9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (2024)

Though many think of eggplant as a vegetable, it’s technically a fruit, belonging to the nightshade family. Eggplants are most often purple in appearance though other colors and varieties do exist. To some, eggplant can seem like an intimidating ingredient and be passed over at the grocery store, but it doesn’t have to be! They have a whole slew of health benefits and can be used to make everything from dips to main dishes and even chips! Read below to learn why you should incorporate more eggplant into your diet (especially if you’re pregnant or trying to lose weight!) and our favorite healthy recipes and tips!

Health Benefits of Eggplant

  1. They can improve memory and cognitive function.

Eggplant gets it’s purple color from a substance called nasunin, a powerful antioxidant that protects the lipids (fats) in your brain and eats up free radicals in your body that can cause damage to cells. Eggplant also contains phytonutrients that keep your brain safe from toxins and increase blood flow to improve memory and cognitive function. Count us in!

Related: 9 Health Benefits of Beets (+ 11 Amazing Recipes!)

  1. They’re beneficial for weight loss.

Eggplant is made up of 90% water making it incredibly low calorie. In fact, it’s roughly around 132 calories for the entire vegetable making it a good option for those looking to lose weight. The below eggplant chips make for a great low calorie snack or try using them in our eggplant parmesan recipes below rather than chicken to bring the calories down.

  1. They’re rich in vitamins and fiber.

Eggplants provide a wide variety of nutrients beneficial for health. Per 1 cup serving, eggplant provides 10% of your daily value of fiber, critical to digestion, and 7% of your daily value of copper and vitamin B1. Eggplant is also a good source of manganese, vitamin B6 & B3, vitamin K, potassium and folate (see below).

  1. They reduce your risk of heart disease.

Thanks to the combination of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, eggplants have been shown to lower rates of heart disease. The addition of vitamin K and E also helps to prevent calcification in the arteries and lower blood pressure.

this for later
  1. They contain anti-cancer properties.

Like many other fruits and vegetables, eggplant contains polyphenols and antioxidants which are know to reduce inflammation in the body, which is the cause of many diseases. In fact, these properties can help prevent tumor growth and fight cancerous cells.

  1. They can fight aging.

As mentioned above, the presence of nasunin in eggplant can reduce cell damage and thus fight the effects of aging. Vitamin E, present in eggplant, also plays a role as an anti-aging nutrient due to it’s ability to improve moisture and skin elasticity. Some even recommend blending eggplant with yogurt and applying to skin as a mask to reduce age spots!

  1. They’re good for bone health.

Eggplants can also help create strong bones due to a number of nutrients and properties. They are a good source of iron, calcium, potassium and phenolic compounds that can all fight osteoporosis and improve bone health.

  1. They’re recommended for pregnant women.

Folic acid is necessary for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby as folates are known to help prevent tubal defects in infants. Eggplant is a good source of folate which is why its’ recommended to expecting mothers.

  1. They can help manage diabetes.

Thanks to it’s high fiber content and low glycemic index which won’t spike insulin levels, eggplant can be used to control and manage diabetes. Plus, at only 21.1 grams of carbohydrates for a 1-pound eggplant and 12.5 grams of fiber, it’s a healthy low carb option with much to offer nutritionally.

Healthy Eggplant Recipes

  1. Paleo Stuffed Eggplant with Ground Beefby The Healthy Maven

9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (2)

As the temperatures start to cool, this stuffed eggplant dinner will be a comfort food hit for the family. If you’ve got little ones, they can even help you stuff the eggplant boats for a fun, interactive meal. Plus, this recipe is incredibly versatile so you can easily swap ingredients in and out based on what you have on hand. You can even skip the beef and add in extra vegetables or beans to make it vegetarian!

  1. Eggplant Parmesan Chips by Sugar Free Mom

9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (3)

Dehydrated or baked, we love making big batches of veggies chips to have on hand when the snack bug strikes. These eggplant parmesan chips are low carb, crunchy and everything you could want in a chip without the guilt! And even if you don’t like eggplant, you still have got to try these; it’s not the same flavor or texture.

  1. Slow Cooker Sausage and Vegetable Ratatouille by Everyday Maven

9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (4)

Originating out of France, ratatouille is what you might call a French vegetable stew. Eggplant is a staple in most ratatouilles but it’s also packed with tons of other vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini and onions. This particular recipe also adds sausage in for a nice punch of flavor and protein. Oh, and did I mention it’s made in the slow cooker? Easy!

  1. Healthy Eggplant Parmesan​ by Sugar Free Mom

9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (5)

Skip the chicken parmesan for an easier and lower calorie eggplant parmesan. We love eggplant parmesan, but even when you choose eggplant over chicken, it can still be a heavy dish. This lightened up recipe uses panko breadcrumbs and is baked in the oven to get that yummy crispy texture that everyone loves! This seemingly indulgent meal is great for both vegetarians and meat lovers alike.

  1. Roasted Eggplant and Zucchini Bruschetta with Basil and Feta by Ambitious Kitchen

9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (6)

Tired of the same old tomato bruschetta? This roasted eggplant and zucchini bruschetta is a fun twist on the classic. It still pairs well with basil, but instead of mozzarella, this recipe uses feta to incorporate a bit of Mediterranean flavor. These bruschettas are great to set out at a party or to serve as an appetizer before dinner.

