Cardigans and Converse // Spencer Reid - Chapter 60 - RaeJenn15 (2024)

Chapter Text

"This is oddly calming." Spence states taking his time carefully coloring the intricate details of his 2D zeolites coloring page.

"You know, there are 200 zeolites that have been discovered so far. Which is fascinating because discovering new zeolites is considered challenging with how time consuming and difficult it is to make in a lab." He explains, heat spreading throughout my core.

"Spence I'm gonna need you to chill out on the sexy science rambles or we will not be finishing our homework." I warn him.

"Do you ever wonder how drastically different we would be if we had met in college....forget the fact that I was 17 when I got my first PhD....but if we were just two regular people following the same timeline as everyone else....what I'm trying to say is I would have been more motivated to get another PhD if my reward was you." He rambled adorably.

I stand up making my way towards him. He drops his marker on the table when I scoot him back enough for me to straddle him on our kitchen chair.

"Ask the questions." I tell him.

He gets all flustered, his mind racing between asking and touching me. Clearly he chose the later because his hands come up to massage my thighs and hips. His perfect lips leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. My entire body heating.

"What do you find exciting in life right now?" He asks his lips brushing my collarbone.

"Our wedding..." I answer struggling to focus already. "You...what about you?" I question him.

"Wedding of course..." he slowly kisses his way across to my other collarbone. "But I'm ready to officially be your husband." He says in between kisses, going back to my neck.

"How do you think we could have more fun in our life?" He asks the next question.

"Right" I answer a bit breathless when he starts biting and sucking on my neck.

"Answer.....the.....question....." He orders in between his sweet torture on my neck.

"Truthfully, more date nights. With our work...I just want us to make time for us to go on actual dates.....don't get me wrong I love watching our shows and reading books together. But once we are married and try...." I pause taking a deep breath, the pain spreading throughout my chest gripping my heart at the thought of our baby....the baby I lost.....

Spence pulls away from my neck his hands cupping my face while his thumbs caress my cheek.

"Once we become parents, date nights will need to be a why not start now." A lump starts to form in my throat...I never got to know if our baby was a boy or a girl....I like to think it was a she. Just like I'll never get to hold them, kiss their sweet baby forehead, or hold their little tiny baby hand in mine. I'll never get to experience all their firsts...first laugh, first step, or first day of school. All of these moments stolen from us.

"I want us to do cooking classes." He reveals, my surprise must have been evident on my face with the way he's scrambling to explain. "I'm not suggesting your cooking is horrible. You are an amazing chef. It just seems like it might be fun to go out like a date and cook together outside of our home."

I lean in to kiss him softly, his lips tilting in a smile against mine.

"I think that's a brilliant idea." I encourage him.

"If you could choose any other career other than what you do now, what would you choose and why?" He questions.

"Simple. A writer."

His smile softens at my answer. "That's what you were going to do before everything."

It's true, before my father turned out to be a psycho serial killer I was a year away from graduating with plans to become an author. I wanted to create worlds and people who could be a safe place for someone like me...looking to escape their realities. Help others connect to characters who they could relate to. I wanted my words to bring out emotions big or small. But mostly I just wanted to live within the pages of my own fictional universe....escape my own reality.

"Who knows, maybe someday I'll write our love story." I smile a bit sheepishly.

Spence tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "What would you call it."

"Hmm....Cardigans and Converse." I declare proudly.

"Can't wait to read it." He leans in to place another kiss on my lips.

"Okay...your turn." I raise my brow excited to hear his answer.

"Promise not to laugh." He says.


"A cowboy." His eyes dart away from mine.

"A cowboy?" I question, picturing him on a ranch in a cowboy hat and bandana around his neck. It might be the most adorably hot look for him.

"Yes....horses....a few cattle. Be surrounded by nature." He explains the smile on his face was beautiful, his eyes slowly meeting mine.

"Tell me more."

"Well....Rossi would be there. He runs the saloon, which he lives above. Garcia has a sanctuary for wounded animals. JJ would own a flower shop, on hickory street. Morgan would be the sheriff of course. Prentiss would be the town lawyer, who deals with Ms. Rivers insane amount of parking tickets. She doesn't even own a car. Then there's Hotch the mayor, voted into the position by the people of the town. And Gideon would be there too, an ornithologist. He would spend all his time at the park studying the birds."

"What about me? What would I do?" I smile enjoying this little world he has built in that beautifully brilliant mind of his.

"A crime romance writer and mother to three amazing children. During sunset you like to come out after the children are in bed meeting me by the cows. We would watch them....sometimes pet them. Enjoying just being together." He explains. My heart fluttering at the possibility of a quiet life.

"That sounds like a beautiful life." I say barely above a whisper.

" is." He smiles wistfully.

