't drive around the park,I'm pretty sure to make my mark.If I'm in bed each night by ten,I may get back my looks again,If I abstain from fun and such,I'll probably amount to much,But I shall stay the way I am,Because I do not give a damn. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Of A Woman, Dead Young If she had been beautiful, even,Or wiser than women about her,Or had moved with a certain defiance;If she had had sons at her sides,And she with her hands on their shoulders,Sons, to make troubled the Gods-But where was there wonder in her?What had she, better or eviler,Whose days were a pattering of peasFrom the pod to the bowl in her lap? That the pine tree is blasted by lightning,And the bowlder split raw from the mountain,And the river dried short in its rushing-That I can know, and be humble.But that They who have trodden the starsShould turn from Their echoing highwayTo trample a daisy, unnoticedIn a meadow of small, open flowers-Where is Their triumph in that?Where is Their pride, and Their vengeance? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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On Being A Woman Why is it, when I am in Rome,I'd give an eye to be at home,But when on native earth I be,My soul is sick for Italy? And why with you, my love, my lord,Am I spectacularly bored,Yet do you up and leave me- thenI scream to have you back again? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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On Cheating The Fiddler "Then we will have tonight!" we said. "Tomorrow- may we not be dead?"The morrow touched our eyes, and found Us walking firm above the ground,Our pulses quick, our blood alight. Tomorrow's gone- we'll have tonight! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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One Perfect Rose A single flow'r he sent me, since we met.All tenderly his messenger he chose;Deep-hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet -One perfect rose. I knew the language of the floweret;'My fragile leaves,' it said, 'his heart enclose.'Love long has taken for his amuletOne perfect rose. Why is it no one ever sent me yetOne perfect limousine, do you suppose?Ah no, it's always just my luck to getOne perfect rose. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ornithology For Beginners The bird that feeds from off my palmIs sleek, affectionate, and calm,But double, to me, is worth the thrushA-flickering in the elder-bush. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Oscar Wilde If, with the literate, I amImpelled to try an epigram,I never seek to take the credit;We all assume that Oscar said it. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Parable For A Certain Virgin Oh, ponder, friend, the porcupine; Refresh your recollection,And sit a moment, to define His means of self-protection. How truly fortified is he! Where is the beast his doubleIn forethought of emergency And readiness for trouble? Recall his figure, and his shade- How deftly planned and clearlyFor slithering through the dappled glade Unseen, or pretty nearly. Yet should an alien eye discern His presence in the woodland,How little has he left to learn Of self-defense! My good land! For he can run, as swift as sound, To where his goose may hang high-Or thrust his head against the ground And tunnel half to Shanghai; Or he can climb the dizziest bough- Unhesitant, mechanic-And, resting, dash from off his brow The bitter beads of panic; Or should pursuers press him hot, One scarcely needs to mentionHis quick and cruel barbs, that got Shakespearean attention; Or driven to his final ditch, To his extremest thicket,He'll fight with claws and molars (which Is not considered cricket). - The World's Poetry Archive

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How amply armored, he, to fend The fear of chase that haunts him!How well prepared our little friend!- And who the devil wants him? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Partial Comfort Whose love is given over-wellShall look on Helen's face in hell,Whilst those whose love is thin and wiseMay view John Knox in Paradise. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Parties: A Hymn Of Hate I hate Parties;They bring out the worst in me.There is the Novelty Affair,Given by the womanWho is awfully clever at that sort of thing.Everybody must come in fancy dress;They are always eleven Old-Fashioned Girls,And fourteen Hawaiian gentlemenWearing the native costumeOf last season's tennis clothes, with a wreath around theneck.The hostess introduces a series of clean, home games:Each participant is given a fair chanceTo guess the number of seeds in a cucumber,Or thread a needle against time,Or see how many names of wild flowers he knows.Ice cream in trick formations,And punch like Volstead used to makeBuoy up the players after the mental strain.You have to tell the hostess that it's a riot,And she says she'll just die if you don't come to her nextparty-If only a guarantee went with that!Then there is the Bridge Festival.The winner is awarded an arts-and-crafts hearth-brush,And all the rest get garlands of hothouse raspberries.You cut for partnersAnd draw the man who wrote the game.He won't let bygones be bygones;After each handHe starts getting personal about your motives in leadingclubs,And one word frequently leads to another.At the next tableYou have one of those partnersWho says it is nothing but a game, after all.He trumps your aceAnd tries to laugh it off.And yet they shoot men like Elwell. - The World's Poetry Archive

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There is the Day in the Country;It seems more like a week.All the contestants are wedged into automobiles,And you are allotted the space between two ladiesWho close in on you.The party gets a nice early start,Because everybody wants to make a long day of it-The get their wish.Everyone contributes a basket of lunch;Each person has it all figured outThat no one else will think of bringing hard-boiled eggs.There is intensive picking of dogwood,And no one is quite sure what poison ivy is like;They find out the next day.Things start off with a rush.Everybody joins in the old songs,And points out cloud effects,And puts in a good word for the colour of the grass.But after the first fifty miles,Nature doesn't go over so big,And singing belongs to the lost arts.There is a slight spurt on the homestretch,And everyone exclaims over how beautiful the lights of thecity look-I'll say they do.And there is the informal little Dinner Party;The lowest form of taking nourishment.The man on your left draws diagrams with a fork,Illustrating the way he is going to have a new sun-parlourbuilt on;And the one on your rightExplains how soon business conditions will better, and why.When the more material part of the evening is over,You have your choice of listening to the Harry Lauder records,Or having the hostess hem you inAnd show you the snapshots of the baby they took last summer.Just before you break away,You mutter something to the host and hostessAbout sometime soon you must have them over-Over your dead body.I hate Parties;They bring out the worst in me. - The World's Poetry Archive

