All Zeffo Secret Locations - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Guide - IGN (2025)


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This page will show all the locations of Secrets that you can find in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

As Cal Kestis explores the galaxy, he may come across areas that contain unique Force Echo's that unlock Secrets. By interacting with the locations, he will unlock upgrades that increase both his Life and Force.

To make things as easy as possible, all Secret locations have been broken down and categorized into the areas in which they are found.


Derelict Hangar

Stim Canister 01 | Derelict Hanger

Stim Canister 01 - Derelict Hanger

The third stim canister can be found on Zeffo near the Derelict Hangar location. In order to find this canister, follow the main path pthe two Skazz that are attacking the dead Storm Trooper. Once you reach the fork in the road, head right and jump across to the small cave.

Once you are inside the cave, using your lightsaber as a light source, turn left and walk across the pipe until you reach the platform. It is here, at the top of the metal platform, that you will find the yellow chest.

Gusty Bluffs

Life Essence 1/1 - Imperial Excavation | Pressured for Relics 03

Life Essence 1/1 - Imperial Excavation | Pressured for Relics 03


This particular echo is a little confusing, so be sure to use the images provided as a guide. To find this Life Essence, make your way through the first two large fans.

Once you reach the last fan, slow the fan on an angle that will allow you to jump to the ledge above that has the Mediation point. At this point, continue through the fans until you reach the ledge at the other side.

Make your way through the cave until you come across the Life Essence hidden on top of a crate.

Auger Pulverisers

Life Essence 1/1 - Project Auger Officer | New Officer 02

Life Essence 1/1 - Project Auger Officer | New Officer 02

When leaving the Pulveriser tunnel, you'll encounter a makeshift fence. Slow the Pulveriser below and jump down onto it. Continue slowing the remaining two Pulverises as you make your way towards the ledge.


Here you'll find the Force Echo near the center of the platform.

Ice Caves

1/1 Stim Canister - Ice Caves

1/1 Stim Canister - Ice Caves

Found within the Ice Caves on Zeffo, this Stim Canister requires the use of Force Push, Force Pull, Powered Zipline, and Overcharge in order to get to.

While the chest may be located in the Ice Caves, the only way to access it is by going through the very end of the Imperial Dig Site. Using the vine at the back of the Dig Site, swing on it and use it to propel you onto the zipline. BD-1 will then kick in and power you up the line. Once you reach the ledge, follow the path until you come across the bright yellow chest that sits along the wall.

Crash Site

Secret 1/1 - Life Essence | Zeffo Culture - Zeffonian Cranium 08

Secret 1/1 - Life Essence | Zeffo Culture - Zeffonian Cranium 08


Head towards the Southern area of the Crash Site and look for a small platform that is attached to the side of the large rock wall.

Climb the rope that is attached to the platform and you will find the entrance to a small cave.

Using BD-1's Overcharge ability, activate the pulverizers and use your Slow and Force abilities to climb onto the large moving blocks.

You will find the Secret on top of a small ledge at the back of the room.

Broken Wing

Force Essence Secret 1/1 | Venator Wreck | Transmission 03

Force Essence Secret 1/1 | Venator Wreck | Transmission 03


You'll find the Transmission Force Echo in the fan control room which can be reached via the elevator that is activated through the electrified water puzzle.

Venator Wreckage

Stim Canister 1/3 - Venator Wreck | Order 66 Executed 08

Stim Canister 1/3 - Venator Wreck | Order 66 Executed 08

From the Meditation Point, take the rope to your right all the way to the top. Use your Force Pull to grab the rope dangling over the gap and swing across to the location above the moving propeller.

From here, Force Pull the next rope and look across the gap, and you'll spot a dead Stormtrooper on a ledge high above. Here you'll find the Force Echo.

Stim Canister 2/3

Stim Canister 2/3


Toward the end of the Venator wreck, you'll run into a puzzle room that can be tricky to solve.