He clears his throat changing the subject. "Okay. Last question. What are your biggest worries about the future?"

My stomach starts to knot...there are too many to explain.

"I'm worried about what my PTSD will be like....if I'll ever get over what happened with my father and Jude....with this job there is always a risk that something could happened to me again and I'm afraid that I won't survive it....not physically but mentally I'm scared that I won't be able to live through the memories...I barely do now..."

Spence's eyes start to fill with unshed tears listening to me, his thumbs continuing to caress my cheeks. Trying to find any small way to comfort me.

"I'm worried about losing you....worried that someone could take you from me. But most of all I'm terrified that I won't be a good mom. Worried that I'm going to screw them up like my mother did to me and that one day you will resent me for not being what you hoped for." I admit in the quiet space between us.

"Sunny....." I wipe the tear that falls down his cheek. "I can't fix what happened and I can't promise that something else won't happen....but what I can promise, without a won't lose me, ever....and your mother was the instruction manual on how not to be a parent." He pulls me in for a kiss.

"You have so much love to give, the kind that makes people feel safe....happy....wanted. I've learned hope is overrated but statistics and probabilities are real. And they're telling me that I won't ever resent you because you're already the most perfect girl in the world, scars and all."

I crush my lips into him, our tongues and hands taking and giving. After a few moments I pull away, our chest rapidly rising and falling as we focus on catching our breaths.

"Biggest worry...." I question.

"Easy. Losing you."


"Okay my scrumptious future Mrs. Reid. We need to talk bridesmaid dress stat. I need to coordinate accessories pronto." Pen says coming up behind startling me for a moment before I remind myself thatPen is safe....I'msafe. "Linking arms bestie." She warns before her arm comes to hold mine.

"What's this about bridesmaid dresses?" Emily walks up on my other side.

"I have an idea on a dress but Spence and I are finalizing color choices." I tell them both looking between them.

"We all know it's going to be some shade of purple because that's Docs favorite color." Pen retorts making it seem obvious. I wasn't going to dignify her response by letting her know that it was in fact an option.

We turn the corner into the round table room to see JJ doing a shot of energy. Yikes....

"Oh, you're not playing around." Emily observes out loud taking a seat in one of the chairs across from JJ.

"Mm. Will's away all week, so I am pulling double duty with Henry." She explains putting the cap back on her energy shot.

"Please tell me we are still on for Saturday night, because I have had it circled on my calendar for the last 23 and 1/2 days, which apparently, from the look of you, you did not." Penny starts to have a mini freak out.

"Garcia paid good money for those salsa lessons." Emily adds making the guilt on JJ's face worsen.

Derek and Spence come walking in, my pretty boy making his way towards me to kiss my forehead before sitting down.

"It's okay JJ, I totally forgot as well....and most likely won't be going." I state trying to help take the burden off of her.

"Excuse me!" Pen gasps. "Sunday Finnegan I will drag your ass out of your house into the car and we will all be learning how to salsa for your wedding." Her narrowed gaze terrifying me.

"Objectively speaking the last time we all hung out I was kidnapped by my stalker, shot, and died for five seconds. So long story short......the likelihood that I'll make it out of my house is slim."

The room is dead silence as everyone just stares at me not knowing what to say.

"Or....I will take a chill pill and go salsa dancing." I give them a tight lipped smile.

"Great. Glad that settles that....." Pen says to me before turning her attention on JJ.

"I'll get a sitter." She tells her with a smile.

Hotch comes walking in telling us it's time to get started.

"Okay. Atlanta field office has a serial on their hands....." Pen picks up the clicker hitting a button as our screen fills with photos.

Spence leans in his lips brushing my cheek for a brief tender moment.

"You don't have to go....they will understand." He reassures me, I give him a small smile nodding my head.

"I know. Thanks for always being my back up."

We turn our attention back to Pen as she continues talking. "Two prostitutes stabbed and staged in the last two weeks." Photos of the crime scenes piling up on the screen.

"Atlanta's crime rate has skyrocketed over the past few years. Especially the proliferation of solicited sex and the drug use in the downtown district." Spence mentions stealing my attention. The urge to run my hands through his hair right now is astonishingly high.

"Maybe this guy thinks he's cleaning up the city." Emily offers up a suggested motive.

"It's rare for an unsub who targets prostitutes to pose the bodies. Means of disposal usually reflects how the person feels towards them." I say watching Derek flip through the copies of the crime scene photos in his personal file.

"It looks like he didn't think poorly of his victims. Even kept them dressed." Rossi points out.

"He could be filled with remorse. The arms are folded, the bodies are laid to rest in a quiet park outside the city. Maybe he knew them." Derek suggests.

Or loved one...

"It looks personal. There's a lot of rage in these kills. Multiple stab wounds." Emily counters looking down at her file briefly.