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Paths I shall tread, another year, Ways I walked with Grief,Past the dry, ungarnered ear And the brittle leaf. I shall stand, a year apart, Wondering, and shy,Thinking, "Here she broke her heart;Here she pled to die." I shall hear the pheasants call, And the raucous geese;Down these ways, another Fall, I shall walk with Peace. But the pretty path I trod Hand-in-hand with Love-Underfoot, the nascent sod, Brave young boughs above, And the stripes of ribbon grass By the curling way-I shall never dare to pass To my dying day. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Pattern Leave me to my lonely pillow.Go, and take your silly posiesWho has vowed to wear the willowLooks a fool, tricked out in roses. Who are you, my lad, to ease me?Leave your pretty words unspoken.Tinkling echoes little please me,Now my heart is freshly broken. Over young are you to guide me,And your blood is slow and sleeping.If you must, then sit beside me....Tell me, why have I been weeping? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Penelope In the pathway of the sun, In the footsteps of the breeze,Where the world and sky are one, He shall ride the silver seas, He shall cut the glittering wave.I shall sit at home, and rock;Rise, to heed a neighbor's knock;Brew my tea, and snip my thread;Bleach the linen for my bed. They will call him brave. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Philosophy If I should labor through daylight and dark, Consecrate, valorous, serious, true,Then on the world I may blazon my mark; And what if I don't, and what if I do? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Plea Secrets, you said, would hold us two apart;You'd have me know of you your least transgression,And so the intimate places of your heart,Kneeling, you bared to me, as in confession.Softly you told of loves that went before-Of clinging arms, of kisses gladly given;Luxuriously clean of heart once more,You rose up, then, and stood before me, shriven. When this, my day of happiness, is through,And love, that bloomed so fair, turns brown and brittle,There is a thing that I shall ask of you-I, who have given so much, and asked so little.Some day, when there's another in my stead,Again you'll feel the need of absolution,And you will go to her, and bow your head,And offer her your past, as contribution. When with your list of loves you overcome her,For Heaven's sake, keep this one secret from her! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Poem In The American Manner I dunno yer highfalutin' words, but here's th' way it seemsWhen I'm peekin' out th' winder o' my little House o Dreams;I've been lookin' 'roun' this big ol' world, as bizzy as a hive,An' I want t' tell ye, neighbor mine, it's good t' be alive.I've ben settin' here, a-thinkin' hard, an' say, it seems t' meThat this big ol' world is jest about as good as it kin be,With its starvin' little babies, an' its battles, an' its strikes,An' its profiteers, an' hold-up men—th' dawggone little tykes!An' its hungry men that fought fer us, that nobody employs.An' I think, 'Why, shucks, we're jest a lot o' grown-up little boys!'An' I settle back, an' light my pipe, an' reach fer Mother's hand,An' I wouldn't swap my peace o' mind fer nothin' in the land;Fer this world uv ours, that jest was made fer folks like me an' youIs a purty good ol' place t' live—say, neighbor, ain't it true? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Portrait Of The Artist Oh, lead me to a quiet cellWhere never footfall rankles,And bar the window passing well,And gyve my wrists and ankles. Oh, wrap my eyes with linen fair,With hempen cord go bind me,And, of your mercy, leave me there,Nor tell them where to find me. Oh, lock the portal as you go,And see its bolts be double....Come back in half an hour or so,And I will be in trouble. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Post-Graduate Hope it was that tutored me, And Love that taught me more;And now I learn at Sorrow's knee The self-same lore. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Pour Prendre Conge I'm sick of embarking in dories Upon an emotional sea.I'm wearied of playing Dolores (A role never written for me). I'll never again like a cub lick My wounds while I squeal at the hurt.No more I'll go walking in public, My heart hanging out of my shirt. I'm tired of entwining me garlands Of weather-worn hemlock and bay.I'm over my longing for far lands- I wouldn't give that for Cathay. I'm through with performing the ballet Of love unrequited and told.Euterpe, I tender you vale; Good-by, and take care of that cold. I'm done with this burning and giving And reeling the rhymes of my woes.And how I'll be making my living, The Lord in His mystery knows. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Prayer For A New Mother The things she knew, let her forget again-The voices in the sky, the fear, the cold,The gaping shepherds, and the queer old menPiling their clumsy gifts of foreign gold. Let her have laughter with her little one;Teach her the endless, tuneless songs to sing,Grant her her right to whisper to her sonThe foolish names one dare not call a king. Keep from her dreams the rumble of a crowd,The smell of rough-cut wood, the trail of red,The thick and chilly whiteness of the shroudThat wraps the strange new body of the dead. Ah, let her go, kind Lord, where mothers goAnd boast his pretty words and ways, and planThe proud and happy years that they shall knowTogether, when her son is grown a man. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Prayer For A Prayer Dearest one, when I am dead Never seek to follow me. Never mount the quiet hill Where the copper leaves are still, As my heart is, on the treeStanding at my narrow bed. Only of your tenderness, Pray a little prayer at night. Say: "I have forgiven now- I, so weak and sad; O Thou, Wreathed in thunder, robed in light,Surely Thou wilt do no less." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Prisoner Long I fought the driving lists, Plume a-stream and armor clanging;Link on link, between my wrists, Now my heavy freedom's hanging. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Prologue To A Saga Maidens, gather not the yew,Leave the glossy myrtle sleeping;Any lad was born untrue,Never a one is fit your weeping. Pretty dears, your tumult cease;Love's a fardel, burthening double.Clear your hearts, and have you peace-Gangway, girls: I'll show you trouble. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Prophetic Soul Because your eyes are slant and slow,Because your hair is sweet to touch,My heart is high again; but oh,I doubt if this will get me much. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Purposely Ungrammatical Love Song There's many and many, and not so far, Is willing to dry my tears away;There's many to tell me what you are, And never a lie to all they say. It's little the good to hide my head, It's never the use to bar my door;There's many as counts the tears I shed, There's mourning hearts for my heart is There's honester eyes than your blue eyes, There's better a mile than such as you.But when did I say that I was wise, And when did I hope that you were true? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Rainy Night Ghosts of all my lovely sins, Who attend too well my pillow,Gay the wanton rain begins; Hide the limp and tearful willow. Turn aside your eyes and ears, Trail away your robes of sorrow,You shall have my further years- You shall walk with me tomorrow. I am sister to the rain; Fey and sudden and unholy,Petulant at the windowpane, Quickly lost, remembered slowly. I have lived with shades, a shade; I am hung with graveyard flowers.Let me be tonight arrayed In the silver of the showers. Every fragile thing shall rust; When another April passesI may be a furry dust, Sifting through the brittle grasses. All sweet sins shall be forgot; Who will live to tell their siring?Hear me now, nor let me rot Wistful still, and still aspiring. Ghosts of dear temptations, heed; I am frail, be you forgiving.See you not that I have need To be living with the living? Sail, tonight, the Styx's breast; Glide among the dim processionsOf the exquisite unblest, Spirits of my shared transgressions, - The World's Poetry Archive