  1. Healthy Baba Ghanoush by Minimalist Baker

9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (7)

Baba ghanoush is a Middle Eastern dip made with eggplants and it’s quite delicious if you’ve never tried it. It’s very similar to hummus using tahini, lemon, garlic and olive oil all blended together but instead of chickpeas, it uses roasted eggplant for a unique flavor. It’s perfect to eat with veggies or pita chips!

Other tips:

  • The easiest (and often most delicious) way to cook eggplants is to simply roast them in the oven. Preheat to 475, cut into cubes and with a drizzle of olive oil, sea salt & pepper for 25 minutes. You can eat them as is as a side dish or put them into a recipe like baba ghanoush!
  • Another simple way to include eggplant as a dinner side dish is to throw it on the grill. We like to marinate it as well as some other veggies like zucchini and bell peppers in Italian dressing for a fun kick and then give it a nice char until it’s softened.
  • Panini’s are incredibly versatile so there’s no reason you can’t throw some eggplant slices into one. We recommend roasting the vegetable first as it won’t cook properly if it’s put into the sandwich raw. Pair with mozzarella or goat cheese and whatever other veggies you have laying around!
  • Eggplant can easily go into any pasta dish as well! Cook your noodles al dente and sauté some onion, garlic and eggplant in a pan with olive oil. Add some roasted tomatoes, top with a bit of parmesan, salt and pepper and herbs and combine with your pasta!

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9 Health Benefits of Eggplant (+ 6 Non-Intimidating Recipes!) (2024)


What organ is eggplant good for? ›

Eggplants are a nutrient-rich food that contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They may benefit your overall health, including your heart. Eggplants, also known as aubergines, belong to the nightshade family of plants and are used in many different dishes around the world.

What are the health benefits of eggplant? ›

Eggplant has antioxidants like vitamins A and C, which help protect your cells against damage. It's also high in natural plant chemicals called polyphenols, which may help cells do a better job of processing sugar if you have diabetes.

Should you eat eggplant everyday? ›

The bottom line, if the level of inflammation in the body is low, one can enjoy eggplant and nightshades in moderation. But if you suffer from any chronic inflammatory conditions you might consider limiting your consumption of eggplant until the causes of inflammation resolved.

Does eggplant help gut health? ›

The high fiber content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to maintaining a balanced diet, is a great way to improve your gastrointestinal health. This means that when you've gotta go, eating eggplant regularly will help everything move along smoothly!

What part of eggplant can't you eat? ›

If you're not eating raw eggplant, it is worth a try—just avoid those eggplant leaves and flowers as they can be toxic.

What does eggplant do for the brain? ›

Eggplants are a good source of phytonutrients, that boost cognitive function and mental health. Eggplants increase the blood flow to the brain, boosting memory power and analytical thoughts. It is called brain food, as the potassium in eggplants acts as a vasodilator and a brain booster.

When should you not eat eggplant? ›

It's likely just been exposed to air and is experiencing enzymatic browning. An eggplant with brown spots is not safe to eat if it contains bugs or mold or exhibits other signs of spoilage. It should be thrown out.

Is eggplant healthier cooked or raw? ›

Wondering whether you can eat eggplant raw? It's OK in small quantities, but it's better if eggplant is cooked.

What is the side effect of eating too much eggplant? ›

Solanine is a natural toxin present in eggplants. Excess intake may cause vomiting, nausea and drowsiness which are all symptoms of solanine poisoning. Every edible that we consume has both benefits and side effects. Therefore, moderation in consuming anything is important.

What is the healthiest way to eat eggplant? ›

What are the healthiest cooking methods for eggplant? The healthiest cooking methods for eggplant include baking, grilling, or roasting. These methods require minimal added fats and help retain the vegetable's nutrients.

How do you remove toxins from eggplant? ›

However, eggplants also contain a substance, solanine, which is used to defend themselves against fungi and insects. It is precisely on this substance that the bitter taste of the eggplants depends. To eliminate it, the most common methods are soaking in water and vinegar and the salt technique.

Is eggplant good for kidney and liver? ›

Eggplant is low in potassium and sodium, making it an excellent choice for individuals with kidney disease. Additionally, the use of a variety of spices provides flavor without adding extra salt. This kidney-friendly dish can be enjoyed as a side dish or main course and is a great addition to any healthy diet.

What is eggplant best for? ›

Chlorogenic acid, also found in eggplant, is an antioxidant that not only helps prevent cancer but is also antibacterial and antiviral. Chlorogenic acid may also help to lower LDL cholesterol levels ('bad cholesterol). High levels of LDL cholesterol are a risk factor for heart disease.

Which vegetable is good for which organ? ›

Spinach, broccoli, collards and other leafy greens. They contain lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which help protect eye tissues. Beta-carotene powerhouses such as sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and butternut squash. Beta-carotene can help stave off macular degeneration.

Is eggplant good for arteries? ›

4 Health Benefits of Eggplants. This purple veggie may protect your arteries, help with weight management, and more.


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