"What about sexual violations?" Rossi questions looking to Hotch on his right.

Hotch looks down at the file scanning the M.E. report.

"No. The M.E.'s report says there's no evidence of sexual activity before death."

"So what's he doing with them?" Penny speaks up.

"That's what we need to find out. Wheels up in 20."


"Both of the victims had 250 dollars on them when they were found. Why wouldn't the unsub take that?" Emily questions while Derek flips through his tablet next to me on the armrest of the sofa.

"It's a lot to pass up. Money must not be on his mind." Rossi states.

JJ doesn't look up from her file when she starts to talk. "Dumping the bodies certainly is....." She pauses finally looking up. "He chose two different parks outside of Atlanta."

"The parks are 15 miles apart and 40 minutes from the city. It speaks to his comfort zone." Spence chimes in. He looked good in his purple shirt and tie.

"Or he didn't want to return to the same location and risk getting recognized." Derek argues.

Pen pops up on the screen over by Hotch and Rossi. "Hey, guys, I hate to be the messenger of sad things, but yet another body has been discovered by some joggers at yet another park. Her name's Rebecca Moore, and get this....a missing persons report was filled on her."

"Well, how long was she missing?" I question looking towards the screen.

"36 hours."

"Who filed it?" Emily asks next.

"Her friend Allyson Parker." Pen answers once more.

"Prentiss, you and JJ find out from Allyson if she has any insight on why Rebecca was targeted." Hotch looks at the two women before turning his attention to the sofa. "Morgan, Reid and Finnegan, go to the disposal site, and Dave and I will set up at the field office."

I look at Spence and then at Morgan giving them both a giant smile. I'm back with two of my favorite boys.


We drive through the park coming up on several police vehicles, the M.E. and the coroner's van. We nod at one of the officers flashing our badges before ducking under the barricade tape and making our way up the hill. The coroner has just zipped the victim up in a body bag as we arrive.

"So he parks in the road and then carries the body, what? " Morgan questions.

"52.6 yards." Spence answers Derek.

"Uphill. Which means he has to be in great shape. I feel like I'm wheezing and I didn't even drag a body." I mention. Derek shaking his head, while Spence fights back a giant smile.

"You know more often than not, prostitutes are murdered and dumped in the same area that they work." Spence states looking around the park.

"So then why take the time to drive the extra 40 miles outside the city?" Derek asks looking around as well.

I don't really look long enough....too many trees.

"Maybe he's already up here. He picks them up downtown, takes them to a secondary location, kills them, and gets rid of the body as fast as possible." Spence explains his eyes meeting mine.

"Which means he lives nearby, in the suburbs." I state.

"With 76,728 other people." He adds to my statement.

"I do love when you tell me the exact population count." I move in closer to him, his eyes lighting up.

"You both are weird." Derek informs us before walking off to talk with the officers on scene.

I run my hand through Spence's wavy, warm brown hair. I love that he's growing it out again. Don't get me wrong I love when his hair is short too. But I met him with long hair, it reminds me of falling in love.

"My pretty boy." I state enjoying the way his eyes roam my face, taking me in.

"Okay you two. Stop making googly eyes at one another. We're working." Derek shouts at us from the bottom of the hill. I reluctantly drop my hand.

We get back to the field office, Derek, Rossi and myself are sitting at the table combing over the details, pointing things out, bouncing around ideas while Spence occasionally chimes in as he works on the map narrowing down a comfort zone.

"Reid, anything?" Hotch ask walking through the doors with the local Agent Lynn Brooks.

"Now that we have 3 victims, there's a pattern. It looks like his area of control is near Ridgecrest." Spence explains to him circling the area on the map with his hand.

"That's a bedroom community. Mostly white collar." Brooks informs us.

"It gives him easy access to his hunting grounds and disposal sites." Hotch states looking at the map closely before turning around.

"Vehicle blends into both places." Derek says looking over his shoulder at boss man.

"Allyson remembered seeing a van parked on the street the night that Rebecca disappeared." Emily mentions walking in with JJ.

"And she'd seen it before. But get was parked in a loading zone for hours." JJ adds.

"Well, let me check any recent tickets." Brooks offers.

"Our analyst already did that. Nothing." Emily tells her.

"It's not a residential area, so a vendor maybe. Garcia's pulling permits now." JJ says.

"He's done this 3 times before. Each victim is left with 250. That's a 750 dollar investment he didn't have to make." Rossi points out looking between all of us.

"He has every chance to take that money back, but he buries it with them instead." Derek states looking down at the photos of Rebecca's crime scene.

"It could be an obsession or a manifestation of his guilt." Emily suggests.

"Everything that happened postmortem....keeping them dressed, crossing their arms, laying them to's all very nurturing but the kills are the exact opposite, incredibly violent and angry." I finally speak up, adding my thoughts.