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Roam with young Persephone. Plucking poppies for your slumber . . .With the morrow, there shall be One more wraith among your number. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Recurrence We shall have our little day.Take my hand and travel stillRound and round the little way,Up and down the little hill. It is good to love again;Scan the renovated skies,Dip and drive the idling pen,Sweetly tint the paling lies. Trace the dripping, pierced heart,Speak the fair, insistent verse,Vow to God, and slip apart,Little better, Little worse. Would we need not know beforeHow shall end this prettiness;One of us must love the more,One of us shall love the less. Thus it is, and so it goes;We shall have our day, my dear.Where, unwilling, dies the roseBuds the new, another year. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Renunciation Chloe's hair, no doubt, was brighter;Lydia's mouth more sweetly sad;Hebe's arms were rather whiter;Languorous-lidded Helen had Eyes more blue than e'er the sky was;Lalage's was subtler stuff;Still, you used to think that I wasFair enough. Now you're casting yearning glancesAt the pale Penelope;Cutting in on Claudia's dances;Taking Iris out to tea.Iole you find warm-hearted;Zoe's cheek is far from rough-Don't you think it's time we parted? . . .Fair enough! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Requiescat Tonight my love is sleeping cold Where none may see and none shall pass.The daisies quicken in the mold, And richer fares the meadow grass. The warding cypress pleads the skies, The mound goes level in the rain.My love all cold and silent lies- Pray God it will not rise again! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Resumé Razors pain you;Rivers are damp;Acids stain you;And drugs cause cramp.Guns aren't lawful;Nooses give;Gas smells awful;You might as well live. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Reuben's Children Accursed from their birth they be Who seek to find monogamy,Pursuing it from bed to bed- I think they would be better dead. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Rhyme Against Living If wild my breast and sore my pride, I bask in dreams of suicide;If cool my heart and high my head, I think, 'How lucky are the dead! ' Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Rondeau Redoubl&Eacute; [and scarcely worth the trouble, at that] The same to me are somber days and gay. Though Joyous dawns the rosy morn, and bright,Because my dearest love is gone away Within my heart is melancholy night. My heart beats low in loneliness, despite That riotous Summer holds the earth in sway.In cerements my spirit is bedight; The same to me are somber days and gay. Though breezes in the rippling grasses play, And waves dash high and far in glorious might,I thrill no longer to the sparkling day, Though joyous dawns the rosy morn, and bright. Ungraceful seems to me the swallow's flight; As well might heaven's blue be sullen gray;My soul discerns no beauty in their sight Because my dearest love is gone away. Let roses fling afar their crimson spray, And virgin daisies splash the fields with white,Let bloom the poppy hotly as it may, Within my heart is melancholy night. And this, O love, my pitiable plight Whenever from my circling arms you stray;This little world of mine has lost its light.... I hope to God, my dear, that you can say The same to me. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Roundel She's passing fair; but so demure is she,So quiet is her gown, so smooth her hair,That few there are who note her and agree She's passing fair. Yet when was ever beauty held more rareThan simple heart and maiden modesty?What fostered charms with virtue could compare? Alas, no lover ever stops to see;The best that she is offered is the air.Yet- if the passing mark is minus D-She's passing fair. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Salome's Dancing-Lesson She that begs a little boon(Heel and toe! Heel and toe!)Little gets- and nothing, soon.(No, no, no! No, no, no!)She that calls for costly thingsPriceless finds her offerings-What's impossible to kings?(Heel and toe! Heel and toe!) Kings are shaped as other men.(Step and turn! Step and turn!)Ask what none may ask again.(Will you learn? Will you learn?)Lovers whine, and kisses pall,Jewels tarnish, kingdoms fall-Death's the rarest prize of all!(Step and turn! Step and turn!) Veils are woven to be dropped.(One, two, three! One, two, three!)Aging eyes are slowest stopped.(Quietly! Quietly!)She whose body's young and coolHas no need of dancing-school-Scratch a king and find a fool!(One, two, three! One, two, three!) Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Sanctuary My land is bare of chattering folk; The clouds are low along the ridges,And sweet's the air with curly smoke From all my burning bridges. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Second Love "So surely is she mine," you say, and turnYour quick and steady mind to harder things-To bills and bonds and talk of what men earn-And whistle up the stair, of evenings.And do you see a dream behind my eyes,Or ask a simple question twice of me-"Thus women are," you say; for men are wiseAnd tolerant, in their security. How shall I count the midnights I have knownWhen calm you turn to me, nor feel me start,To find my easy lips upon your ownAnd know my breast beneath your rhythmic heart.Your god defer the day I tell you this:My lad, my lad, it is not you I kiss! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Sight Unseemly are the open eyes That watch the midnight sheep,That look upon the secret skies Nor close, abashed, in sleep; That see the dawn drag in, unbidden, To birth another day-Oh, better far their gaze were hidden Below the decent clay. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Social Note Lady, lady, should you meetOne whose ways are all discreet,One who murmurs that his wifeIs the lodestar of his life,One who keeps assuring youThat he never was untrue,Never loved another one . . . Lady, lady, better run! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Solace There was a rose that faded young;I saw its shattered beauty hungUpon a broken stem.I heard them say, "What need to careWith roses budding everywhere?"I did not answer them. There was a bird, brought down to die;They said, "A hundred fill the sky-What reason to be sad?"There was a girl, whose lover fled;I did not wait, the while they said,"There's many another lad." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Somebody's Song This is what I vow;He shall have my heart to keep,Sweetly will we stir and sleep, All the years, as now.Swift the measured sands may run;Love like this is never done;He and I are welded one: This is what I vow. This is what I pray:Keep him by me tenderly;Keep him sweet in pride of me, Ever and a day;Keep me from the old distress;Let me, for our happiness,Be the one to love the less: This is what I pray. This is what I know:Lovers' oaths are thin as rain;Love's a harbinger of pain- Would it were not so!Ever is my heart a-thirst,Ever is my love accurst;He is neither last nor first: This is what I know. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Song In A Minor Key There's a place I know where the birds swing low,And wayward vines go roaming,Where the lilacs nod, and a marble godIs pale, in scented gloaming.And at sunset there comes a lady fairWhose eyes are deep with yearning.By an old, old gate does the lady waitHer own true love's returning. But the days go by, and the lilacs die,And trembling birds seek cover;Yet the lady stands, with her long white handsHeld out to greet her lover.And it's there she'll stay till the shadowy dayA monument they grave her.She will always wait by the same old gate, --The gate her true love gave her. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Song Of One Of The Girls Here in my heart I am Helen; I'm Aspasia and Hero, at least.I'm Judith, and Jael, and Madame de Stael; I'm Salome, moon of the East. Here in my soul I am Sappho; Lady Hamilton am I, as well.In me Recamier vies with Kitty O'Shea, With Dido, and Eve, and poor Nell. I'm of the glamorous ladies At whose beckoning history shook.But you are a man, and see only my pan, So I stay at home with a book. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Song Of Perfect Propriety Oh, I should like to ride the seas,A roaring buccaneer;A cutlass banging at my knees,A dirk behind my ear.And when my captives' chains would clankI'd howl with glee and drink,And then fling out the quivering plankAnd watch the beggars sink. I'd like to straddle gory decks,And dig in laden sands,And know the feel of throbbing necksBetween my knotted hands.Oh, I should like to strut and curseAmong my blackguard crew....But I am writing little verse,As little ladies do. Oh, I should like to dance and laughAnd pose and preen and sway,And rip the hearts of men in half,And toss the bits away.I'd like to view the reeling yearsThrough unastonished eyes,And dip my finger-tips in tears,And give my smiles for sighs. I'd stroll beyond the ancient bounds,And tap at fastened gates,And hear the prettiest of sound-The clink of shattered fates.My slaves I'd like to bind with thongsThat cut and burn and chill....But I am writing little songs,As little ladies will. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Sonnet For The End Of A Sequence So take my vows and scatter them to sea;Who swears the sweetest is no more than human.And say no kinder words than these of me:"Ever she longed for peace, but was a woman!And thus they are, whose silly female dustNeeds little enough to clutter it and bind it,Who meet a slanted gaze, and ever mustGo build themselves a soul to dwell behind it." For now I am my own again, my friend!This scar but points the whiteness of my breast;This frenzy, like its betters, spins an end,And now I am my own. And that is best.Therefore, I am immeasurably gratefulTo you, for proving shallow, false, and hateful. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Sonnet On An Alpine Night My hand, a little raised, might press a star-Where I may look, the frosted peaks are spun,So shaped before Olympus was begun,Spanned each to each, now, by a silver bar.Thus to face Beauty have I traveled far,But now, as if around my heart were runHard, lacing fingers, so I stand undone.Of all my tears, the bitterest these are. Who humbly followed Beauty all her ways,Begging the brambles that her robe had passed,Crying her name in corridors of stone,That day shall know his weariedest of days -When Beauty, still and suppliant at last,Does not suffice him, once they are alone. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Story "And if he's gone away," said she,"Good riddance, if you're asking me.I'm not a one to lie awakeAnd weep for anybody's sake.There's better lads than him about!I'll wear my buckled slippers outA-dancing till the break of day.I'm better off with him away!And if he never come," said she,"Now what on earth is that to me?I wouldn't have him back!" I hopeHer mother washed her mouth with soap. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Story Of Mrs. W- My garden blossoms pink and white,A place of decorous murmuring,Where I am safe from August nightAnd cannot feel the knife of Spring. And I may walk the pretty placeBefore the curtsying hollyhocksAnd laundered daisies, round of face-Good little girls, in party frocks. My trees are amiably arrayedIn pattern on the dappled sky,And I may sit in filtered shadeAnd watch the tidy years go by. And I may amble pleasantlyAnd hear my neighbors list their bonesAnd click my tongue in sympathy,And count the cracks in paving-stones. My door is grave in oaken strength,The cool of linen calms my bed,And there at night I stretch my lengthAnd envy no one but the dead. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Summary Every love's the love before In a duller dress.That's the measure of my lore- Here's my bitterness:Would I knew a little more, Or very much less! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Superfluous Advice Should they whisper false of you. Never trouble to deny;Should the words they say be true, Weep and storm and swear they lie. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Surprise My heart went fluttering with fearLest you should go, and leave me hereTo beat my breast and rock my headAnd stretch me sleepless on my bed.Ah, clear they see and true they sayThat one shall weep, and one shall strayFor such is Love's unvarying law....I never thought, I never sawThat I should be the first to go;How pleasant that it happened so! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Sweet Violets You are brief and frail and blue-Little sisters, I am, too.You are Heaven's masterpieces-Little loves, the likeness ceases. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Symptom Recital I do not like my state of mind;I'm bitter, querulous, unkind.I hate my legs, I hate my hands,I do not yearn for lovelier lands.I dread the dawn's recurrent light;I hate to go to bed at night.I snoot at simple, earnest folk.I cannot take the gentlest joke.I find no peace in paint or type.My world is but a lot of tripe.I'm disillusioned, empty-breasted.For what I think, I'd be arrested.I am not sick, I am not well.My quondam dreams are shot to hell.My soul is crushed, my spirit sore;I do not like me any more.I cavil, quarrel, grumble, grouse.I ponder on the narrow house.I shudder at the thought of men....I'm due to fall in love again. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Temps Perdu I never may turn the loop of a road Where sudden, ahead, the sea is Iying,But my heart drags down with an ancient load- My heart, that a second before was flying. I never behold the quivering rain- And sweeter the rain than a lover to me-But my heart is wild in my breast with pain; My heart, that was tapping contentedly. There's never a rose spreads new at my door Nor a strange bird crosses the moon at nightBut I know I have known its beauty before, And a terrible sorrow along with the sight. The look of a laurel tree birthed for May Or a sycamore bared for a new NovemberIs as old and as sad as my furtherest day- What is it, what is it, I almost remember? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Testament Oh, let it be a night of lyric rainAnd singing breezes, when my bell is tolled.I have so loved the rain that I would holdLast in my ears its friendly, dim refraln.I shall lie cool and quiet, who have lainFevered, and watched the book of day unfold.Death will not see me flinch; the heart is boldThat pain has made incapable of pain. Kinder the busy worms than ever love;It will be peace to lie there, empty-eyed,My bed made secret by the leveling showers,My breast replenishing the weeds above.And you will say of me, "Then has she died?Perhaps I should have sent a spray of flowers." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Apple Tree When first we saw the apple tree The boughs were dark and straight,But never grief to give had we, Though Spring delayed so late. When last I came away from there The boughs were heavy hung,But little grief had I to spare For Summer, perished young. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Burned Child Love has had his way with me. This my heart is torn and maimedSince he took his play with me. Cruel well the bow-boy aimed, Shot, and saw the feathered shaft Dripping bright and bitter red.He that shrugged his wings and laughed- Better had he left me dead. Sweet, why do you plead me, then, Who have bled so sore of that?Could I bear it once again? . . . Drop a hat, dear, drop a hat! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Choice He'd have given me rolling lands, Houses of marble, and billowing farms,Pearls, to trickle between my hands, Smoldering rubies, to circle my arms.You- you'd only a lilting song, Only a melody, happy and high,You were sudden and swift and strong- Never a thought for another had I. He'd have given me laces rare, Dresses that glimmered with frosty sheen,Shining ribbons to wrap my hair, Horses to draw me, as fine as a queen.You- you'd only to whistle low, Gayly I followed wherever you led.I took you, and I let him go- Somebody ought to examine my head! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Danger Of Writing Defiant Verse And now I have another lad!No longer need you tellHow all my nights are slow and sadFor loving you too well. His ways are not your wicked ways,He's not the like of you.He treads his path of reckoned days,A sober man, and true. They'll never see him in the town,Another on his knee.He'd cut his laden orchards down,If that would pleasure me. He'd give his blood to paint my lipsIf I should wish them red.He prays to touch my finger-tipsOr stroke my prideful head. He never weaves a glinting lie,Or brags the hearts he'll keep.I have forgotten how to sigh-Remembered how to sleep. He's none to kiss away my mind-A slower way is his.Oh, Lord! On reading this, I findA silly lot he is. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Dark Girl's Rhyme Who was there had seen us Wouldn't bid him run?Heavy lay between us All our sires had done. There he was, a-springing Of a pious race,Setting hags a-swinging In a market-place; Sowing turnips over Where the poppies lay;Looking past the clover, Adding up the hay; Shouting through the Spring song, Clumping down the sod;Toadying, in sing-song, To a crabbed god. There I was, that came of Folk of mud and name-I that had my name of Them without a name. Up and down a mountain Streeled my silly stock;Passing by a fountain, Wringing at a rock; Devil-gotten sinners, Throwing back their heads,Fiddling for their dinners, Kissing for their beds. Not a one had seen us Wouldn't help him flee.Angry ran between us Blood of him and me. - The World's Poetry Archive