How to Solve the Lift and Block Puzzle in the Venator Wreck:

The hints aren't helping much, but let you know the crucial tip that pushing the lift will move it past the panel and that timing is everything. First, Force Push the block to the other end of the room and use it to jump up to the platforms. There's an electrical cable hanging from the ceiling above, highlighted in blue to show that you can interact. If you can't reach it, you may have to switch the panel orientation via the terminal at the other end of the room. Switch it back, then you can easily reach the cable and slash it with your lightsaber.

Force Push the block back to the middle of the room. Have BD-1 overcharge the terminal and a panel lowers. You want the setup to be that the vertical panel lets you wall-run to the platform on the other side. The platform should not block your path, but be in the lower position. The final piece of the puzzle is that you need the block in the right spot to let you jump to the wall-run panel. To do that, simply Force Push it towards the panel and then quickly freeze it in place. Jump on top, jump at the panel, wall-run and land on the platform on the other side. Jump across and you get to the final area housing your rewards.

You will find the following collectibles:

  • Poncho Material: Starfighter
  • BD-1 Skin: Cantonica
  • Lightsaber Material: Chromium

More importantly, the room will lead you to the most important treasure, a yellow crate containing a Stim Canister.

Life Essence Secret 3/3 | Venator Wreck | Survivor 11

Life Essence Secret 3/3 | Venator Wreck | Survivor 11

Located on the corpse of a fallen Stormtrooper, you'll find this Force Echo by the zipline just before the elevator leading to the Imperial Dig Site.


Tomb of Eilram

Force Essence 1/1 Zeffo Culture | Mediation Relics

Force Essence 1/1 Zeffo Culture | Mediation Relics

Upon solving the puzzle that requires you to manipulate the large sphere into the center of the room with the gusts of wind, the middle piece will rise into the air to reveal a hidden area beneath. In this area, you will find a Force Echo.

Force Essence 2/2 | Zeffo Culture | Offerings 03

Force Essence 2/2 | Zeffo Culture | Offerings 03

Tucked away in the corner of the room with the second Tomb Guardian, you will find the Echo behind a wall. Look for the nearby Skungus, and use your Force abilities to Push it into the wall in order to blow it up.


Imperial Dig Site

Stim Canister 1/1 | Imperial Excavation | Closing In 08

Stim Canister 1/1 | Imperial Excavation | Closing In 08

From the main bridge, take the zipline that travels in the direction of the elevator that leads to the Venator Wreckage.

When reaching the end of the zipline, jump down on the platform below.

Using the pole at the end of the platform, cross over the gap and into a small secret room. Here you'll find the Force Echo and a Stim Canister.

Tomb of Miktrull


Life Essence Secret 1/2 | Sage Miktrull | Zeffo Laborer 04

Life Essence Secret 1/2 | Sage Miktrull | Zeffo Laborer 04

In the area where you are required to move the walls to progress, you will find the Secret behind a wall. This wall is located at the base of the large circular structure in the area and not too far after defeating the Purge Trooper.

Using a nearby Skungus, use your Force abilities to Push the spiky plant into the wall to blow it up.

Force Essence Secret 2/2 | Sage Miktrull | Zeffo Soldier Remains 07

Force Essence Secret 2/2 | Sage Miktrull | Zeffo Soldier Remains 07

This particular Secret area is rather tricky to access and will require you to use your Force abilities. Located in the room next to the Latern room, use your Force Push ability to break a nearby wall. Following the path, you will eventually come across several plants blocking your way.

Using your ability, Pull one of the large candles towards the door until it burns down the plants. With the plants gone, use your Force Push to throw the candle into the opening above the door. You can open the door by tying the Rope.

Enter through the door and pick up the candle tossed on the other side to light up the plants covering the wall. Climb up the wall, and you will find the Echo.

Up Next: All Zeffo Force Echo Locations

PreviousAll Zeffo Cosmetic Chest LocationsNextAll Zeffo Force Echo Locations

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All Zeffo Secret Locations - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Guide - IGN (1)

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All Zeffo Secret Locations - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Guide - IGN (2025)


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