"Multiple personalities?" Emily questions.

"No....I think multiple unsubs." I correct her.

"The violent one asserts his dominance and the submissive one is left to clean up the mess." Hotch explains, thinking the same thoughts as me. We spend the next hour talking before heading back to the hotel and getting some sleep, the moment my head hit the pillow I was out.


The next morning we get a call bright and early that there was another body found. Spence and I quickly get dressed before heading to the field office. Reading the report on our newest vic.

Her name is Julie Harmon, she lives in a loft downtown. Had an envelope of cash in her bag, wrapped in plastic. Blunt force trauma, same bruising on the thighs as the other girls. This is the most violent and shortest time between kills.

I study the photos of the bruising on the thighs....something was bugging me about them. There tramline bruise caused by something with a longitudinal cylindrical surface, like a rod.

So what is the unsub doing with these women to cause the tramline bruise on the inner thighs. I know I'm close to connecting the pieces. I just need more...a spark perhaps.

It's time to deliver our profile, we wait for everyone to file in before Hotch starts us off. "We're looking for a pair of white males in their late 20s to early 30s, who've developed a pattern of overkill followed by remorse. This usually points to a dominant-submissive partnership." I watch a few people take notes while the others just watch and listen.

"The submissive follows the rules, knows the dominant's type, obtains he victims and disposes of the body once the dominant has completed his killing ritual." Spence explains using his hands to talk as I watch him in fascination, never getting tired of listening to him talk.

"What is the ritual?" Brooks questions from the desk she is leaning against.

"It most likely involves some form of bondage. All the victims have identical tramline bruising on their inner thighs, but we're not sure if that's done during capture or kill." I chime in going over what I know so far.

"There's no sexual assault, which tells us the dominant is likely impotent or is experimenting with other forms of sexual release." Rossi was next projecting his voice out towards the crowd.

"We often refer to this as a thrill kill. The dominant is inducing pain and creating terror without a sexual element. This provides him stimulation and excitement." Derek mentions.

"Like an adrenaline rush." Brooks states.

"Exactly. The thrill of the murder is only a temporary fix. Like a narcotic, the violence satisfies his senses for a time, but then it fades. This is likely why his cooling off period is nonexistent." Emily helps further Brooks statement.

"Despite a public investigation, the unsubs have continued killing. The risk of getting caught does not trump their need to kill." JJ says.

"That's all for now. Thanks." Hotch nods his head ending our profile.

We head back to our temporary office, stopping to grab a coffee. I make my way towards my seat mug in hand, carefully sliding Spence his own. He gives me an appreciative smile leaning in to kiss my cheek.

Derek hangs up with Garcia walking over to us. "Julie Harmon was a sexual surrogate...."

"I have so many questions." I state, Derek looking at me with amusem*nt.

"Sounds like somebody felt a little progressive prescription might fix everything." Emily chimes in.

"Well they were definitely wrong..." I raise a brow in her direction while she shakes her head trying to hide her smile.

"That's not just going from high to low risk victims. A sexual surrogate's a very specific type." Hotch points out.

"It's like they were trying to fix something. Why else would you call a therapist?" JJ questions.

"They do treat patients with all types of disabilities, whether it's developmental, physical, or emotional." Emily explains....a small spark lights in my mind quickly opening my file flipping through the photos again.

"Well, my guess is this guy had all 3." Derek begins as Spence looks up from his own file watching me in concern. "Let's look at the physical. He's got the upper body strength to kill but the victims bruises tells us that he was using restraints."

"But they weren't....restraints that is." I grab the photos of the bruises. "They aren't around the hands and feet where you typically restrain a victim. It was bugging me the tramline bruises, trying to figure out what it means until Emily talked about physical disabilities and it hit me. I got tramline bruising on my inner thighs once granted they were bigger in size because it was a chair....which is not exactly as easy as you might think....Spence had to...."

"Finnegan." Hotch interrupts me. Spence's cheeks turning pink.

"Right...sorry....physical infirmity, strong arms. I think the unsub is in a wheelchair and the victims were straddling it. That's why the tramline bruises are shaped like a rod." I finally get to the point.

"That would explain the van parked in the loading zone. Handicap permits grant access all over the city. I'll call Garcia." JJ offers before getting up and walking out.

"We should talk to social workers, physical therapists, anyone who deals directly with the disabled." Hotch mentions.

"Given the anger and inability to perform, those injuries are not recent." Derek points out.

"His explosive outbursts could be built up frustration, which usually manifests when things are out of one's control, like an accident." Spence explains meeting my gaze.

"So whoever's helping him has a definite loyalty, even a responsibility." I say.

"The caregiver could have caused the impairment." Hotch suggests.

"He's the one who has shown remorse and guilt. He might have a sense of morality." Rossi points out.