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How shall I be mating Who have looked above-Living for a hating, Dying of a love? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Dramatists A string of shiny days we had, A spotless sky, a yellow sun;And neither you nor I was sad When that was through and done. But when, one day, a boy comes by And pleads me with your happiest vow,"There was a lad I knew--" I'll sigh, "I do not know him now." And when another girl shall pass And speak a little name I said,Then you will say, "There was a lass- I wonder is she dead." And each of us will sigh, and start A-talking of a faded year,And lay a hand above a heart, And dry a pretty tear. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Evening Primrose You know the bloom, unearthly white,That none has seen by morning light-The tender moon, alone, may bareIts beauty to the secret air.Who'd venture past its dark retreatMust kneel, for holy things and sweet,That blossom, mystically blown,No man may gather for his ownNor touch it, lest it droop and fall....Oh, I am not like that at all! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The False Friends They laid their hands upon my head,They stroked my cheek and brow;And time could heal a hurt, they said,And time could dim a vow. And they were pitiful and mildWho whispered to me then,"The heart that breaks in April, child,Will mend in May again." Oh, many a mended heart they knew.So old they were, and wise.And little did they have to doTo come to me with lies! Who flings me silly talk of MayShall meet a bitter soul;For June was nearly spent awayBefore my heart was whole. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Flaw In Paganism Drink and dance and laugh and lie, Love, the reeling midnight through,For tomorrow we shall die! (But, alas, we never do.) Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Gentlest Lady They say He was a serious child,And quiet in His ways;They say the gentlest lady smiledTo hear the neighbors' praise. The coffers of her heart would closeUpon their smaliest word.Yet did they say, "How tall He grows!"They thought she had not heard. They say upon His birthday eveShe'd rock Him to His restAs if she could not have Him leaveThe shelter of her breast. The poor must go in bitter thrift,The poor must give in pain,But ever did she get a giftTo greet His day again. They say she'd kiss the Boy awake,And hail Him gay and clear,But oh, her heart was like to breakTo count another year. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Homebody There still are kindly things for me to know,Who am afraid to dream, afraid to feel-This little chair of scrubbed and sturdy deal,This easy book, this fire, sedate and slow.And I shall stay with them, nor cry the woeOf wounds across my breast that do not heal;Nor wish that Beauty drew a duller steel,Since I am sworn to meet her as a foe. It may be, when the devil's own time is done,That I shall hear the dropping of the rainAt midnight, and lie quiet in my bed;Or stretch and straighten to the yellow sun;Or face the turning tree, and have no pain;So shall I learn at last my heart is dead. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Immortals If you should sail for Trebizond, or die,Or cry another name in your first sleep,Or see me board a train, and fail to sigh,Appropriately, I'd clutch my breast and weep.And you, if I should wander through the door,Or sin, or seek a nunnery, or saveMy lips and give my cheek, would tread the floorAnd aptly mention poison and the grave. Therefore the mooning world is gratified,Quoting how prettily we sigh and swear;And you and I, correctly side by side,Shall live as lovers when our bones are bareAnd though we lie forever enemies,Shall rank with Abelard and Heloise. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Lady's Reward Lady, lady, never startConversation toward your heart;Keep your pretty words serene;Never murmur what you mean.Show yourself, by word and look,Swift and shallow as a brook.Be as cool and quick to goAs a drop of April snow;Be as delicate and gayAs a cherry flower in May.Lady, lady, never speakOf the tears that burn your cheek-She will never win him, whoseWords had shown she feared to lose.Be you wise and never sad,You will get your lovely lad.Never serious be, nor true,And your wish will come to you-And if that makes you happy, kid,You'll be the first it ever did. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Last Question New love, new love, where are you to lead me? All along a narrow way that marks a crooked line.How are you to slake me, and how are you to feed me? With bitter yellow berries, and a sharp new wine. New love, new love, shall I be forsaken? One shall go a-wandering, and one of us must sigh.Sweet it is to slumber, but how shall we awaken- Whose will be the broken heart, when dawn comes by? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Leal The friends I made have slipped and strayed, And who's the one that cares?A trifling lot and best forgot- And that's my tale, and theirs. Then if my friendships break and bend, There's little need to cryThe while I know that every foe Is faithful till I die. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Little Old Lady In Lavender Silk I was seventy-seven, come August,I shall shortly be losing my bloom;I've experienced zephyr and raw gustAnd (symbolical) flood and simoom. When you come to this time of abatement,To this passing from Summer to Fall,It is manners to issue a statementAs to what you got out of it all. So I'll say, though reflection unnerves meAnd pronouncements I dodge as I can,That I think (if my memory serves me)There was nothing more fun than a man! In my youth, when the crescent was too wanTo embarrass with beams from above,By the aid of some local Don JuanI fell into the habit of love. And I learned how to kiss and be merry- anEducation left better unsung.My neglect of the waters PierianWas a scandal, when Grandma was young. Though the shabby unbalanced the splendid,And the bitter outmeasured the sweet,I should certainly do as I then did,Were I given the chance to repeat. For contrition is hollow and wraithful,And regret is no part of my plan,And I think (if my memory's faithful)There was nothing more fun than a man! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Maid-Servant At The Inn "It's queer," she said; "I see the light As plain as I beheld it then,All silver-like and calm and bright- We've not had stars like that again! "And she was such a gentle thing To birth a baby in the cold.The barn was dark and frightening- This new one's better than the old. "I mind my eyes were full of tears, For I was young, and quick distressed,But she was less than me in years That held a son against her breast. "I never saw a sweeter child- The little one, the darling one!-I mind I told her, when he smiled You'd know he was his mother's son. "It's queer that I should see them so- The time they came to BethlehemWas more than thirty years ago; I've prayed that all is well with them." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The New Love If it shine or if it rain, Little will I care or know.Days, like drops upon a pane, Slip, and join, and go. At my door's another lad; Here's his flower in my hair.If he see me pale and sad, Will he see me fair? I sit looking at the floor. Little will I think or sayIf he seek another door; Even if he stay. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Passionate Freudian To His Love Only name the day, and we'll fly awayIn the face of old traditions,To a sheltered spot, by the world forgot,Where we'll park our inhibitions.Come and gaze in eyes where the lovelight liesAs it psychoanalyzes,And when once you glean what your fantasies meanLife will hold no more surprises.When you've told your love what you're thinking ofThings will be much more informal;Through a sunlit land we'll go hand-in-hand,Drifting gently back to normal. While the pale moon gleams, we will dream sweet dreams,And I'll win your admiration,For it's only fair to admit I'm thereWith a mean interpretation.In the sunrise glow we will whisper lowOf the scenes our dreams have painted,And when you're advised what they symbolizedWe'll begin to feel acquainted.So we'll gaily float in a slumber boatWhere subconscious waves dash wildly;In the stars' soft light, we will say good-night—And &quot;good-night!&quot; will put it mildly. Our desires shall be from repressions free—As it's only right to treat them.To your ego's whims I will sing sweet hymns,And ad libido repeat them.With your hand in mine, idly we'll reclineAmid bowers of neuroses,While the sun seeks rest in the great red westWe will sit and match psychoses.So come dwell a while on that distant isleIn the brilliant tropic weather;Where a Freud in need is a Freud indeed,We'll always be Jung together. - The World's Poetry Archive