"If that's the case the best way to break up a partnership is to drive a wedge between them." Emily mentions looking between Rossi and then Derek when he speaks up adding to what she said.

"And the key to doing that is to tell the caregiver he's forgiven. Give him the strength to leave."

"I'll tell Agent Brooks to organize a press conference." Hotch states walking out to find her.

Derek asks what everyone wants for dinner, before we all jot down our order. He takes Emily with him while Rossi goes off to grab another cup of coffee. I look over to Spence feeling a bit guilty that I rambled on about our sex life.

"Hey....I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Tramline and me...." He turns to look at me his brows raised.

"Sunny I'm not embarrassed about that. I think it's pretty clear to the whole team that we have a healthy sex life." He scoots a little closer setting his pencil down.

"Then why did you blush?" I question, his hand tucking back some of my wild curls.

"Because I was vividly remembering that night....the way you arched in to name slipping from your lips breathlessly...." His voice was low, leaning closer to me.

His hand slowly travels towards my thigh, sliding it up, unbuttoning my pants with practiced ease before slipping his hand inside. I let out a gasp when I feel his fingers circle my cl*t.

"Spence....we shouldn't be doing this....the doors open.....Rossi could come back any second." I whimper when he applies pressure, my core already tightening.

"I better be fast than...." He states while I bite my lip holding in a moan. I slouch down in my seat, widening my legs making it easier for him. "Good girl."

My cheeks burn with a heated blush as another whimper escapes. Every muscle tenses as my legs start to tremble and the fire burning in my core explodes. Spence quickly leans in slamming his lips against mine to silence my moans. His fingers continue their rhythm as I ride out my org*sm.

Once I relax he slips his hand out while I button myself back up. My whole body freezes when I watch him lick his fingers. I'm literally stunned silent...only for a moment.

"" I stumble out. I'm pretty sure my brain is short circuiting because forming coherent words is not happening.

"So I was thinking while making my coffee that we need to start thinking about what kind of music we plan on playing at the reception." Rossi casually mentions walking back in startling me as I jump in my seat. Spence smirks knowing that we were only minutes away from being caught. This Spence....dominate Spence is f*cking sexy.

"Let me guess you're wanting a bit of Frank Sinatra, The Rat Pack, Tony Bennett and Paul Anka." I co*ck a brow in his direction coming to sit down across from us. Spence picks up his pencil again with the same hand he just used to send me into another blissful universe.

"It's called having taste Sunny." He retorts raising his own brow at me.

"I will have you know my taste in music is impeccable. Taylor Swift is a lyrical genius and I will not allow you to slander her name old man."

"Don't remind me. I had to listen to that one album on repeat when you lived with me....about belonging or understanding..." He tries to recall.

"You did it now." Spence mutters shaking his head.

On instinct I start acapella-ing the sh*t out of this song.

"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset, she's going off about something that you said, 'cause she doesn't get your humor like I do..."I do a little shimmy dance before turning to Spence holding my hand microphone towards him.

He looks at me completely confused before I whisper sing the song. His eyebrows raising in realization.

"I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night, I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like, and she'll never know your story like I do.." He pushes the microphone back towards me. God I love that he goes along with my ridiculous ideas.

He gives Rossi a pointed look. "I told you this was going to happen." Before sitting back in his chair to watch me perform the best office concert. I stand up out of my chair with a flourish.

"But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, she's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers, dreaming about the day when you wake up and find, that what you're looking for has been here the whole time..." I climb onto the table getting ready for my grand finale, because let's face it. I can't perform the entire song without background tracks.

"Sunday get down." Rossi warns but I ignore him. Doing a well choreographed dance I made up back when I lived with Rossi in the comforts of my bedroom.

"If you could see that I'm the one, who understands you, been here all along, so, why can't you see? You belong with me.....You belong with me..."I point to Spence at the end.

He claps from his seat with a giant smile, Rossi shakes his head trying hard not to grin himself. I'm just about to get off the table with Spence's help when the rest of the team comes walking in watching me suspiciously.

"Do I even want to know?" Hotch questions with obvious annoyance.

"No." Rossi states at the same time I say "Yes." We both look back at each other before I stick my tongue out at him.

"You missed my concert." I explain.

"Somehow I think I'll live another day." Hotch says sarcastically taking a seat like the others. We dig into our food while we brainstorm.



"Everything about Julie Harmon's murder was different. It was the most violent and remorseful. It's like the partners were each at their extremes." Derek suggest looking up at our board.

"All of the bodies were disposed of in a nurturing way, but you're right Julie was wrapped in plastic. It's neat. It's almost too neat." Emily says looking at D.

"Just gonna spit ball here since I've been thinking this for awhile but maybe the caretaker is a woman." I point out. "By nature women prefer cleaner disposal methods."

"I don't know. I mean, you saw that terrain it was something serious." Derek argues. "I mean, no offense, ladies, but Reid, Finnegan, and I hiked up that ridge and there's no way a woman, physically fit or not, could carry dead weight all that way."

I co*ck a brow. "Challenge accepted."

Derek looks at me with pinch brows. "Sunny that wasn't a challenge....I'm just making an observation."

"An observation that sucked and was offensive. Once we are done we're going to go back to the ridge and I'm dragging JJ up it just to prove that woman can do anything a man can do." I tell him.

"Um you are not dragging me." JJ objects.

"Okay Emily...." I begin to say but she shakes her head in protest too.

"Jesus. How am I supposed to prove him wrong if neither of you will let me drag you up a damn hill." I sigh in frustration.

"You can drag me up a hill." Spence offers giving me a sweet smile.

"That's unfair he's a string bean. He'll be too easy to drag." Emily quips.

"Hey. My fiance is not a string bean. You would be surprised at what he's hiding underneath all those cardgains." I defend. Spence gives me a grin.

Derek folds his arms leaning back in his chair. "You can drag Reid but you have to do all 52.6 yards." He challenges thinking I'll fold. But I am a stubborn, stubborn woman. I size up Spence for a moment before turning back to Derek.

"You're on Morgan."

"This is going to be good." He chuckles, rubbing his hands together.

"Okay now that, that's settled..." JJ quips.

"If the caretaker is a woman, and she doesn't have the strength to dump the body like Morgan is suggesting, we've already profiled that the partner's in a wheelchair, it would make it impossible for him to help with disposal." Emily gets us back on track while JJ stands up to get a closer look at the board.

"So there's a third person involved. That rarely works. It's alway two against one." Derek mentions.

"They'd have to trust one another completely. What kind of relationship involves that dynamic?" Spence questions looking over towards me and the others.

"They'd have to be incredibly good friends." Derek suggests.

"Or blackmailing one another." Emily adds.

"Siblings." Spence states.

Or parents....

"What if it's parents protecting a child?" JJ takes the words right out of my mouth. "They raise them. They root for them."

"The family that kills together......" I trail off.

"They would share the same genes. Apples don't fall far from the tree." Emily says.

"A parent would hold themselves accountable. That explains the guilt." Spence explains.

"But what kind of sick family pulls this off?" Derek questions.

"One that's probably done it before." Spence answers his brows pinching together.

"This just gives a whole other meaning to dysfunctional family." I state, earning a few head shakes.

We gather Hotch and Rossi going over what we discovered. I sit in between Derek and Spence on a desk. Spences hand already brushing against mine.

"We think they have an only child. It's unlikely a sibling would participate in something this extreme." JJ explains.

"If they felt responsible for his accident, they might have rationalized doing anything to make him happy." Hotch suggest.

"Well, we doubt murder is something they planned. It's more like a lethal side effect of their son's condition." Derek says gaining everyone's attention. Spence's free hand comes up to rest under his chin, his index finger brushing along his lips making me utterly distracted.

"If there was orbital cortex damage from the accident, it would help explain why killing is his release." I offers a suggestion.

"If the mother has psychopathic tendencies, she could have passed it down through the x chromosome." Spence explains.

"Garcia's looking up accidents now that have the parents at fault." JJ informs Hotch.

"That list has to be long." Rossi mentions.

"It is. So she's also looking for unsolved cases in the state. There's a good chance this isn't the first time the son's acted out." I explain to him and Hotch.

JJ's phone starts to ring before she answers it, letting Pen know she's on speaker.

"Ok, the only thing I can find that's remotely similar to this is from five years ago. A coed at Georgia State was stabbed and left in a park." She informs us.

"My bonny lass, did she have bruises on her inner thighs?" I question.

"Sunday Finnegan did you just outlander me?" Pen questions.

"I did."

"I love you, anyway....M.E. says.....yes, she did."

"All right, Garcia, check student enrollment for that year. For students with campus handicap permits." Hotch orders.

"I got bushelful of matches. Let's narrow this down." She advises.

"Look for in state residents. If the unsub was injured, there's a good chance he stayed close to home." JJ suggests.

"They're all locals." Penny states.

"The parents would have covered it up and they would have pulled their son out of school after the murder." Emily tells her.

"Eureka. Jeffery Collins. He dropped out of school weeks after the murder and since lived with his parents."

"What's his story?" Derek asks her curiously.

"Sending it to you right now. He's the only child of Linda and Donald Collins. He was a local athlete who became paralyzed when he was in a car accident when he was 15." She tells while Derek scrolls through the information she sent us.

"It says here the mother was driving, but the injuries weren't consistent with being behind the wheel." Derek mentions while Spence and I lean in looking at his tablet. We both notice the same thing as Spence speaks up.