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Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Red Dress I always saw, I always saidIf I were grown and free,I'd have a gown of reddest redAs fine as you could see, To wear out walking, sleek and slow,Upon a Summer day,And there'd be one to see me soAnd flip the world away. And he would be a gallant one,With stars behind his eyes,And hair like metal in the sun,And lips too warm for lies. I always saw us, gay and good,High honored in the town.Now I am grown to womanhood....I have the silly gown. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Satin Dress Needle, needle, dip and dart,Thrusting up and down,Where's the man could ease a heartLike a satin gown? See the stitches curve and crawlRound the cunning seams-Patterns thin and sweet and smallAs a lady's dreams. Wantons go in bright brocade;Brides in organdie;Gingham's for the plighted maid;Satin's for the free! Wool's to line a miser's chest;Crepe's to calm the old;Velvet hides an empty breastSatin's for the bold! Lawn is for a bishop's yoke;Linen's for a nun;Satin is for wiser folk-Would the dress were done! Satin glows in candlelight-Satin's for the proud!They will say who watch at night,"What a fine shroud!" Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Sea Who lay against the sea, and fled, Who lightly loved the wave,Shall never know, when he is dead, A cool and murmurous grave. But in a shallow pit shall rest For all eternity,And bear the earth upon the breas That once had worn the sea. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Searched Soul When I consider, pro and con,What things my love is built upon --A curly mouth; a sinewed wrist;A questioning brow; a pretty twistOf words as old and tried as sin;A pointed ear; a cloven chin;Long, tapered limbs; and slanted eyesNot cold nor kind nor darkly wise --When so I ponder, here apart,What shallow boons suffice my heart,What dust-bound trivia capture me,I marvel at my normalcy. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Second Oldest Story Go I must along my ways Though my heart be ragged,Dripping bitter through the days, Festering, and jagged.Smile I must at every twinge, Kiss, to time its throbbing;He that tears a heart to fringe Hates the noise of sobbing. Weep, my love, till Heaven hears; Curse and moan and languish.While I wash your wound with tears, Ease aloud your anguish.Bellow of the pit in Hell Where you're made to linger.There and there and well and well- Did he prick his finger! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Small Hours No more my little song comes back; And now of nights I layMy head on down, to watch the black And wait the unfailing gray. Oh, sad are winter nights, and slow; And sad's a song that's dumb;And sad it is to lie and know Another dawn will come. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Thin Edge With you, my heart is quiet here,And all my thoughts are cool as rain.I sit and let the shifting yearGo by before the windowpane,And reach my hand to yours, my dear . . .I wonder what it's like in Spain. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Trifler Death's the lover that I'd be taking;Wild and fickle and fierce is he.Small's his care if my heart be breaking-Gay young Death would have none of me. Hear them clack of my haste to greet him!No one other my mouth had kissed.I had dressed me in silk to meet him-False young Death would not hold the tryst. Slow's the blood that was quick and stormy,Smooth and cold is the bridal bed;I must wait till he whistles for me-Proud young Death would not turn his head. I must wait till my breast is wilted.I must wait till my back is bowed,I must rock in the corner, jilted-Death went galloping down the road. Gone's my heart with a trifling rover.Fine he was in the game he played-Kissed, and promised, and threw me over,And rode away with a prettier maid. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Trusting Heart Oh, I'd been better dying,Oh, I was slow and sad;A fool I was, a-cryingAbout a cruel lad! But there was one that found me,That wept to see me weep,And had his arm around me,And gave me words to keep. And I'd be better dying,And I am slow and sad;A fool I am, a-cryingAbout a tender lad! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Veteran When I was young and bold and strong,Oh, right was right, and wrong was wrong!My plume on high, my flag unfurled,I rode away to right the world."Come out, you dogs, and fight!" said I,And wept there was but once to die. But I am old; and good and badAre woven in a crazy plaid.I sit and say, "The world is so;And he is wise who lets it go.A battle lost, a battle won-The difference is small, my son." Inertia rides and riddles me;The which is called Philosophy. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Whistling Girl Back of my back, they talk of me, Gabble and honk and hiss;Let them batten, and let them be- Me, I can sing them this: "Better to shiver beneath the stars, Head on a faithless breast,Than peer at the night through rusted bars, And share an irksome rest. "Better to see the dawn come up, Along of a trifling one,Than set a steady man's cloth and cup And pray the day be done. "Better be left by twenty dears Than lie in a loveless bed;Better a loaf that's wet with tears Than cold, unsalted bread." Back of my back, they wag their chins, Whinny and bleat and sigh;But better a heart a-bloom with sins Than hearts gone yellow and dry! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The White Lady I cannot rest, I cannot rest In straight and shiny wood,My woven hands upon my breast-- The dead are all so good! The earth is cool across their eyes; They lie there quietly.But I am neither old nor wise; They do not welcome me. Where never I walked alone before, I wander in the weeds;And people scream and bar the door, And rattle at their beads. We cannot rest, we never rest Within a narrow bedWho still must love the living best-- Who hate the pompous dead! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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The Willow On sweet young earth where the myrtle presses, Long we lay, when the May was new;The willow was winding the moon in her tresses, The bud of the rose was told with dew. And now on the brittle ground I'm lying, Screaming to die with the dead year's dead;The stem of the rose is black and drying, The willow is tossing the wind from her head. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Theory Into love and out again, Thus I went, and thus I go.Spare your voice, and hold your pen- Well and bitterly I knowAll the songs were ever sung, All the words were ever said;Could it be, when I was young, Some one dropped me on my head? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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There Was One There was one a-riding grand On a tall brown mare,And a fine gold band He brought me there. A little, gold band He held to meThat would shine on a hand For the world to see. There was one a-walking swift To a little, new song,And a rose was the gift He carried along, First of all the posies, Dewy and red.They that have roses Never need bread. There was one with a swagger And a soft, slow tongue,And a bright, cold dagger Where his left hand swung- Craven and gilt, Old and bad-And his stroking of the hilt Set a girl mad. There was one a-riding grand As he rode from me.And he raised his golden band And he threw it in the sea. There was one a-walking slow To a sad, Iong sigh.And his rose drooped low, And he flung it down to die. - The World's Poetry Archive