"Oh but the father's were. Look. Broken ribs, ruptured spleen, minor concussion."

"He's obviously the one who hit the steering wheel." I state.

"Let me guess. The father was drunk." Rossi declares.

"Yeah. Twice the legal limit." Pen answers him over the phone.

"Sounds like they switched places and she covered for him." Rossi suggests.

"But helping your husband avoid a DUI is far different than helping your son dispose of bodies." Spence points out.

"Not necessarily. The mother fixes things. She could have manipulated the husband into making up for his failure." Hotch argues.

"Garcia, you got an address?" Derek looks over towards the phone.

"Sending it to you now."

Hotch lets me tag along even though I'm still not cleared to be in the field. I didn't want to stay cooped up in the office waiting for everyone again.

We get a call on our way to the Collin's home letting us know that Donald Collins ran into a pole killing himself on impact. Brooks walks us through the scene of the accident. She hands Emily a letter they found in his coat pocket. Confessing to all four murders.

"Even in death he's still covering for his son." Emily says slightly shocked. She hands it off to Hotch to look at.

"No one else in the car?" He questions.

"No." Brooks shakes her head.

Spence leans down looking at the road and grass behind us. "No skid marks. He probably hit the pole going about 65 mph."

"He committed suicide. It looks like he was trying to replicate the accident that made Jeff a paraplegic. This was his ultimate penance." Emily mention as Spence stands back up, his hand brushing mine.

"Is this their endgame?" Hotch questions.

"If he was trying to replicate the accident, Jeff and Linda would have both been in the car." Spence argues Emily's theory.

"So where are they?" I question my gaze meeting Spences, his brows furrowed lost in thought. "Home." He suggests.

We get a call from Rossi shortly after letting us know that they have Jeffery in custody but Linda didn't make it. In one final crazed act of delusion she tried to kill her own son in an act of preservation to keep him from going to jail.


"Okay pretty girl. What's see what you got." Derek smirks clearly ready to enjoy this.

Spence lays down on the ground as I grab his wrist careful not to yank him to hard. I drag him a few feet with ease before his weight starts to become a bit heavier. I push through getting another few feet but not nearly enough.

I switch positions midway through, making sure to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth.

"Ready to give up?" Derek chuckles watching me struggle a bit.

"I'm just getting started baby." I wink before grabbing a hold of Spence's ankles.

I'm over halfway done but I'm gassed. Spence keeps whispering words of encouragement as I continue my pace. I can't imagine how I'm going to drag Spence's body up the ridge....but I'll figure it out.

"You're slowing down Sunny." Derek teases trying to egg me on.

"You would be too if you had to do this." I bite back. Irraitied that he could clearly hear how bad I'm huffing and puffing.

"Just admit defeat Sun." He tries to persuade me but I'm not falling for it. I hold out my middle finger before resuming.

I drop Spence's ankles, my hands immediately going to my hips as I desperately trying to pull air into my lungs. I've made it to the ridge but now I have to figure out the best way to get my fiance up this hill. I try grabbing his wrists again failing miserably at pulling him up the hill. He slides back down when I can't keep my grip. My hands are completely shot. I massage them for a moment when I get an idea....might not be my greatest but it might just work.

I roll my shoulders trying to get myself ready for what I'm about to do. I crouch down like I'm about to deadlift....which technically I am. I place my hands under Spence evenly before straining to pick him up like you would hold a baby. My legs tremble furiously. His body was so tall coupled with my short stature it makes this even more difficult.

I know he is struggling not to help me as I try to maneuver his body around to put him on my shoulder. Derek watches silently in shock as I somehow manage to pull it off getting Spence over my shoulder. The only issues is, my legs are shaking like a newborn doe as I struggle up the ridge.

"You are stronger than you realize baby." Spence's voice floats up from behind me. I take a deep breath before climbing the ridge with the grace of a sloth. The moment I reach the top Spence slides off me as I collapse on the ground.

Good god my body was hurting everywhere. Pain just radiating from every joint. I was going to be sore for weeks....weeks. But I did it.

I give Derek both my middle fingers. "What was that about a woman, physically fit or not, could not carry dead weight all that way?" I question before I see him standing over me with a smirk.

"Sunday Finnegan you are the most stubborn woman I know....and the strongest. I take back everything I said." He offers me his hand.

"Good....because someone is gonna have to carry me to the car now." I state still struggling to catch my breath. His laughter bursts out of his chest as him and Spence help me up.

"Hop on" Spence grins as I climb on his back getting a piggyback ride.

I hold my hand onward "We ride at dawn bitches!"


JJ hangs up her phone with a sigh on the jet home across from me.

"Ohh still no sitter?" Emily asks sitting down by her.

"My sitter is not available. Apparently I have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a sitter on a Saturday night."