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There was one with a swagger And a little, sharp pride,And a bright, cold dagger Ever at his side. At his side it stayed When he ran to part.What is this blade Struck through my heart? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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They Part And if, my friend, you'd have it end, There's naught to hear or tell.But need you try to black my eye In wishing me farewell. Though I admit an edged wit In woe is warranted,May I be frank? . . . Such words as "-" Are better left unsaid. There's rosemary for you and me; But is it usual, dear,To hire a man, and fill a van By way of souvenir? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Thomas Carlyle Carlyle combined the lit'ry lifeWith throwing teacups at his wife,Remarking, rather testily,"Oh, stop your dodging, Mrs. C.!" Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Thought For A Sunshiny Morning It costs me never a stab nor squirmTo tread by chance upon a worm."Aha, my little dear," I say,"Your clan will pay me back one day." Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Threnody Lilacs blossom just as sweetNow my heart is shattered.If I bowled it down the street,Who's to say it mattered?If there's one that rode awayWhat would I be missing?Lips that taste of tears, they say,Are the best for kissing. Eyes that watch the morning starSeem a little brighter;Arms held out to darkness areUsually whiter.Shall I bar the strolling guest,Bind my brow with willow,When, they say, the empty breastIs the softer pillow? That a heart falls tinkling down,Never think it ceases.Every likely lad in townGathers up the pieces.If there's one gone whistling byWould I let it grieve me?Let him wonder if I lie;Let him half believe me. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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To A Much Too Unfortunate Lady He will love you presentlyIf you be the way you be.Send your heart a-skittering.He will stoop, and lift the thing.Be your dreams as thread, to teaseInto patterns he shall please.Let him see your passion isEver tenderer than his....Go and bless your star above,Thus are you, and thus is Love. He will leave you white with woe,If you go the way you go.If your dreams were thread to weaveHe will pluck them from his sleeve.If your heart had come to rest,He will flick it from his breast.Tender though the love he bore,You had loved a little more....Lady, go and curse your star,Thus Love is, and thus you are. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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To Newcastle I met a man the other day-A kindly man, and serious-Who viewed me in a thoughtful way,And spoke me so, and spoke me thus: "Oh, dallying's a sad mistake;'Tis craven to survey the morrow!Go give your heart, and if it break-A wise companion is Sorrow. "Oh, live, my child, nor keep your soulTo crowd your coffin when you're dead...."I asked his work; he dealt in coal,And shipped it up the Tyne, he said. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Tombstones In The Starlight I. The Minor Poet His little trills and chirpings were his best.No music like the nightingale's was bornWithin his throat; but he, too, laid his breastUpon a thorn. II. The Pretty Lady She hated bleak and wintry things alone.All that was warm and quick, she loved too well-A light, a flame, a heart against her own;It is forever bitter cold, in Hell. III. The Very Rich Man He'd have the best, and that was none too good;No barrier could hold, before his terms.He lies below, correct in cypress wood,And entertains the most exclusive worms. IV. The Fisherwoman The man she had was kind and cleanAnd well enough for every day,But, oh, dear friends, you should have seenThe one that got away! V. The Crusader Arrived in Heaven, when his sands were run,He seized a quill, and sat him down to tellThe local press that something should be doneAbout that noisy nuisance, Gabriel. - The World's Poetry Archive