Spence turns the page in his book, while I rest on his arm completely and utterly sore.

"What's going on tonight?" He questions.

"Salsa. It's supposed to be tonight." I remind him. He nods his head, it might have helped if I had remember to tell him the date but since I forgot, this is my hey by the way I'm apparently going out tonight.

"JJ forgot to book her sitter." Emily tells him.

Spence whips his head up. "I'll do it." He says eagerly.

"Spence...." JJ looks at him unsure.

"What? I've seen every episode of "Mr. Belvedere." He tells her confidently.

"You've never babysat by yourself before." JJ argues.

"Perfect than I guess this would be a good excuse for me to stay home and help Spence. Besides I miss Henry, it's been too long since he got some Auntie Sunny time." I suggest.

"Oh aren't getting off the hook for this. You're going unless you want Penelope Garcia's wrath." Emily looks at me pointedly from across the way. "He could do a couple of hours." Emily helps persuades JJ trying to be encouraging.

"What could possibly go wrong?" He questions her. "I was going to be a dad. I read all the books. I've got this."

JJ finally agrees to let Spence babysit Henry alone. Us ladies on the other hand might have went a little too hard on the drinks that we had to call Derek to come pick us up and take all of us home.

I think I might actually wack Penny upside her head for planning a girls night the night before Hotch has his big triathlon, which means waking up bright and early to a crowd full of cheering people. It's atrocious how cheery they are.

My sunglasses are on and a big cup of coffee is permanently attached to my hand as I lean against the fence promising myself that I'm not going to vomit. Spence is standing next to me waving a flag ridiculously fast as he bounces up and down cheering for every single person that crosses the finish line. He's lucky I love him so much.

"Couple hours. Couple hours. You guys didn't come home til sunrise." Spence complains loudly.

"Mistakes were made." I groan.

"Why is he yelling?" JJ questions irritated.

"Sunny make your fiancé stop." Emily begs.

"I would but right now I don't feel like kissing." I tell them.

"Okay. Jack. Earmuffs for a minute. Earmuffs." Derek says looking up at Jack on his shoulders. "What did you guys drink last night?" He questions giving us all a judgemental look.

"The green fairy" Pen answers him.

"Ugh please don't ever say that name again." I moan. Spence comes up behind me holding my waist as I melt into his embrace. He leans down to kiss my cheek a couple of times finally stopping his loud cheering.

"Your in the FBI could you get the entire crowd to stop cheering?" Pen asks him seriously.

"By my estimates, Hotch will be finishing any minute." Spence states behind me.

"I'm so hungover I can't even comprehend how hot that probably was." I tilt my head up to meet his gaze, a giant grin was plastered on his face.

"Do you see him Auntie Sunny?" Jack asks me from Dereks shoulders.

"You know what buddy. I think Uncle Dave has a better vantage point than Auntie Sunny." I give him a smile even though my head was throbbing like a strobe light.

"I think I see him kiddo." Rossi states.

Rossi points towards a figure coming our way. "There he is. Right there!" He shouts as everyone starts to cheer. Spence gets super excited bouncing behind me in excitement. When Hotch spots us he gets a huge smile on his face before crossing the finish line.

"Let's go see your dad Jack" Derek tells him walking away from our spot.

Spence helps lead me away, I grab his arms keeping them tightly wrapped around me. Reminding myself to never drink a sip of alcohol again.

Derek sets Jack down as he runs to Hotch. "You did it!" He shouts proudly at his dad. My hungover heart melting as I watch.

"I did Buddy! Can you believe it?" He smiles big at Jack.

"Did you see my sign?" He asks Hotch, the big colorful poster.

"I did. That's for you...." He gives Jack his medal. "Your sign's fantastic."

"Look at you. How do you feel?" Rossi questions with a smile.

"I think I'm gonna live." Hotch jokes.

"That's pretty impressive. I had money on the swim killing you." Emily teases.

"I practiced." He states, trying to catch his breath.

"And it paid off. Good job." Derek smiles, his arm wrapped around Pen's shoulders.

"Thank you."

"Hey you guys want something to eat?" Spence asks.

"Yeah, something greasy please." I beg him.

"Oh, yeah!" Emily and JJ both agree.

"Hotchner!" A beauitful woman shouts from the crowd stealing all of our attention.

"Beth!" He waves hello. "Jack there's someone I want you to meet. Come here." Hotch grabs Jacks hand leading him over to her.

"Oh my god!" I say in disbelief. "Oh my god! Boss Man has a girlfriend! Holy sh*t!"

"Sunday." Rossi looks at me with a playful warning.

"Way to go Hotch" I whistle before we all walk off to find greasy food.

Cardigans and Converse // Spencer Reid - Chapter 60 - RaeJenn15 (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.