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VI. The Actress Her name, cut clear upon this marble cross,Shines, as it shone when she was still on earth;While tenderly the mild, agreeable mossObscures the figures of her date of birth. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Transition Too long and quickly have I lived to vowThe woe that stretches me shall never wane,Too often seen the end of endless painTo swear that peace no more shall cool my brow.I know, I know- again the shriveled boughWill burgeon sweetly in the gentle rain,And these hard lands be quivering with grain-I tell you only: it is Winter now. What if I know, before the Summer goesWhere dwelt this bitter frenzy shall be rest?What is it now, that June shall surely bringNew promise, with the swallow and the rose?My heart is water, that I first must breastThe terrible, slow loveliness of Spring. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Two-Volume Novel The sun's gone dim, and The moon's turned black;For I loved him, and He didn't love back. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ultimatum I'm wearied of wearying love, my friend,Of worry and strain and doubt;Before we begin, let us view the end,And maybe I'll do without.There's never the pang that was worth the tear,And toss in the night I won't-So either you do or you don't, my dear,Either you do or you don't! The table is ready, so lay your cardsAnd if they should augur pain,I'll tender you ever my kind regardsAnd run for the fastest train.I haven't the will to be spent and sad;My heart's to be gay and true-Then either you don't or you do, my lad,Either you don't or you do! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Unfortunate Coincidence By the time you swear you're his,Shivering and sighing,And he vows his passion isInfinite, undying -Lady, make a note of this:One of you is lying. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Vers Demode For one, the amaryllis and the rose; The poppy, sweet as never lilies are;The ripen'd vine, that beckons as it blows; The dancing star. For one, the trodden rosemary and rue; The bowl, dipt ever in the purple streamAnd, for the other one, a fairer due- Sleep, and no dream. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Verse For A Certain Dog Such glorious faith as fills your limpid eyes,Dear little friend of mine, I never knew.All-innocent are you, and yet all-wise.(For Heaven's sake, stop worrying that shoe!)You look about, and all you see is fair;This mighty globe was made for you alone.Of all the thunderous ages, you're the heir.(Get off the pillow with that dirty bone!) A skeptic world you face with steady gaze;High in young pride you hold your noble head,Gayly you meet the rush of roaring days.(Must you eat puppy biscuit on the bed?)Lancelike your courage, gleaming swift and strong,Yours the white rapture of a winged soul,Yours is a spirit like a Mayday song.(God help you, if you break the goldfish bowl!) "Whatever is, is good" - your gracious creed.You wear your joy of living like a crown.Love lights your simplest act, your every deed.(Drop it, I tell you- put that kitten down!)You are God's kindliest gift of all - a friend.Your shining loyalty unflecked by doubt,You ask but leave to follow to the end.(Couldn't you wait until I took you out?) Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Victoria Dear dead Victoria Rotted cosily;In excelsis gloria, And R. I. P. And her shroud was buttoned neat, And her bones were clean and round,And her soul was at her feet Like a bishop's marble hound. Albert lay a-drying, Lavishly arrayed,With his soul out flying Where his heart had stayed. And there's some could tell you what land His spirit walks serene(But I've heard them say in Scotland It's never been seen). Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

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Wail Love has gone a-rocketing.That is not the worst;I could do without the thing,And not be the first. Joy has gone the way it came.That is nothing new;I could get along the same, --Many people do. Dig for me the narrow bed,Now I am bereft.All my pretty hates are dead,And what have I left? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

Dorothy Parker - poems - - - Thousands of poems and - [PDF Document] (205)

Walter Savage Landor Upon the work of Walter LandorI am unfit to write with candor.If you can read it, well and good;But as for me, I never could. Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

Dorothy Parker - poems - - - Thousands of poems and - [PDF Document] (206)

Wisdom This I say, and this I know: Love has seen the last of me.Love's a trodden lane to woe, Love's a path to misery. This I know, and knew before, This I tell you, of my years:Hide your heart, and lock your door. Hell's afloat in lovers' tears. Give your heart, and toss and moan; What a pretty fool you look!I am sage, who sit alone; Here's my wool, and here's my book. Look! A lad's a-waiting there, Tall he is and bold, and gay.What the devil do I care What I know, and what I say? Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

Dorothy Parker - poems - - - Thousands of poems and - [PDF Document] (207)

Words Of Comfort To Be Scratched On A Mirror Helen of Troy had a wandering glance;Sappho's restriction was only the sky;Ninon was ever the chatter of France;But oh, what a good girl am I! Dorothy Parker - The World's Poetry Archive

Dorothy Parker - poems - -   - Thousands of poems and - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.